View Full Version : Helping Hanna accept Isabel

02-06-2006, 08:09 AM
Hanna is being very jealous. She is obsessed with going into the room where Isabel is still being kept, but growls almost the whole time. This AM I gave Isabel a new (old) toy - a piece of carpet cut into a mouse shape that has a spring with a ball on the end of it to bat around. Hanna was on the floor watching Isabel (and not growling) when she got up, snagged the mouse toy with her paw, and laid on top of it so Isabel couldn't play with it! I got that toy when Hanna was a kitten and she didn't play with it then - now Isabel wants it and Hanna doesn't want to share.

I am not having problems with Abby and Bo, they are ignoring Isabel. Hanna has always been my special girl and I am very close to her. I have been making a point to spend plenty of loving time with Hanna but she is still jealous. I am keeping Isabel in a room still because she is still very skittish when faced with unknown things.

Any tips on dealing with Hanna's jealousy? I feel so bad for her and Isabel both. I want them to like each other.

02-06-2006, 08:48 AM
Is Hanna your youngest? (in means of coming into the family? in other words, last cat brought in prior to Isabel?) If so, she is the one who has the "most to lose" in terms of the heirarchy. She will be the hardest "sell" (so to speak). But from your description things are going normal and even good, I would say. Sounds like you are doing all the right things and the only thing left to give, is time.

The growling is not necessarily aggressive. It is a warning to NOT mess with MY (Hanna's) status in the house. Isabel, will submit (at least for now.....the future is yet to be seen.....as she matures) But Isabel sounds like she will always continue to be more submissive which to me means they will be able to become friends in time.

Gee, I hope that wasn't too much like rambling? :rolleyes:

02-06-2006, 09:58 AM
It takes a while for a New Cat to be accepted.
Shemp does not care for Tubby2 and chases him around while I have to caution Tubby 2 not tp play too rough with the Kittens.
I pray taht Hanna and Isabel can become Great Cat Pals.

02-06-2006, 04:46 PM
Thanks for the replies. Hanna is the youngest. I was just surprised at how jealous she was with the toy. She sounds so serious when she growls.

Maya & Inka's mommy
02-07-2006, 04:16 AM
I try to play with them as much as possible. I mean the games where every cat can join: like "catch the feather on the fishing rod" It works!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-08-2006, 09:42 PM
I think it sounds like things are going well. Some growling, hissing and fussing are normal and to be expected until the whole hierachy thing is figured out once again. It does take time, and it may turn out that Hannah is never overly fond of Isabel, but I think it's highly likely that they will learn to tolerate each other - at the very minimum.

Isabel is just too cute for words! :D