View Full Version : Question for the Women here...

Queen of Poop
02-03-2006, 10:12 AM
...saw the doctor yesterday, now that I'm 40 I apparently can't be on the pill any more. He wants to put me on the depro vera shot. Does anyone have any experience with this? What I've been reading scares me.

02-03-2006, 10:20 AM
Okay men tune out...I have used an iud for 13 years now, no hormones no problems no babies...they are not dangerous like they use to be. I don't see how that would be any better than the pill for you?

02-03-2006, 10:21 AM
I would not use Depo Provera. I personally know someone who had a hsyterectomy and severe anemia because she bled for three straight months, and doing medical transcription for a living I see lots of stuff about it, and I wouldn't take it.

Ally Cat's Mommy
02-03-2006, 10:23 AM
I would not use Depo Provera. I personally know someone who had a hsyterectomy and severe anemia because she bled for three straight months, and doing medical transcription for a living I see lots of stuff about it, and I wouldn't take it.

I used Depo Provera for around 8 years with no side effects, but I have heard good and bad things about it - I guess not every medication suits everyone.

02-03-2006, 11:10 AM
I do not use it (no man in my life right now... kind of good kind of bad) anyways but a lot of my friends/relatives etc.. have used it/do use it. Some have been on it for years with no ill affects, others had minor problems, some had major complications including surgery. I'd say it's about half & half from my experiece from others. Everyones body is different.

02-03-2006, 11:29 AM
My doctor told me I had to come off the pill at around 41, I think. I had just remarried at 40, but I ended up with high blood pressure (surely my marriage had nothing to do with that ;) ) and he said we needed to find another option. He did not ever suggest the Depo Provera as an option for me. Tubal ligation was my option and thankfully my husband stepped forward and took care of the matter so I didn't have to do that (bless his heart).

I think if you're not planning to have anymore children then a more permanent solution might be best for you.


02-03-2006, 11:36 AM
I was 35 when I had to go off of the pill but that's because I'm a smoker. I've been on the depo injection ever since. The only side effect that I have is major dryness, um, yeah there.

02-03-2006, 12:35 PM
Lots of people do just fine with it, like others have said everyone is different, however if there is something else you can try then I'd go a different direction. It could be just fine and cause you no problems, but you wouldn't know about the problems until it was happening and then it might be too late and surgery might be the only option. I would just try using something that doesn't come with as many possible problems attached to it. I see a broad range of women on it, based on what I do for work, and the precentages of women who have issues is higher than many other forms of BC. You might be one of those people with no problems, but I would try other alternatives first if you can because the percentages of issues is really pretty high with it, from my experience.

02-03-2006, 12:59 PM
There are other forms of BC that can be used besides just the pill or DepoProvera. As caseysmom mentioned there is an IUD. You can also try a diaphragm, a vaginal ring, or even an implant. These are all reversable forms of BC that will stop being effective when they are removed (unlike the DepoProvera). Not all MD's are okay, with the implants so you might have to find someone else. But before going with the DepoProvera do your research and ask for a second opinion.

02-03-2006, 01:06 PM
Just keep in mind that after age 35-ish, being on any hormone birth control increases your risk of blood clots, therefore increases your risk of stroke and other nasties. Also, if you DO react badly to the depo in any way, you can't just take it out, you're stuck with it until it leaves your system!

I have the copper IUD, and I couldn't be happier with it. I had an abnormal amount of cramping for about six months after I got it in, but after that no problems!

02-03-2006, 05:14 PM
id be careful on the shot, ive heard nothing but bad reviews from that. many of my friends were on it, and they all have had medical problems with their female reproductive organs, some even needing surgery! BE CAREFUL!

02-03-2006, 07:06 PM
I used Depo about 6-7 years I think. I went off of it because I had heard it slowly reduces the calcium in your bones. I have scoliosis as it is and I need strong bones. I never had any ill effects from it at all. Was on the pill for a year before that and am back on the pill now with no side effects. Everyone is different and it's hard to say how your body will react.

02-03-2006, 08:14 PM
I used Depo about 6-7 years I think. I went off of it because I had heard it slowly reduces the calcium in your bones. I have scoliosis as it is and I need strong bones. I never had any ill effects from it at all. Was on the pill for a year before that and am back on the pill now with no side effects. Everyone is different and it's hard to say how your body will react.

You are right about not knowing how you will react but the scary part about the shot is that if you DO have a bad reaction, you can't just stop taking it. It's already been injected and you have to wait for it to clean out of your system, so if you have a major problem there isn't a way to stop it short of tranfusions and surgery. That's the main risk with it, with other birth control you can just stop taking it or using it right away if there is a problem. I just think most people are better off using something else if they can, but that's just me=)

02-03-2006, 08:20 PM
Very true indeed. This is just my experience however. I had friends who bled for a long time and others who gained alot of weight on it. I was lucky to have no ill side effects, but this is just me. I am lucky to have had no ill side effects from either the first pill I was on, Depo and the current pill I am on. My advice would be this...if your mind is telling you more "no" than "yes" then go with the "no" and find another option. :)

Maya & Inka's mommy
02-04-2006, 06:16 AM
Even though I got two bloodclods in my legs already, I am still allowed to take the pill. This is a pill that doesn't have an influence on your blood. It is very light too. Why I take it? No no, not for birth control, just because my periods are extremely painfull. This pill is called "CERAZETTE". It is only prescribed to women that won't have babies anymore, because it makes the uterus shrink. I love it, because with that pill I don't even get my period anymore!!
Btw, I am 49 :D

02-04-2006, 11:46 AM
Okay men tune out...I have used an iud for 13 years now, no hormones no problems no babies...they are not dangerous like they use to be. I don't see how that would be any better than the pill for you? I used IUD's for over 30 years with no problems, no babies, etc. Now I'm "paused" but I would always recommend an IUD as there are no hormones involved. You forget it's there, it works, and you don't have to remember anything like taking pills or going to the doctor's for a shot.