View Full Version : abused puppy update

04-14-2002, 03:52 AM
they have found the 2 littermates to the puppy that was skinnned alive the other day...his 2 sisters were found, where earlier they had been seen, 3 of them, so I guess that's how they know they're his littermates, or tests maybe.

the reward for finding who is responsible for doing this is now $11,000

I hope they find him/them soon. :mad:

04-14-2002, 04:17 AM
Can I contribute money to reward fund for finding the HORRIBLE person that did this??! :mad:
Actually, I am being too kind- he/she is not a PERSON, they're a sick, evil .............thing- I can't think of a good word that descibes them.

Seriously though, is there somewhere to contribute?

04-14-2002, 04:51 AM
yes, here's a number to call, the Tucson area code is 520.
would you like me to call it and see if there is a toll-free number?

here is an article about the puppy...


Anyone interested in contributing to the reward can call 740-5617.

04-14-2002, 12:12 PM
OMG what a horrible, horrible story that was. That poor helpless, defenseless little puppie. I am crying my eyes out here. How the H can people be so cruel like that is beyond me. I would love to catch that person and skin THEM alive. :mad: I know, i know, two wrongs don't make a right. Oh it just breaks my heart. My husband always tells me not to read these kinds of stories because of how much it upsets me and makes me sick to my stomach. But it is a reality check at times to realize that the world is not a happy place to be in sometimes. You bet tough cookie that i will call that number and i hope they catch the son of a B who did these. I doubt it though cause these bastards seem to never get caught.
What happened to the littermates?????????