View Full Version : What kind of treats do you give your dog?

02-02-2006, 10:22 AM
I'm just wondering what else I can give her..

She gets the Science diet treats (that we split in small pieces) for her potty training and it's been going extremely well actually. She doesnt like them as much now tho..

For the crate training we usually give her scooby treats since it's not that often that we have to tell her to go to her crate. It works very well already..

We use Nutro Natural Choice Lamb & Rice for large breed puppy for her meals (as requested by the breeder).

The problem is that we started to teach her to sit, lie down, stay, come, etc.. and it requires a lot of treats.. so I decided to use another type of food, kibbles by kibble instead of treats. The food that I use was given to us when we purshased a cage. It's called vetdiet for large breed puppy.

Yesterday evening, we must of gave her about 10-20 kibbles (one at the time) and she had diarehha all night, I had to bring her outside 5-6 times where usually she can go all night without even going once.. When I picked her up to bring her outside.. her tummy was very hot!

So i'm wondering.. What kind of treat can I give my 10 weeks puppy.. I heard baby carrots were good. What else?


02-02-2006, 10:30 AM
I often give baby carrots for treats. My dogs also love apple slices. They seem more interested in these kinds of treats rather than regular biscuits although they will eat those too. Ripley is a little odd, in that sometimes he will not eat a regular dog biscuit right away. Instead he will carry it all over the house and eat it maybe 2 hrs. later. Bella watches him out of the corner of her eye and will grab is up when he is not looking. :p

02-02-2006, 11:44 AM
hi and welcome to PetTalk

Sasha is so cute. Is she a Jack Russell? I have a Jack Russell, Snowy, as you can see on my signature and avatar.

I use liver as treats and it works like a charm :)
they used to provide liver as well at our training club but now they have switched to Frolic

02-02-2006, 11:53 AM
First let me say what an adorable little pup:D

You've gotten some good advice and these are some of the same things I give my dogs.

Our trainer also used small pieces of cooked chicken, small slices of microwave hot dogs or any other meat you may be cooking the day of training (all in moderation of course). Make the bites as small as you possibly can, a little goes a long way!

Good luck and hope to see more of your little girl:)

02-02-2006, 12:38 PM
first of all welcome to pet talk! :) your pup is cute! :)

we give our dogs canine carryouts, rawhides, pig ears, scooby snacks, sometimes milkbones, and just regular dog biscuits..but they don't get those all at once..;) they get dog cookies every night since that's what they love. :D spoiled? oh yeah!! :p

02-02-2006, 01:03 PM
I give merilyn all natural treats for training and he is eating Nutro ans seems to be fine wirth it .. I also give him greenies once or twice a week that is all natural and he does not have that nasty dog breath


02-02-2006, 01:07 PM
Thx everyone for welcoming me to this board!

I will try baby carrots and I just came back from the petshop with some tiny liver treats. I'll see how that goes.

vinjashira: Thanks a lot, she is very cute indeed! It's an American Bulldog, not a Jack Russel :)

Here is another picture of her taking over Tango's cage, one of our 2 cats.


02-02-2006, 01:55 PM
I make my own treats for training because I have a golden retriever that is a bit fat. So I make some nice healthy treats for him and for the pitbull mix I use some treats with higher protien because she is real hard to keep weight on.

I also give milk bones , rawhide chews ect. :D heh we made jerky this last summer and we ahh kinda burnt the crap out of it so we used those for a month or so as treats! Doggies LOVED them!

02-02-2006, 02:49 PM
Oh my, Jon! She is just precious. I want to kiss that cute little nose. Welcome to Pet Talk!

I feed my 3 dogs Nutro's NC Lamb & Rice as well.
They get a range of treats in moderation - but I use pieces of kibble for training with food. For an extra good training treat, to get them REALLY interested - I break up soft treats into small pieces, such as Pupperoni's or Beggin' Strips. You're able to get them into very small pieces so one whole treat goes a long way.

My youngest trains with a tennis ball. If she does something right, she gets to fetch the ball or just hold it. (It is the center of her world, besides me!)

02-02-2006, 03:24 PM
I feed a wide variety of treats including the more common brands (pupperoni, beggin strips etc..) to decent brands (innova, nutro etc..) as well as people food. Of course it is all given in moderation.

I find for intense training cooked liver or chicken works well.

With a puppy that young though you don't want to vary the diet too much too fast (as you may have experienced with the diarrhea the other night). Just a few easy to digest treats, carrots, chicken, his regular kibble etc...

02-02-2006, 03:35 PM
For training, I usually use cut up pieces of Rollover. It's cheap, the ingredients are decent and a roll lasts a long time for my two. I occasionally use microwaved hot dogs pieces when we train around lots of distractions.

I sometimes make my own treats too. I usually throw in some liver, eggs and whatever else I have around. The dogs love it and I prefer to make my own treats as I know exactly what goes into them.

02-02-2006, 04:21 PM
Try not to use too-rich foods for your little girl, that and a completely different kibble will upset her tummy. Tiny bits of chicken or tiny pieces of soft-food rolls (like Red Barn) should be ok! Nutro also makes puppy biscuits and soft treats that you can break into small pieces ;0)

Welcome to PT! Your little Ambull is ADORABLE!! She sounds like such a smarty.

02-06-2006, 12:44 PM
Wow! Lots of replies!

We brought a stool sample to the vet today and she has no parasites :D . They think she might have a colon infection so they gave us antibiotics. She's really playfull so I dont think she's sick... For now i'm just using her own kibbles for treats and it's working fine.

She's learning so fast! I'm working on stay for now... I find it's hard to teach.. any tips?

Thanks to everyone for the tips btw!

02-13-2006, 01:41 PM
My girls will do anything for popcorn (just plain air-popped with no butter or salt necessary). They can eat quite a lot of it without concerns about getting fat and they don't seem to get bored with it.

02-13-2006, 01:46 PM
;) I give my dogs Meaty Bones & Lamb Chops (they are round & come in a big bucket) & sometimes they want Big Pig Ears.. I get all from PetsMart..

02-14-2006, 03:00 PM
She is just adorable..that face! it's hard to teach them at that age..it's like kids..their attention span isn't that great. just have patience and keep doing it..but, do it at like 15 min. intervals. good luck with her.

02-14-2006, 10:08 PM
Make sure the treats you get for your puppy are soft and/or squishy. Squishy ones make the best. Most/some dogs (most of the dogs I've met...) do not like baby carrots, but do try them. Liver treats are good for puppies, they're squishy and soft, perfect for puppies. Look for treats esspecialy designed for puppies, they work well for puppies ;)

Pawsitive Thinking
02-15-2006, 09:34 AM
Firstly a BIG kiss for that beautiful little face

I buy Tobey meaty strips (Smackos?) and just pull off tiny bits at a time as rewards. The bags tend to last a long time so maybe training tips aren't my strong point!

02-15-2006, 05:24 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk! Your little girl is adorable.

I'm not a big fan of soft treats, they have a lot of salt and sugar in them. For training sessions I often use these Nutro treats (http://www.nutroproducts.com/lrsticks.asp), they are soft but better than most I've found. I cut them into small pieces. I prefer using small pieces of boiled chicken instead of soft treats.

As treats my dogs like these Newman's Own organic dog treats (http://www.petfooddirect.com/store/dept.asp?dept_id=9&brand_id=701). I don't use those during training sessions though, they are too big and hard to use in training. I do make them work for everything they get regardless or wether or not we are in a training session.

My dogs also love baby carrots, apples, bananas, and other fruits and vegetables. (Just be sure not to give her grapes or raisins, they are toxic to dogs.)

02-16-2006, 09:31 AM
I buy dried liver treats and I make a big jar of salmon treats every Sunday night. I use them for training, and i put some in their Kongs every morning. The recipe is for 3 dogs. Store in fridge for a week, or freeze and use as needed:

3 cans of salmon, plus the water in the can (I buy cheap salmon)
2 eggs, beaten
1 tsp. of garlic powder
1/2 c. grated cheddar cheese---if you want
Add about 1 1/2 c. of flour, or enough to make the dough the consistency of brownie mix. Spread on greased cookie sheet and bake in 350 degree oven for 20-25 minutes. When cool, cut into small cubes with pizza cutter.

So for about $4, I have healthy treats for 3 dogs--2 standard poodles and a mini poodle--for a week!

02-18-2006, 02:26 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk, Jon83, and darling Sasha! I'm sure that Sasha is going to grow into as very big, beautiful young lady! Sorry I have no treat/food advice... but everyone's replies will do you nothing but good. ;) Good luck in training lil' Sasha1