View Full Version : looks like Butter.......

04-15-2002, 03:19 AM
this is a good story................his name is Merlin.


04-15-2002, 06:04 AM
Great story but Merlin's first humans really made me mad! :mad: Yes, I think it could be a long lost relative of our Butter Boy and thankfully both Butter and Merlin have found their forever homes. :)

04-15-2002, 07:51 AM
Merlin seems to have some of Butter's shredding tendencies, as well as his great looks! :D :D They really could be twins!!! :)

I cannot believe the lowlife that would have walked away and left that cat locked up in an apartment. :mad: That is so infuriating!!!

Thanks for sharing that picture!!! Butter feels like he has a soulmate now. :)

04-15-2002, 10:58 AM
Appauling behaviour!!!:mad: I really don't hope that the Lowlife's went on to another place to try and get a cat!!!

04-15-2002, 04:46 PM
yes, I agree.........wyh not just take the poor kitty to a rescue shelter? :confused:
As I have said before, SOME PEOPLE should not be allowed to have animlas :mad:

4 feline house
04-15-2002, 08:29 PM
And poor little Merlin is not the only one that has been left in a locked apartment!

Scroll down to my second post:


04-15-2002, 09:21 PM
I KNEW I'd read of a similiar situation once, somewhere ... thank heavens for you two rescuing miracle workers and for the fur-babies (and their babies) who were saved. **hugs to you both**