View Full Version : Mutts Rule

02-07-2006, 09:17 PM
My husband and I ran into a strange situation while observing a local dog contest, which included an agility course. Apparently, some people think mutts are pretty worthless. Everyone's entitled to their opinion, and their's was that if it wasn't from top knotch breeders and bloodlines, than it shouldn't have been born. Mutts contaminate good stock, I think was what we heard.

Well, our opinion is this, a good dog is a good dog, and a best friend is a best friend. The best dogs I've ever had have been mixed breeds. Pure breeds from good breeders make great dogs no doubt, and they each have their specialized characteristics. But don't knock Mutts! They rock!

So here's to all my perfectly wonderful, lovable, squeezable, pillow-hoggin' mutts! You guys rule!

02-07-2006, 10:49 PM
I agree and to tell the truth all the rescues, purebred and mutts, were better than the pure bloodline akc dogs I've had experience with. A dog is a dog is a dog. All breeds "comtaminated" good stock while they were being invented.

02-07-2006, 11:23 PM
Ditto! Almost all of our dogs growing up were mutts (mom and dad had Shelties when I was very young, but pretty much all dogs afterwards have been mutts) and I agree, mutts RULE !!! :) They can have such great personalities!

02-07-2006, 11:25 PM
Yippers for Mutts!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

02-08-2006, 01:18 AM
I love all dogs. They all have their own personalities. Cody's original owners thought the pups were all purebreed Goldens, except they realized the neighbor's dog, a Yellow Lab got to her first. Anyway, I wound up with the best of 2 breeds. When I was looking for another dog, I instantly bonded with Logan, so it wouldn't have mattered what she was, purebred or mutt. But once again, I got great mixtures.

02-08-2006, 07:59 AM
Yippee for mutts!


02-08-2006, 08:41 AM
Mutts are my favorite! Almost all of my dogs my whole life have been mutts, and they are so awesome. I can't believe people think they 'contaminate' good stock :mad:

02-08-2006, 09:01 AM
I couldn't live without my mutts!

My rule for life is that I will NEVER buy from a breeder until there are no need for shelters or rescues, and I highly doubt we will ever come to that point. I have nothing against purebreds, but I have no use spending hundreds of dollars when I can find my bestfriend near-death in a shelter, when in fact there are a lot of dogs in the shelters who are purebred.

All three of my current dogs are adopted, mutts, and yes - some of them come with baggage and pasts. But, working with them and seeing them come out of their shells... there couldn't be a better feeling than that.

02-08-2006, 09:05 AM
I've had both mutts and purebreds, and as far as I can tell, a dog is a dog is a dog. ;) They're all wonderful! Each one has such a unique personality, and they don't care one bit who is purebred and who is a mutt!

02-08-2006, 01:15 PM
I think most people are biased towards the dogs they have. I know I've been in many a training class with other purebreds and mutts and been silently thanking my lucky stars for having my Collies.

From being here on pettalk for awhile, it's pretty obvious there's just as many awesome purebreds as there are mutts, so I'm more inclined to go with the phrase Dogs Rule! ;)
