View Full Version : Cataholic, this made me think of you....

02-01-2006, 11:34 AM
on the weekend me and my hubby hang out with my cousins and their kids, so in the middle of a conversation this came up......

the younger daughter of one of my cousins is very........letīs adventurer......

so one day my cousin was on the living room, and her older daughter came and told her "mommy YOU BETTER come" so she got worried with the YOU BETTER part, so she followed her to the kitchen to find her younger daughter on top of the.............


now thats what made me think of you and Jonah !! LOL!!!

02-01-2006, 12:36 PM
OMG!!!! :eek: Please don't let another mommy have a monkey child (sorry, Mario, no ill will meant). That is pretty scary to imagine someone on top of the Fridge! I thought the table was bad. :eek:

I did tell you about the Jonah standing on the windowsill incident from several weeks ago, didn't I? AND, we had the trip to Children's hospital last Wednesday morning, when Jonah decided laying still on the change table wasn't for him.....he he he.

02-02-2006, 11:45 AM
oh........ i forgot to say shes 4!!!! so keep an eye on Jonah!! LOL monkey boy LOL kisses

02-02-2006, 01:14 PM
I almost hate to tellyou guys about this but ok. My husband worked for a construction boss that they were roofing his house (slow period ) the guys 3 year old always had to be with daddy. Well it was a 2 story house they came down for more roofing only to look up and see the boy on the roof walking the ridge line. Hubby about had a heart attack Tony literlly flow up the ladder to get the kid off the roof.
My own boy had a tree addiction was always up a tree from age 3 never fell the only time he was in the doctor other than for a (medical conditon that still plaques him)was he didn't want to shallow a loose tooth so he stopped eating and drinking (about 5yrs )had to be rehydrated of course I was out of towm for the first time since he was born. I guess my kids garduan angels should put in for hazzard pay. Clarissa only went in for a steam burnt hand . No other doctors or hospital bills .