View Full Version : Meow?

02-05-2006, 09:51 AM
I just realized (Okay, I'm slow) that Pepper is the only kitty we have that really meows. Halo makes a sort of 'ACK' sound (kind of like the chatter when she sees a bird). Cammie squeaks or is quiet. Even when she's locked in a closet or the garage, she won't make a sound to let you know she needs rescuing. :confused: Kuhio used to MEEEEEEEEOWWWWWWWWWW very loudly. My sister's cats kind of mew but not the whole meow thing. And I've had cats that give you the "silent meow" where they open their mouth but nothing comes out. So, how about you? What sort of sounds do your kitties make?

02-05-2006, 10:01 AM
timmy make a murrrowww...weird cat...

02-05-2006, 10:28 AM
Michael,Princess and JJJ3 have the MEEOW down pat.
Moose is silent ,a little rrrooow!!!
Tubby2 has a brusque WRROW!!!
Mr Scrappy had the nicest pitched MMEEEOOW!

02-05-2006, 10:33 AM
Archy is a triller and a chirper. You talk to him or call him by name, and he will go "prrrrtttttt" over and over.

Binky is the strong, silent type; scarcely a meow at all. Maybe a small "moaw" if he's STARVING.

02-05-2006, 10:40 AM
They all have different meows, but I have to say "paws down" that Chip's vocalizations take the cake! In the nine years that black fruitcake's lived with me, I've only heard him actually "meow" normally a few times, and it takes me by surprise lol! :eek: The rest of the time it's gurgles and chirps...sort of a day long "Browwl"? And "Glllrrrrrr"...He gets the craziest when we play 'quirrel' on the sisal wrapped basement beam. He hangs on one side rubbing his cheek from side to side while we play peek-a-boo, and I tell him he's a wonderful black 'quirrel' lol! Or making the bed...I have to keep flinging the covers over him time and time again and say "WHERE'S CHIP"???? That gets him sooooo excited the best of the gurgles and browwwls come out. He's such a whacky wonderful boy....and like having a nine year old kitten (disguised as a black Siamese) around 24/7! :D

02-05-2006, 11:42 AM
Depends on her mood! She sometimes sqeauks when I pick her up :p, but its usually a meow. (She talks alot so it depends)

02-05-2006, 11:54 AM
Each of the Clan Cats has a very unique way of verbally communicating with us. Nicholas just TALKS in a Meezer fashion, Riley trills, Ralph ratz, Raven varies between a silent meow and a ratz, Norton rarely meows, but has been known to do a trill. Hayley, Molly, and Tina do little meows.

02-05-2006, 04:13 PM
LOL... I think everyone by now knows Flutter squeaks! :D I love her squeak!

Everyone else meows.

02-06-2006, 01:09 AM
Finnigan always comes out with a very loud and demanding MEOW! :)

02-06-2006, 02:31 AM
Sassafras (RB) -- Miirrrr

Perspicacity Purrsonality -- an assortment of sounds to match his mood. Usually quiet, but occasionally accompanied by loud crashes when he wants attention (and so pushes things off of tables/ledges...)

Lady Olivia d'Flufferuni -- generally: Merrouw?
When she wakes up and wonders where the rest of us have gotten to: MEROUWW?!?!?!
When she's explaining why she'd prefer to be an only cat: HIIIISSSSSSS!!!!!

When birds have the audacity to nest outside our window(s), either or both will sit in the window and chatter at them.

When neighboring cats sit outside our window and shout insults at the cats, mine will hollar insults right back ... well, that's what it sounds like to me, at least.

Don Juan's mom
02-06-2006, 11:24 AM
Don Juan has a classic MEOW! that he deploys when he's hungry, wants to go outside, or just wants attention. He'll also do a kitten-style mew! when he's about to be brushed.

Zerlina has a whole vocabulary of mrrows, mews, mows and chirps. It's one of the reasons I think she may be part Burmese.


K & L
02-06-2006, 11:39 AM
Oh gosh with us having so many cats we have about everyone of those meows! :D

02-06-2006, 12:30 PM
Mr Jones goes "MAAAAAA"

Bella, very quiet, for a Meezer goes: "OOOOHHHH"

Malfi goes: "AWOW" (very low and loud)

Snowy, the true Meezer talker, trills, whines and has many vocalizations among them: "MAGOWA" (with a phlegm tone) (means out on the patio)

02-06-2006, 12:44 PM
Well Beth sounds like a goat!
Joey sounds like a cow!
Lulu is the only one who sounds like a cat, Go figure! :D

02-09-2006, 04:15 PM
:) It is most of the time a mew = But Yarleigh is my big talker & my biggest cat Autumn is a sqeaker..

02-09-2006, 04:17 PM
To me, there is nothing better than the sound of my boys, meowing, talking, chirping, whatever. I love it!

Killearn Kitties
02-09-2006, 04:47 PM
Sam has the most vocal range. She chirrups, trills, squeeks, and brrrrrrrts. Daisy is too busy purring to chat much. Not a sound have we ever heard issue from Jessica's lips.

The only cat around here who meows is Micky, the cat from across the road who breaks in.