View Full Version : fritz had fun

02-03-2006, 06:14 AM
fritz had fun last night.Mom had some friends over for cards and every time the doorbell rang and they came in,He is at the gate at the bottom of the stairs barking and jumping,tail going.I had to let him one time and gate was not really locked going into the kitchen and he got it opened and greeted the ladies,wagging his tail and i went and got him.I had a hard time settling him down and he kept looking up wanting up there and i did let him go out to cool off.I ddin't get to see much of Survivor with fritz acting up,but noy really a problem.I thought I finally settled him down,then he heard mom make a noise and he got off the back of the chair,that is when I picked him up and put him to bed,didn't make much noise after that,.After his Porridge today,he went right to the couch and laid down next to dad.Kind of rainy here today,so he will stay inside pretty much.He is looking forward to his Aunties tomorrow and we should have new pictures of Fritz to show you tomorrow.The Kama Sutras virus is out there today and the 3rd of every month now,so don't open any mail that you don't know.

Daisy and Delilah
02-03-2006, 06:24 AM
It sounds like a real exciting night at your house little man! You just love it when people are visiting. Right Fritzie? It's raining here too buddy so we'll all try to stay dry. Looks like a good day to get some sleep(if Delilah can stop pacing like a maniac-we have thunder too ;) ). Tell the Aunties hi from us and enjoy your day tomorrow! :D
Let's all hope we can avoid that virus Barry.

02-03-2006, 05:19 PM
Frtiz, you just got to greet everybody, don't you? It rained here to ay too and Fenway pretty much stayed in. We just came back from a 1 mile walk and he's back in bed sleeping, so I know how you feel.

Barry, thanks for the virus warning. I completely forgot about it!

Have a nice weekend!!

Ginger's Mom
02-03-2006, 06:07 PM
Oh Fritz, I am sure the ladies were all very happy to see you last night, too. And tomorrow the Aunties are coming. My goodness you are having an exciting week. :)

02-03-2006, 08:59 PM
Bit to much excitment there Fritz..lol..