View Full Version : What Made You Smile Today?

02-07-2006, 11:52 AM
I had totally quit watching Animal Planet a while back when those cop shows came on because they make me so sad. Well, I was flipping around today and got to watch K9 Karma. This woman had four of the cutests dogs! She's a yoga teacher and even has a class using the dogs and helping them relax, too. She also took them to the dog beach and to the meat market. It was a lot of fun to see them play. One dog even jumped in the back of the wrong SUV at the market. He waited a bit before he jumped out. Very cute show. I highly recommend it.

02-07-2006, 12:02 PM

I was waiting for the bathroom this morning for about 20minutes while my sister had a shower; I had to brush my teeth..

So, finally when I get in there, I jumped in the shower and washed my hair... WITHOUT THINKING. I didn't even NEED a shower, I JUST had one at 6:00AM.

..................................I think I'm getting old.

02-07-2006, 02:18 PM
It's snowing, big fluffy flakes! :)

02-07-2006, 02:38 PM
Got to have lunch with an old friend! :) And she'll be running the Boston Marathon again this year (she was about 180th for women two years ago) and that's cool, as the marathon goes right by the end of my street.

02-07-2006, 02:41 PM
I have been at home because of computer issues, and I was able to enjoy my dogs and cats, all day, just checking on them. That made me smile!! :)

02-07-2006, 02:54 PM
Love that show, watch it all the time! They play the same "episodes" over and over, though. :p They air episodes at 11:30am & 2:30pm every weekday.

Today... my coworkers all wishing Nala a Happy Birthday!
Even the "cat people" at my work. It's nice to know that there really ARE caring people out there.

02-07-2006, 03:10 PM
Going to Wal-Mart and picking up Garth Brooks' Lost Sessions CD, and it was only $11.99. :)

02-07-2006, 03:36 PM
The weather...it is snowing like crazy. I just got in from a long run with the dog team that went perfectly. No screw-ups at all, never saw a soul on the trails. The only sound was the cruch of snow under the runners....perfect!

02-07-2006, 04:52 PM
Calling HJ on my lunch break and hearing Charlie barking at him to play in the background. :D

It makes me miss them ten times more though too lol

02-07-2006, 05:07 PM
My best friend Kevin He was making me laugh so much today and we were hanging out a lot and also when we were at camp he was so nice to me and we were having fun so that made me smile today!

02-07-2006, 05:21 PM
I had two REALLY nice compliments from a client who's usually always in a bit of a foul mood. :)

02-07-2006, 05:32 PM

We were all just in a silly mood today at work, playing jokes on each other, saying silly things. I think I was laughing most of my shift today.

02-07-2006, 05:35 PM
1. It's sunny out today.
2. I've received some emails at work from Pet Talkers today.
3. I've actually helped some people at work today.

Life is good. :)

02-07-2006, 05:37 PM
My crazy Fuzzball, Lily. :p AND My hyper Mutt Roxy :D

02-07-2006, 06:00 PM
My "friend/coworker" at work, otherwise known as "you-know-who". He makes me laugh and smile everyday :D :D :D

02-07-2006, 06:04 PM
My grandaugter, she is so clumsly, she pulled the sliding screen door complety off, and i have no idea how she managed it..her name is Paige but we call her Grace..lol..lol.. :p

02-07-2006, 06:33 PM
Karen's rhyming poem in the post about reading.... :D
That's some good rhyming and funny poem. :p

02-07-2006, 07:19 PM
My brother. :D

he can do a pretty good Chewie(off Star wars?) sound effects. LOL
and he does a bunch of other cookey sound effects that crack me up

yes.. were bored and ready for spring. LOL ;)

02-07-2006, 07:32 PM
A friend is helping with some serious coding in the backend of a website I am creating.
He gave me the fixed code this morning, and when I put it in and ran it it popped up a message
"South Africa Lost The Cricket"


Which we did ........... but, it made me laugh so much because I wasn't expecting it!

02-07-2006, 07:32 PM
Seeing someone on my block who has a pitbull and LOVES the breed. The pitbull is so nice. I am so happy that there is an example of how this breed really is on my block since everyone on my block is scared of them.

02-07-2006, 08:36 PM
I'd have to say the thing that made me smile today was this...
I babysitted my niece Allison tonight:D
Funny what fun you can have with kids, suckers and balloons!!

02-07-2006, 08:40 PM
And don't forget Nickelodeon in the background ;)

She is so cute, Anna!

02-07-2006, 08:46 PM
AW! She is adorable;)

02-08-2006, 01:28 AM
Today My Friend and I were driving home from the Gym, and we saw a baby black bunny eating grass by a thicket. It was so sweet.

02-08-2006, 06:26 AM
My son just stopped by on his way home from work (he works nights) to pick up some mail that I had for him and gave me a hug, told me he loved me and since it is trash day he took the trash out to the curb for me. What a great way to start out the day!

Anna, that pic of Allison is soooo cute! That also put a huge smile on my face. :D

02-08-2006, 06:52 AM
Seeing Dog/Cat/Pet of the day on the top of the page. :) Great idea Karen and Paul!

Maya & Inka's mommy
02-08-2006, 08:21 AM
Seeing little Snoopy washing Zazou's head, who was purring like an engine!!

02-08-2006, 10:59 AM
These are all making me smile. What made me smile today is Audrey's WIP of Duke's dream where he's flying. She'll probably kill me for putting it up here but I don't care. It's so good already and it's not finished!

02-08-2006, 11:08 AM
well i saw this yesterday i but it really made me laugh, so i tried it today to start off with a grin on my face, it was the brain test of crossing people the other side of the river posted in another thread here in general LOL

i´m glad i´m not japanese, because i would be unemployed for life!! LOL

02-08-2006, 02:43 PM
when I went back to bed...Miagi was laying with me and purring in my ear. :)

02-08-2006, 02:55 PM
Well the most hilarious thing just happened!

We have a pool, complete with a liner, but no water lol. Buttons and Mandy dug a hole in it a couple years ago (it's an above ground pool). Anyway, today I accidentally threw the basketball on a rope in there while I was playing with the Labbies. Later I told my mom about it and she told me to see if the dogs would get in when we threw the tennis ball in. So I got in the pool with the ball and in comes Nova. She went down the ladder for a few steps and then jumped in. After a few minutes Luka finally jumped in. Then I accidentally threw the ball through the hole in the liner, and Nova and Luka went in after it! They were running all around the pool, inbetween the shell (or whatever it is) and the liner, and all we could see was two bumps running around. Oh my gosh it was hilarious!! :D :D :D :D

We're going to do it again and get a video!

02-08-2006, 03:23 PM
Lol, Sarah!!! :D That was my smile for the day ;)

02-09-2006, 02:20 AM
Lol, Sarah!!! :D That was my smile for the day ;)
Glad it made someone else smile! :D

02-09-2006, 07:35 AM
That is too funny Sarah, what clowns :D.

Elvis made me smile today, he and Tinny were due to be vaccinated and El behaved so well, the vet was a locum and El usualy is not great with strangers but he did so well :D.

Buddy Blaze Lover
02-09-2006, 08:20 AM
Well, getting some e-mails from some good friends of mine made my day, as well as some encouragement from friends.:) Also thinking of my best friends and knowing how blessed I am to have them today has brought a smile to my face!:D Oh, and Domino's home too!! There's something else to smile about!!:D

02-09-2006, 12:11 PM
My first smile of the day was waking up with Frankie man in my face licking my nose. Then Beenie stretching on my legs and asking to go out.

Love my Bostons.

02-12-2006, 03:00 PM
Every post before mine made be LOL those are some good post :D

02-12-2006, 03:39 PM
The snow! The snow! And it is still snowing! :)

02-12-2006, 03:45 PM
:) I volunteered at the shelter today and Aris (a pit bull) made me smile..she was sooo sweet. I also gave Cooper (a dog that is getting adopted tomorrow) a bath and he is sweet. All the dogs made me smile there and the cats. :D when I came home my furbabies were all over me, that made me smile, too. :D

02-12-2006, 06:37 PM
This whole weekend, We went out last night and had a fantastic time and watching the videos this morning was just a nice reminder, that and spending a lazy day around the house

02-12-2006, 06:50 PM
I was having kind of a grumpy day, and a girl from our church came up from nowhere and gave me a big hug.

03-09-2006, 02:15 PM
Had to find this thread to share a story from today.

Often times this happens at my work, but today was really heartwarming.

A lady had come thru and asked to pay for the car behind her. She said that a week or so ago someone had payed for her, so she was passing on the favor. She did, and the car behind her was 2 of our regulars - a couple around in their late-70's/80's. Always very appreciative of everything. It just completely made their day that someone had payed for their meal and it couldn't have happened to two better people. :) Made mine too.

03-09-2006, 02:37 PM
Getting a super cute email from Andy. :)

03-09-2006, 02:40 PM
It snowed! :D It's melting now though...

A big head bump from Squeek. :)

03-09-2006, 02:43 PM
All of the wonderful replies from Nanooks thread! :D

03-09-2006, 02:47 PM
It's been a bad day at work, but I did smile and laugh this moring before leaving the house. It was raining and the pups were muddy and wet so I was wiping them off and Sierra started singing me a song.
(she howls, cries, talks.. etc the ENTIRE time I'm wiping her down)
I looked at Buddy and said "Isn't sissy a silly girl" He wagged his tail and gave me a big sloppy kiss!!
Now THAT made me smile again just thinking about it!! :D

03-09-2006, 02:54 PM
Watching Grant run full speed through the yard trying to get the girls to chase him. :)

03-09-2006, 03:04 PM
My brother yet again... he hit his head on something none of ever imagined possible.. LOL
hes more of a klutz then me!! and thats rather... well lets just say thats saying something..LOL

03-09-2006, 08:55 PM
My Callie June running up to the door after being outside for a pee pee. She was carrying something colorful and familiar in her mouth. After a closer look, I realized she had taken a pair of my panties with her for her bathroom break.

03-09-2006, 10:14 PM
I have to admit quite a few things have made me smile today (having the day off for one!), but the one thing that made me smile the biggest was getting the dogs howling at the phone on video! I even had to watch it again a little bit ago, of course they were all watching themselves and howling again...gosh now I can't quit smiling:D
Watch the Video! (http://youtube.com/watch?v=a91_oDG-JnQ)

Kay I loved your story. Nice to see there are still some nice people in the world!

03-09-2006, 10:32 PM

Your "Best Buds by the Pool" picture made me grin from ear to ear!!

03-10-2006, 02:31 AM
My Callie June running up to the door after being outside for a pee pee. She was carrying something colorful and familiar in her mouth. After a closer look, I realized she had taken a pair of my panties out of the pantry with her for her bathroom break.
Love it!

03-10-2006, 02:33 AM

Your "Best Buds by the Pool" picture made me grin from ear to ear!!
I'm so glad! He sure is a cutie. I've got a cute pic of the way he was sleeping that I'll have to put up.

03-10-2006, 05:30 AM
I got a phone call this afternoon (Friday) from a friend checking up on me to see how i was doing (All H**l broke loose at dog club last week) and to see if we needed somewhere to train and offered her front padock to train in :D. It was so sweet of her. Ack smiling again thiking about it :).

06-15-2006, 08:38 PM
Today I went to the park with my friend Laurie, her two youngest, and Kiara.

The kids were playing on the big jungle gym and two boys walked up and started playing with them. I'd imagine they were 15-16 years old. They were playing hide and go seek with Meegan & Truman. They were running slowly so that Meegan & Truman could catch up/run faster than them. They had so much fun and lots of giggles with those two boys.

It's great to see kids like that nowadays.

06-16-2006, 06:39 AM
it's only 7:35am. alex made me smile by kissing my handas away to get me up. right this minute, peanuts' head is on my rt thigh, and she's moaning in pleasureas i rub her right ear. two smiles and only one cup of coffee!

06-16-2006, 06:43 AM
In a little bit, I'm leaving to go on my yearly camping excursion. I love being outdoors. I'm grinning just thinking about it!

finn's mom
06-16-2006, 07:33 AM
david eating oatmeal for the first time in a long time. he makes me laugh. i'm glad this thread was brought back up, i thought about it yesterday, and, forgot again. ;) it's a good one and should always be on page one.

06-16-2006, 07:36 AM
Hearing the baby will be here any moment now! I'm gonna be a grandma sometime this weekend!!!!!1

06-16-2006, 11:09 AM
THIS made me smile today!! :D:D:D:D:D


Maya & Inka's mommy
06-16-2006, 11:12 AM
Finding all 4 cats on 1 couch :eek: !! I must have been to loud, because as soon as I grabbed my camera, 3 of them left in a hurry :rolleyes: :eek:

06-16-2006, 11:20 AM
Lily was looking at my mom with a smirky grin on her face. :p It was cute, and it made me smile..

Lady's Human
06-16-2006, 11:43 AM
Oklahoma in my rear view mirror. :D

06-16-2006, 12:05 PM
;) Of course always my kittys in the mornings before I leave for work.. For sure when I say breakfast & all the girls running so fast into the kitchen that they start sliding to stop is funny :D ..

Buddy Blaze Lover
06-16-2006, 12:10 PM
Thinking about one of my best friends, and how he makes me laugh!! haha:D (I smile just thinking about it now)

06-16-2006, 12:12 PM
Seeing the M's asleep in the living room before I left for work - Mishi curled up under the chair on top of the crinkly Santa hat that stays out all year just for them and Mitzi on the loveseat, twisted around just so that pretty little beauty spot under her chin was showing, just begging for a kiss. Of course I couldn't resist and woke her up with a smooch.

Also, I'm wearing my silver sequinned "disco ball" espadrilles from Old Navy and they always make me smile - and they are so comfy!

06-16-2006, 01:04 PM
Today is a carnival and I cant wait to go rides,reptiles [which Ill try to get some pics] face painting,games and lots of fun. :)

Also its a great day and all my birds are singing hapily. :D

06-16-2006, 01:28 PM
My brothers.

finn's mom
06-16-2006, 01:58 PM
Music has made me smile all day today! Just different random songs, like "Seven" from Prince, and, "Jesse's Girl" from Rick Springfield! Oh, and, "Staying Alive" by the Bee Gees! Feel good, smile big music! :D

06-16-2006, 02:09 PM
Sam was being his normal goofy self. He was sleeping on his back so I went to get the camera and he opened his eyes. But I got a picture of it! lol


06-16-2006, 03:32 PM
My friend and co-worker Laurie called and made sure I was feeling alright.

I wasn't feeling well (threw up all last night, etc.) so I called into work. Laurie called after her shift to make sure I was feeling better and to see if there was anything I needed.

It's great to finally have true friends!

finn's mom
06-16-2006, 03:33 PM
Hearing from my oldest friend, Ami. That girl just kicks my butt. She's the mother of two, and, her family is one I admire. Yay, Ami!

06-16-2006, 04:09 PM
what made me smile today, was the realization of how much quality there is in life.

today i got to groom a black lab that was just filled with cancer. but without anyone telling you, you would never know! he is sooo full of life and is sooo happy.

but because of his cancer, he is being put down on tuesday. (6-20) :( but i was happy because me and the rest of the staff made him gorgeous and comfortable and loved (by strangers) while he was there. :)

06-16-2006, 05:09 PM
Having a nice considerate boyfriend who listens to me moaning about my day while massaging my back :D I dont think he listens much but he put the occasional "yeah" and "I agrees" in when the convo stops so I guess It ok! lol

06-16-2006, 05:12 PM
what made me smile today, was the realization of how much quality there is in life.

today i got to groom a black lab that was just filled with cancer. but without anyone telling you, you would never know! he is sooo full of life and is sooo happy.

but because of his cancer, he is being put down on tuesday. (6-20) :( but i was happy because me and the rest of the staff made him gorgeous and comfortable and loved (by strangers) while he was there. :)

I had to post a reply to this, I bet you made that dogs day but pampering him I'm glad it made you happy, I love seeing dogs happy, I'm lucky enough to have a job with dogs and I cant say there is a day that goes past when I dont smile at least 200 times a day because of them! I think dogs give so much more than most humans!

06-16-2006, 05:35 PM
all my animals! i love just watching them play and interact with each other. especially right now when i have two kittens and a puppy. they are all so clumbsy. :D

06-16-2006, 09:08 PM
Oklahoma in my rear view mirror. :D
*snort* made me smile too. :D

06-29-2006, 10:25 AM
Well, it happened yesterday actually but it still makes me feel happy thinking about it! Yesterday was my last day at work (enough to make me smile) and 2 of my co-workers gave me a nice card and even some money for our move! I thought it was the nicest thing. :) I was very surprised and I felt very appreciated, especially since my supervisor barely said "goodbye," but I never liked her anyway. :p

Samantha Puppy
06-29-2006, 10:29 AM
I bought a new house!!!

06-29-2006, 10:30 AM
I bought a new house!!!
Wow! Congrats, that's great! How exciting. :D

10-10-2006, 09:53 PM
Listening to Duke snore just now. I never get tired of hearing that.

10-10-2006, 09:56 PM
When my husband came home from work and gave me a big hug and a kiss. That is always the highlight of my day.

Also, Teddy when he got sleepy and sleeps with his head on my lap or hubby's lap.

10-10-2006, 10:12 PM
My on line sisters. being dorks(an me along with them) on MSN :p

Toby's my baby
10-10-2006, 10:20 PM
My boyfriend. He is so special to me, and makes me smile everyday. I don't know how I could get through a day without him. He's my second half, he is the best that I could ask for. I can't even think about him without smiling. :D

Also...comming home and hearing the horses whinny as you walk towards them, and the dogs begging for your attention, and romping and playing around you as you walk outside. :D

10-11-2006, 12:52 AM
Giving my precious grandbaby her gifts for her 2nd birthday!!! :D

02-02-2007, 06:13 PM
Instead of getting in the shower at 5 tonight, I let Dasher sleep for 30 minutes. He was propped up against me, snoring like crazy. He had just gotten that way and I hated to disturb him. It was worth almost being late for work. No, he's not spoiled in any way :D

02-02-2007, 06:18 PM
Haha, my friend who was scared of Jenny finally met her. and Jenny ran right up to her and smothered her in kisses. By the end of the day my friend had Jenny doing all her tricks and even kssing her on the nose!!!

I am so glad Jenny helped one of my friends get over her fear of large dogs. :D

02-02-2007, 06:25 PM
I keep thinking about how my niece will be moved out tomorrow and I will convert that room into a scrapbooking room for my daughter, I will get my new beautiful dining room set back!

02-02-2007, 06:29 PM
Haha, my friend who was scared of Jenny finally met her. and Jenny ran right up to her and smothered her in kisses. By the end of the day my friend had Jenny doing all her tricks and even kssing her on the nose!!!

I am so glad Jenny helped one of my friends get over her fear of large dogs. :D
That is so cool that she had Jenny doing tricks.

I keep thinking about how my niece will be moved out tomorrow and I will convert that room into a scrapbooking room for my daughter, I will get my new beautiful dining room set back!
I want a craft room! I carry most of my stuff in my car. It's my mobile crafting unit.

02-02-2007, 06:31 PM
My daughter keeps all her stuff on the dining room table, its an eyesore. I dont' say a word because how many 14 year old girls would rather scrapbook than do a lot of other things.

We have a huge game room upstair but nobody wants to do anything up there, its a waste of space.

02-02-2007, 06:54 PM
Mike. :)

02-02-2007, 11:05 PM
Our normally ill-tempered throughbred horse at school stood quietly and let me brush him for almost a full ten minutes today. He looked so handsome! (I'm sure by now he's rolled in the mud to take care of that!)

02-03-2007, 06:12 AM
The fact that tomorrow's forcast keeps getting better and better. :D

Friday we had a 40% chance of rain, 59 degrees and cloudy for tomorrow.
Today to the forcast is 10% chance of rain, 61 degrees, and partly cloudy.

I've been doing the sunshine dance all week so that Joyce and I have nice weather tomorrow.

02-03-2007, 01:59 PM
I got to school early for my animal care shift, and I spent half an hour playing with the kitties. Also, our kitty who has been sick did not throw up last night!! She looks like she feels better too, all perky and affectionate.

02-03-2007, 02:14 PM
Sash always makes me smile everyday. :) Waking up to see snow again also made me smile.

02-03-2007, 02:17 PM
My first weigh in with weight watchers and I lost 11.6 pounds! Whoo Hoo! :)

02-03-2007, 04:02 PM
Something funny happened to me yeaterday that gave me a great big
reason to laugh at myself. :) I had grabbed a pair of sweats to wear after
my shower and dressed quickly as I had a lot of errands to run all day.

Everything went fine and later last evening I was just watching TV. My
legs were feeling itchy from the dry air in the house, so I pulled up my
pants leg to put on some lotion & found a big lump in the back of my leg.

I reached under & pulled out a pair of underwear that had gotten lodged
inside. LOL. I just had to laugh out loud thinking of how I would have felt
if they had fallen out while in the grocery or drug store,etc, :D My pups
thought I had lost my mind I'm sure. :D

02-03-2007, 06:08 PM
My little kitty girl Eve had a great first visit with her new Vet today and is a happy healthy furbaby - that put a HUGE Smile on my face and in my heart :D

02-03-2007, 09:33 PM
Sharing my popcorn with Dasher and listening to him crunch it. Painting pottery and having my favorite coffee drink (iced caramel machiato)

02-03-2007, 09:37 PM
that Cyree (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=121304)
got adopted today and so did an american bulldog mix named Calhoun that was at the shelter where I volunteer to a GREAT family.. :)
here's her picture..
and coming home to my furbabies made me smile and hanging out with my furbabies and family. :) and we had a nice dinner with my brother.

02-03-2007, 11:16 PM
Right now, this (http://www.petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=121362) thread here made me smile. :D

02-04-2007, 06:59 AM
Something funny happened to me yeaterday that gave me a great big
reason to laugh at myself. :) I had grabbed a pair of sweats to wear after
my shower and dressed quickly as I had a lot of errands to run all day.

Everything went fine and later last evening I was just watching TV. My
legs were feeling itchy from the dry air in the house, so I pulled up my
pants leg to put on some lotion & found a big lump in the back of my leg.

I reached under & pulled out a pair of underwear that had gotten lodged
inside. LOL. I just had to laugh out loud thinking of how I would have felt
if they had fallen out while in the grocery or drug store,etc, :D My pups
thought I had lost my mind I'm sure. :D

Hehe...you made me smile today Liz:D

02-04-2007, 07:10 AM
well for the last little while I have been feeding a feral kiity that comes to our house for food and shelter. She sleeps in the dog house that was bought for a neighbourhood dog that used to come here all the time. Since winter came in the dog is now being kept at home. So kitty has been making use of the dog house filled with warm wool blankets for herself.

Anyway, like I was saying we have been feeding her. We went out a couple of days ago and bought her dry food and wet food. Before I was just giving her a can of wet which obviously wasn't enough. So the last 2 days I have put a dish under our deck with dry and wet mixed. She eats everything.

Apparently she was hungry this morning. Usually it is late afternoon before she comes for food. I was in the kitchen getting breakfast and I heard a mighty MEOW. I got up to investigate and went and opened the window. I couldn't see her cause she was under the deck but she was telling me in no uncertain terms FEED ME NOW !!! LOL

And of course like a good servant I went and got her food ready and brought it out. It is one thing when your indoor cats run you but when you have a feral who starts demanding and telling you what to do well I think it is time you admit you are a cat servant through and through. I just love the fact that she was not at all afraid to tell me to get my butt in gear and feed her. What cattitude huh???

02-04-2007, 08:08 AM
Something funny happened to me yeaterday that gave me a great big
reason to laugh at myself. :) I had grabbed a pair of sweats to wear after
my shower and dressed quickly as I had a lot of errands to run all day.

Everything went fine and later last evening I was just watching TV. My
legs were feeling itchy from the dry air in the house, so I pulled up my
pants leg to put on some lotion & found a big lump in the back of my leg.

I reached under & pulled out a pair of underwear that had gotten lodged
inside. LOL. I just had to laugh out loud thinking of how I would have felt
if they had fallen out while in the grocery or drug store,etc, :D My pups
thought I had lost my mind I'm sure. :D

Oh gosh! That is a hoot.

I have had many dryer sheets stuck on the inside of my work pants and they've fallen out at work (I guess that's what I get for getting up at 4am!)

02-04-2007, 11:16 AM
I just got home from church about half an hour ago. There is a new, young pastor, very energetic. He gave a great children's time message, there were a ton of kids sitting around him, and they really got into it. Shouted out answers to his questions, laughed at the "hook", the whole bit. Really dear to see.

02-04-2007, 11:26 AM
Snuggling with my little Seine when I woke up and hearing her loud purr. That, and getting to sleep in! :D

I've also enjoyed reading these posts. I should definitely re-read them on Monday morning before my 12 hour day.

02-05-2007, 06:37 PM
Looking at pictures of the dogs at school after we practiced bandaging them!!

02-05-2007, 06:44 PM
Falling up the stairs, landing on my back and spilling my books all over the place. I could NOT stop laughing! :D

The sun was also out today...and even though it was freezing out, I still enjoy seeing the sun once in a while!

It was also my friend's birthday today so I made him a big happy birthday poster and put it on his door first thing this morning, he was so surprised!

02-05-2007, 06:47 PM
I tripped up the stairs on my way back to the dorm room.. and I started laughing, because I always seem to do that, no matter what. I'm clumsy. Also, Mike made me smile, we always have the humorous converstations on AIM.

02-05-2007, 07:32 PM
Watching Zippy curl up in a box that she can just fit into. :)

02-05-2007, 07:37 PM
Tyler used to be a HUGE Momma's boy and it didn't phase him at all if Paul wasn't there with him at bed time. Tonight Paul is at work and Tyler refused to go to bed (with much crying and begging) until we were able to get Paul on the phone to say goodnight to him. Now he is sleeping peacefully. :D :D :D I LOVED him being a Momma's boy but I LOVE seeing him reaching out for Daddy just as much :)

02-05-2007, 07:50 PM
What made me smile today was.. of me just getting on the computer first time in like a week or two. Can't keep track, well i just get on get two messages from the compliments from the compliment thread that just got sent. Finally read them and got WONDERFUL compliments from all the wonderful PTers we have around here.

Another thing that made me smile was that my brother and sisterinlaw are having a BABY! that also made my day today.

02-06-2007, 12:32 PM
I was at my parents' house, and one of my mom's friends is a new grandmother...her daughter being someone I went to school with since kindergarten. After about an hour of baby-talk, I dropped in with "sorry mom, all you're getting from me is granddogs". Without missing a beat, she answered "Oh, does that mean you're getting another one?!" :D

I love my mom.

critter crazy
02-06-2007, 12:34 PM
Seeing the pics of my soon to be new rescue kitties!:D I am so excited!!

02-06-2007, 01:29 PM
Silly things my co-workers and I do at work. ;)
A customer telling me that I'm his favorite. :D
A Rottie that came through the drive-thru. She was beautiful! :)

02-06-2007, 04:41 PM
I had an exam today that I was frightened about, I felt so unprepared, even though I've studied for it (not as much as I should have!!). It went WAY better than I expected, and I think I did very well on it!

02-06-2007, 05:11 PM
I have a terrible cough and I kept coughing and coughing today. One time though, I made this REALLY weird cough. I started cracking up laughing! My friend and I were laughing sooo much!

02-06-2007, 08:06 PM
I've had just about enough of very cold weather. It's been snowing in Chicago today. Yesterday was not a good day because of a problem with the heat in my building. Looking at the pictures in Dog General, Cat General and other places has made me feel much better today. Thank you all, I needed that!

02-06-2007, 08:47 PM
The only thing I laugh at is my birds .. today anyway lol,

There so funny to watch. ^_^

02-07-2007, 07:29 AM
Reading the traffic ticket thread and thinking about Angus.

02-07-2007, 03:26 PM
This has given me a smile today!


Where homeless cats find a home
By Nancy Munson
Tribune staff reporter

February 7, 2007

Even though it was Super Bowl Sunday and one of the coldest days of the year, fans of homeless felines gathered anyway to sample chocolates and raise money for Cat Guardians, a no-kill animal shelter for stray cats.

The Chocolate Sunday Plus event, featuring chocolate desserts and a silent auction, raised a record $4,200 for the cageless, non-profit humane society located in a house in Lombard.

"Many of the animals are rescued from the outdoors and may never be adopted, so we are their family," said Barb Sounhein, a board member and volunteer.

Generally the cats are feral, or wild, and have not been domesticated.

Cat Guardians was started 15 years ago to help with feline overpopulation and the homeless animal problem in DuPage County, and over the years approximately 1,500 cats have been adopted out, Sounhein said.

The shelter has space for 50 cat residents, and every cat is spayed or neutered to prevent further unwanted animals.

The shelter currently has about 35 volunteers who assist with daily cleaning and feeding, shots, grooming, socializing and fundraising. One of this year's goals is to form a committee to start applying for grants, Sounhein said.

Donations of dry and canned food, cat litter, baking soda, paper towels and gift cards are always needed.

For more information, call 630-543-3395 or visit www.catguardians.hypermart.net.

02-07-2007, 04:26 PM
...one thing that made me smile the biggest was getting the dogs howling at the phone on video! I even had to watch it again a little bit ago, of course they were all watching themselves and howling again...gosh now I can't quit smiling:D
Watch the Video! (http://youtube.com/watch?v=a91_oDG-JnQ)

OMG! That was so funny! That certainly made me smile and laugh, which is something I really needed. I'm having a very "down" day, so I thought I would look through this thread for a few smiles.

02-07-2007, 05:02 PM
On the announcements at school every morning now, instead of playing the track for O Canada, we're having a GV Idol (GV is our school) and people have to go on the announcements and sing O Canada. For the past couple days it's been teachers singing it, and after they're finished the principal, secretary, and another teacher go on as Randy, Paula, and Simon. It's really funny. :p

02-08-2007, 04:08 PM
I had taken Dasher to get his nails trimmed and needed to stop by the postt office. I noticed he was hot so I left the car running with the air blasting. My first clue not to do this should have been when the remote wouldn't lock the doors. Dummy me locked them from the inside of the car. I came back out and of course, the remote wouldn't work. There's a watch repair place across the street. I noticed the remote had been getting finiky so I thought it just needed a new battery. It's still not working. So now, I'm standing outside my car, waiting for my mom to bring the spare key. Meanwhile, Dasher is looking at me, wondering why I don't join him. At least he's comfy.

02-08-2007, 04:25 PM
We got a lovely fruit basket delivered today from Joyce & Ginger. Was quite a surprise and will certainly be thoroughly enjoyed. :)

02-08-2007, 08:25 PM
Yesterday I went to run some errands and when I came back there was a package by my front door. I don't remember ordering anything. I opened the package and inside was a dark red box with a thick white bow around it. Hum! My birthday is coming up so I figured it must be a gift but from whom? My one son was just here, I know my middle child and daughter didn't sent it. Not from hubby. I opened the red box and inside was a box of chocolate, a lovely white candle, some bath crystals and a beautiful white, fluffy, soft, bathrobe. I was so surprised. What a lovely, thoughtful gift. Still no idea who sent it however. I finally reached the card and it was from my niece Linda the vet. I was so touched. Linda and I have always had a special bond. I am so proud of all she has done with her life. She is my hero. Of course I was crying. I went upstairs to show my daughter Alicia, and being 20 her remark was "Oh for God's sake mom, stop crying" I tried the robe on and it fits perfect. I am sitting here now wearing it. I haven't had such a nice surprise in years.

02-08-2007, 08:34 PM
seeing this pretty girl today. :D she was adopted from the shelter last summer..her new owner brought her in to visit and she looks so good and has that husky snow nose. It's all red and so cute. It's a surprise that her hair is so short for a husky so I am guessing she's a mix.
she's very sweet and she is filled out and she just looks awesome now. this was her shelter picture. her name is Kya. :)

02-08-2007, 10:28 PM
A few of my classmates asked me out to have a beer with them after class.

02-10-2007, 04:14 PM
Two things. It's sunny out today and not as cold in Chicago and it has been, so I got my car washed. My car was pretty grungy. I went to the "good" car wash where the inside gets vacuumed and they wipe down the inside surfaces too. My car is 6 years old and not exactly anything to write home about, but after the "good" car wash it looks really nice! It will be a pleasure to go to church tomorrow in a clean car.

Driving back from the car wash, I saw a man walking with a dog on a leash. Guess what breed? A Siberian Husky. There are some beautiful Huskies on Pet Talk and I thought of their pictures as I watched the man and dog cross the street. I couldn't help but smile.

02-13-2007, 02:17 PM

looking at magnolia trees makes me think spring!

critter crazy
02-13-2007, 02:38 PM
Giving the last of the meds to my Rescue kitties today!!!:D

07-03-2007, 05:59 PM
They changed the sign on the shelter I pass on my way home from work. It just made me smile!

"Strawberry blonde seeks companion for long walks"

07-03-2007, 06:17 PM
One of our senior VP's made the decision a couple of months ago to send her beloved dog Jake to the RB because of cancer.

Just now I received an email from her to come and visit. I wandered down the hall and in to her office. On the floor was a crate and out came this precious 9-week old Golden by the name of Lucy. They picked up Lucy on Saturday from a breeder on Vancouver Island. Out of the litter, Lucy picked them...which is always the case. :cool:

With work being so stressful I needed a break and Lucy was the ticket. I big smile came to my face (not to mention tears to my eyes... :rolleyes: ) as I held her and received a million and one puppy kisses and oh that puppy breath..... :) :) :)

It makes me sad that some people are not pet people and just don't get what we are talking about. :(