View Full Version : Get well soon, Miss Z

midget gem
02-03-2006, 01:40 PM
Well, it's not been a good week for Zara:( . First, poor little Foxy passed away:( :( , then her Grandad sadly died:( :( , and now she's ill:( . Today in biology, she just keeled over:rolleyes: and completely blacked out. From then on, she kept having 'dizzy do's'. She's now stuck in her room, surrounded by pillows. I doubt she'll be online tonight. Poor Zara!:(

02-03-2006, 02:03 PM
:eek: :( Oh deary me Get Well Soon Miss Z

02-03-2006, 02:43 PM
get well soon! ((hugs))

02-03-2006, 02:44 PM
Oh my what a rough week. Sending good thoughts to Miss Z! Hope you feel better soon!

02-03-2006, 02:45 PM
:eek: Zara fainted! OMG! Zara, I REALLY hope you feel better! REALLY

02-03-2006, 03:04 PM
Zara, alles Gute für dich! Ich hoffe, es geht dir bald besser.

02-03-2006, 03:25 PM
You have had a rough week Miss Z. I hope that you will be feeling better soon.

02-03-2006, 03:43 PM
Im so sorry to hear that, please take care of yourself and get well soon..

02-03-2006, 05:45 PM
Omg I'm so sorry! I hope you feel better soon! You have had a rough week.

02-03-2006, 06:07 PM

02-04-2006, 12:15 AM
Oh My, :eek: I hope you get well soon, Zara :)

Miss Z
02-04-2006, 03:53 AM
Thankyou everyone so much. Yes, this week has been very rough for me. Well, here's the whole story of yesterday.....

In biology, we were doing disection of pig's hearts. It is my ultimate goal to become a top-class vet, so i was actually quite looking forward to doing it. Well, i got the heart and was between Vic and Kat. We were doing great, we cut it in all the right places and stuck our fingers in it and everything, as we are not squeamish one bit (well we are lancashire lasses, tough as old boots!) and i even made the biology teacher say ew when i dragged out this long string of clotted blood from the aorta. Well, when we'd finished, all three of us went at the same time to put our hearts in a black bag. I was standing behind Katherine and Victoria waiting to put mine in the bin, when suddenly, my head swam like someone had just hit me with a huge mallet on the side of the head. I remember putting my hand to my head and saying 'miss, i feel a bit light-headed now' and then suddenly my hearing went and blackness engulfed me.
Apparently, i was out for about 30 seconds. Poor Katherine had to clear up all the blood and heart pieces which had splattered everywhere when i fell. When i woke up, it was really strange. I knew that i was awake, but i couldn't see or hear. It was like i was in some subconsious world. I lifted my head up, which was still swimming, and tried to look around. Then sound came back and i heard the biology teacher telling me to put my head between my legs to get the blood back there. My sight came gradually, at first i could see very blotchily, but soon i could make out katherine who exclaimed 'OMG her eyes are huge!!!!'. Then people were telling me that i'd gone green (wow). I was then taken outside the lab held on two sides by teachers, which i was a little annoyed and embarassed about, as i was pretty sure that i could walk by myself. I was then sat down and given a glass of water and a barley sugar. I felt bad about being there, so i ate and drank quick and then went back to class.
I felt so p***** off with myself over it. Everyone in my class was very nice about it, but i did get a few comments from other classes like 'how are you going to be a vet if you faint at blood' and stuff, but i knew that it wasn't the heart that did it. i was doing so well.... damn it. Anyway...
I felt pretty much OK up to lunch break, the nurse gave me a little tablet and it seemed to do the trick. Well, i was in puzzle club and felt perfectly fine whilst doing this dead hard puzzle, when suddenly, my head swam violently again. I told Vicky what had happened, and then the teacher told me to go back to the nurse. She didn't do much, but she said that it might be todo with me growing, she called it vegro vedal or something. After that, i had Kat and Vic walking by my side all day and keeping an eye on me. We were allowed to skip assembly, and Kat and Vic showed me a very good re-enactment of the fainting incident! I was allowed to eat lollipops in the next classes, but i was beginning to feel alright again.
It came back a little on the bus home. Travelling has never done me any good, but everyone was nice, they turned down the air con for me and stuff. When i got home, i told my mum, and she believed that the heart hadn't made me ill, and said that i'd looked a little pale that morning. I told her that i was feeling better, and my brother had to be taken to football practice and mum needed to go to Tesco, so i said it would be alright for me to be home alone. I was awake with Tia for a bit, but i then dozed of on my futon.
I woke up to the phone ringing. It was Katherine, to see how i was. I told her i was fine, and indeed after that nap i felt a lot better. I finished talking to her, and then remembered that Zsa-Zsa needed feeding, got up.... and lost control completely of my legs. I felt myself falling and the dizziness setting in with the blackness..... the next thing i knew i was lying on my side on the floor. I don't know how long i was out for but i don't think it was that long, as i regained my vision and hearing more quickly than the first time. I heaved myself up, and my head pounded again, so i ran into the bathroom and threw up in the sink until i felt like an empty bag (sorry to give so much detail on this bit) My head was still spinning, but i staggered back to my room and phoned my mum, and she said she's come home immediately. I felt a little better after being sick, but my head was still acting like there had been a car crash in it and i just sat squishing cushions into each side of my head as hard as i could to try and take my mind of it.
My mum took me straight to the doctor. He asked me firstly if i was diabetic. Nope, don't think so. Next, he asked if i'd been under a lot of stress recently. Well, yes, a very traumatic week. Then he asked me if i'd been losing sleep over it, and a said maybe a little, but nothing more than waking up at night feeling sad for about 10 minutes before nodding off again. Then, he took my blood pressure, and it came out as very low. No wonder i had been fainting so much. I was told to go home and constantly eat sugary things and to get lots of sleep.
Well, this morning i seem to be cured. I've not felt dizzy and i don't feel wobbly one bit. I think all the stresses of this week caught up with me, and i probably overloaded myself when i put all my effort into that disection, i guess it's just unlucky that it occured on the day when i first experience stuff that directly involves my future career. So the moral of this story is, when you've had a really bad week, sit back, relax and scoff as much sugary stuff as you can!!!
And also, just to prove to myself that it wasn't the disection that made me ill, my mum got me three lamb's hearts which i will be disecting today at home!!!!!!

02-04-2006, 04:10 AM
WOW, What a day! :eek:
Good to hear your doing much better.
So your blood sugar was low, wow. I never reliased what an extreme reaction comes with when blood sugar goes low.
In any stress-ful time, I'll remeber to get plenty of sleep and some sugar.
Eh, You'll show everyone that is wasn't the heart that made you queasy, with your determinaton. :D

Miss Z
02-04-2006, 05:36 AM
WOW, What a day! :eek:
Good to hear your doing much better.
So your blood sugar was low, wow. I never reliased what an extreme reaction comes with when blood sugar goes low.
In any stress-ful time, I'll remeber to get plenty of sleep and some sugar.
Eh, You'll show everyone that is wasn't the heart that made you queasy, with your determinaton. :D

Thanks, i've just disected one of the hearts just now and i'm completely fine. Blood pressure must be back up!!!

Miss Z
02-04-2006, 05:38 AM
Zara, alles Gute für dich! Ich hoffe, es geht dir bald besser.

Danke:) . Mein Kopf tut weh ein bisschen, aber ich bin OK!

midget gem
02-04-2006, 07:06 AM
Hello Zara,

I'm in a cafe in Skipton which has free net access, so I thought I'd see how you were. OMG!!!!! Low blood pressure!!!!! I hope you're ok now. Speak to you soon!

02-04-2006, 07:43 AM
Zara, thanks for telling us! I was going to PM you but I didn't want you to type alot or anything if you didn't feel well. I am so sorry this week has been so horrible. But remeber. Everyone has horrible weeks,days,years,ect. It sucks, I know. I hope you feel better soon!

02-04-2006, 08:07 AM
WOW Zara, I'm glad you're feeling better now :). I'm sorry your week has been so horrible and stressing, and I hope the next week will be better for you.

Anita Cholaine
02-04-2006, 10:01 AM
Gosh, what a week... It used to happen to me, that my blood sugar was low, but I never fainted (I almost fainted sometimes, but it's quite different...)

Glad to know that you're fine now... I'm sure everything will start going better... (((hugs)))

02-04-2006, 10:04 AM
Thats sucks Natali! :(

Miss Z
02-04-2006, 12:21 PM
Thanks again everyone. Katherine, i do hope that you're having a great time in Skipton:D Well, i've been back on my feet again, today i went to go and help out with a friend's horse, life goes on i suppose.....;)

Zsa-Zsa seems to be glad that i fainted. Why? If i hadn't have fainted, then i wouldn't have wanted hearts to disect at home. And what would you do with a heart after disection?
Why, cook it and feed it to Zsa-Zsa of course!!!!!!! LOL:D

02-04-2006, 12:27 PM
Aww I'm glad you're doing better! I'm sure Zsa-Zsa really liked the heart ;)

02-04-2006, 12:44 PM
My heart goes out to you, sending many good thoughts your way............

Miss Z
02-04-2006, 12:46 PM
Aww I'm glad you're doing better! I'm sure Zsa-Zsa really liked the heart ;)

Oh yeah, she more than liked the heart. She's blind, so you have to dangle food right in front of her mouth so she knows it's there. She took one sniff of the heart, and then snapped it and meowed for more! She's so cute :)

02-04-2006, 08:47 PM
AW KITTY! I am so glad your feeling okay. :D