View Full Version : What do you do when your bird REALLY latches on to you???

04-13-2002, 04:27 PM
Hi. I have a 7 month old Peach-Faced Lovebird named Kiwi. He just bites me for the heck of it. I spray him with a spray bottle and if he is really bad, I don't thump hard, but tap him on his beak. Does ANYONE have another way to discipline Kiwi?


05-10-2002, 11:45 AM
Hi Kiwi... I dont know why I didnt see this sooner, but I had to reply when I saw your question. First, don't ever spray your little guy with water. That's terrifying to the bird if it's used as discipline and all it accomplishes is to make them hate water. The more afraid they get, the more they'll bite. If you're holding your little bird and he bites, you need to just move your hand a bit to make him lose his balance (but not fall).. that will usually make them let go. With my little swee'pea this works. It startles them a little and makes them let go. Kiwi is just a little guy, though, and you will have to continue to work with him regularly if you want him to get past this. Birds start going into their terrible twos younger than two, and it hangs around a while. If you back up from him now, it will be much harder to win him over as he gets older....What works better than just disciplining for bad behavior, is taking a LOT of time to talk sloooooowly and sweetly to them and get them used to you little by little. I hope this helps and you and little Kiwi become the best of friends:)

05-11-2002, 09:31 PM
I've been working with Kiwi alot since yesterday, and I've noticed he has been alot more jumpy when I'm holding him and he starts to bite. One nip at me and its biting until I put him in his cage to calm down. Do you have any birds of your own? Do you have anymore advice?

Thanks very much!!!!:)

05-12-2002, 12:00 PM
Hi Kiwi :) I'm glad to hear you're working with your little guy. It takes the patience of Job sometimes, but you have to keep it up. The worst mistake some ppl make is to try to give the bird "space" when it starts acting up, but actually what they do is not spend enough time with him. Sometimes birds need space just like we do, but dont let him drive you off, because he's training you if you do that.. not the other way around :).

Yes, I do have birds. Four of them in fact. Emmy, a Severe Macaw; Swee'pea, a Blue-Crowned Conure; PrettyBoy, a Nandy Conure; and Peppy, a Cockateil. They are my babies :). I adopted the last two to give them a good home when someone else didnt have time for them. Purchasing a bird, like any pet, is a big decision. Birds take a lot more time than many other pets - they're definitely high maintenance pets, but they are the most rewarding pets - affectionate and beautiful. Plus, I always point out to my friends that they're the only animal in the animal kingdom who can learn to speak our language :D so, you have to learn theirs too. Pay attention to Kiwi and what he's telling you. Give him space when he needs it, but don't stay away long. Always talk to him when he's in the room with you. It will take him time, maybe, but once he warms up to you theres not a better companion on the planet.

One other thing you might try... Kiwi might feel safer in his cage, and thats why he gets nippy when he's out. Try taking him to a neutral room with no other distractions - out of sight of his cage. He will probably still bite but as time goes on, he'll begin to feel more comfortable and not feel like he has to "escape" back to his cage all the time... my Swee'pea loves his cage and is afraid of everything else... but if I take him out of sight of his cage he's a lot more calm. But dont forget the neutral room has to be a quiet place with no distractions - not even radio or tv.. just the two of you so he can get used to you.

I'm certainly not an expert in the field, but having been owned by birds for going on four years now has made me learn some of the do's and don'ts... if you have any more questions, I'll be happy to answer what I can. I would also recommend you subscribe to, or pick up a copy of, Bird Talk magazine (www.BirdTalk.com) . Its a great source of information - it's been coming to my house as long as I've had my birds and every month I learn something new...

Hope this helps.

05-12-2002, 06:14 PM
I'll look at the Bird Site. I was talking to Kiwi today. I always say:

"Hey pretty bird", "Kiwi bird", and "You are a good bird today, Kiwi" (of course when he hasn't bitten me yet). I was playing with him for about 30 minutes today and he didn't bite me at all!! I was so happy and I was telling him how much a good bird he was and he started singing like MAD!!! Whew!!!! I'll check out the Bird Site!!!


05-12-2002, 06:54 PM
I'm so glad Kiwi had a good day. Don't be discouraged if he has moody days.. we all do :p .... but you keep working with him and hopefully you'll have a lot more days like today than moody ones.
Yell if I can be of anymore help...

05-12-2002, 07:16 PM
Ok, I went to Petsmart today and got Kiwi a new water bottle because he kept putting food in is water bowl to soften it. I got the kind with the little ball that he presses on and water comes out. He kept biting me when I put it in his cage. I put him in "time out" away from his cage. Should I do that? He stayed away untill he figured out how to come over to me. Help me!! I firmly told him to stpo it. What else should I do? :(

05-12-2002, 08:01 PM
hmmm. you know birds are very afraid of new things in their cages many times. Anytime I get my babies something new for their cages, even a new toy, I will try to get them used to it little by little. Emmy has been known to bite me when I put something new in her cage, just because shes afraid. They always get used to the new item eventually, but his being afraid and biting is not abnormal.

About the water bottle, though. I know some people do that... but my birds get such joy out of splashing around in their water, and they all dunk their food too... I wouldnt have the heart to take their water bowl away. That dunking behavior is normal for them. They enjoy it, and it makes their food tastier to them I guess.... besides that, they get more water.. which is a good thing. If you have a dunker you just have to change their water more often. I generally change my birds' water first thing in the morning, and then again in the afternoon when I get home from work. If Kiwi is a dunker, he probably enjoys it... I wouldnt take his bowl away... just keep an eye on it and change it frequently. That's what I would do anyway...

Back to the time out, though... your taking him away in this case probably wouldnt help... he's still going to be afraid of the new bottle till he gets used to it... but he will. Give him a little space and time to get accustomed to this new "thing" in his cage.. in the future if you buy him a new anything for his cage you might try setting it just out of reach outside his cage for a couple days, close enough he can see it, but not close enough he can reach it... then when he gets used to it being there you can move it closer and closer till you put it inside. It might sound like a lot of work just to put something in his cage (I know!) but he'll be a happier little guy because of it :)

I know he is a lucky little guy to have someone taking care of him who is so concerned with his well being...

Good luck :)

05-14-2002, 03:13 PM
Kiwi was a very bad bird yesterday. He was biting like there would be no tomorrow!!! :( I did the "earthquake" on my hand and told him to stop. What else can I do? PLEASE, HELP ME KATHY!!!!!!!!!!! Kiwi acts like he is mad at me, and I don't know why he would be. Are there ways to tell his feelings?


05-15-2002, 09:37 AM
Well you know birds can be moody. My Emmy is sweet as sugar when she wants to be. But she bit the fire out of me a couple days ago for no reason - just had a bad day... but then we all have them. Swee'pea was a lot like Kiwi when I first got him. He was (and to some degree, still is) very cage bound. He still doesn't like anyone but his mama :D to touch him. I say this because Swee'pea turned 3 years old last November. I got him when he was about 6 months old. These days, he is the most loving bird (to me anyway), but it has taken a long time. Lots and LOTS of time spent talking to him, petting him while he sits in his cage (if he doesnt want to come out)... trying to be as non-threatening as possible. No fast movements, no loud noises at all (those scare him to death)... hes a pretty flighty bird. Every little thing scares him, and when he's scared, his first reaction is to bite.

There could be a couple things going on with Kiwi. One, he could just be going through the terrible twos.... if that's the case, you have nothing but time on your side :).. don't give up, keep talking to him patiently, sweetly in a soft voice (never raise your voice to him, just firmly tell him no if he misbehaves), and pet him and hold him as you can... be persistent, but know when to back up. Terrible twos are hormonal, and birds just get moody. Just like little kids do.

It could also be that he's afraid. The neutral room I mentioned could help, but sloooooooooow movements and very soft talking till he gets comfortable with you will help this as well. The best advice I can tell you about taking him out... when he's out and being very good... dont keep him out too long. I know its instinct to keep him out as long as possible when he's not biting :).. but maybe he's training YOU that the only way he gets to go back to his cage is if he bites. Maybe? Next time he's doing well.. give him some praises and put him back after a short time. Then the next time and the time after, he will know that he can go back to his cage in just a few minutes, and that he won't have to bite you to get there :D

The day that Swee'pea stepped up on my finger without being coaxed was a great day for me. :D It was a long time coming though. There are still days that he wants nothing to do with me. When those days come, I just try to give him a little space, but always keep talking sweet to him and play with him as much as he will let me.

Birds will show you their moods.... if they're excited (either in a good or bad way) many times they'll fluff their feathers. But you can always tell when a bird is really excited by watching their pupils... their pupils dialate (I spelled that wrong:rolleyes: ) quickly.. large to small and back to large again. When they're excited and when they're learning a new word (at least mine do) this happens. Just watch him when you're talking to him. You can usually tell if he's getting wound up to bite by watchin his behavior ... If you see signs of him getting agitated or excited, put him down for a while...

There's no quick fix or easy answer... but dont give up on him! Some birds are more affectionate than others, but they're all darlings. And remember that birds are as smart as a 5 year old child, but have the emotional intelligence of a 2 year old... which means theyre either REALLY smart 2 year olds, or REALLY moody 5 year olds :D - either way, they're a handful :)....

Wish I could tell you more.. but the key is patience. And dont be discouraged if Kiwi has moody days. If my husband gave up on me because of moody days, we'd be divorced by now! :D

Take care,

05-16-2002, 02:45 PM
I'll be watching Kiwi's behavior over the next 2 days and try to watch all of his emotions.

Thanks for all of your help (and keep it coming!!),

Meredith :)

05-24-2002, 03:03 PM
Thanks, Popcornbird! Towel Taming begins tomorrow for little Kiwi Bird. On June 2nd, be sure to come on Pet Talk! It will be Kiwi's 1st birthday!!! :D I will be up here talking to people about how Kiwi's first year was!!! ;) Towel Taming will be included!!!:D Kathy1217-Your input will be included, too!!!!

Thanks for all of your advice and help,


05-27-2002, 10:30 AM
Thanks for the towel tips, but what does this help my baby bird do? He acts very afraid of the towel and he flies away from it. What does towel training do and help Kiwi learn?

Reply soon!!!

06-26-2002, 06:28 PM
Hey, popcornbird!! Sorry I haven't posted latey! I have been very busy the last few months!! Kiwi is still nippy and "grouchy", and I have done towel training almost every 5 days. I don't think Kiwi gets the intentions of it. Any other suggestions?

Thanks Alot!!!!!
