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02-01-2006, 07:56 AM

Okay, I don't mean that . . . what I mean is . . .


I seriously don't know what's going on with him. I've posted about his excessive vomiting before, but it's just too much. He hasn't been to the vet yet. I've been blaming it on HAIRBALLS all along . . .

But if he had a "hairball problem" . . . wouldn't he be having a hard time hacking them up?

He's not having a hard time. He's having too easy of a time getting them up. THAT'S the problem. And they're always accompanied by food! And it's becoming an almost every day thing. Is that normal?

I wondered if maybe he had a food allergy so I stopped the ProPlan, the one food that he's consistantly ate since he's been with us and now he's just eating the Prescription Diet from the Vet . . . just since Monday night. He still threw up last night.

Do you think I should give that idea more time?

I am going to give it till the weekend. If he's still throwing up like normal, I'm going to get him in to see the vet. It's time for a checkup anyway.

I do dread taking him because I talked to her about him once when I took Josie for an allergy shot and she tried to get me to buy a 50 DOLLAR bag of food! :rolleyes: Sorry lady, I'm not made of money!

Here are a few more pics of my little man . . . so you can feel sorry for him. :)



02-01-2006, 08:02 AM
Sorry Brodie, I have no answer for you!

Pouncer was once dubbed Sir Pukalot. Man could he puke! It was daily as well, and when I switched to a hairball control food it seriously changed things around here. Now he pukes maybe twice a year, when it used to be daily. Yes, food came up when he did puke, but I think its because he had something in his tummy he couldn't get up. I'd try the hairball food - what can you loose if it corrects the problem? Its a little more expensive, but by a few bucks, not $50!

02-01-2006, 08:06 AM

Look at that face!!! Poor Brodie. I'm sure he doesn't like puking anymore than do. I hope they find out what's wrong with him. He looks so sad.

Rie Rie
02-01-2006, 08:07 AM
HI Christa,
I'm having the same thing with Annie, although it's not an everyday thing. Sometimes she throws up and it's whole food, so I shrug it off as she ate too fast, but other times it's already digested food. She is due for her yearly exam as well, so I guess I will ask the DR when I go. She also has been eating the same food since she was a baby, so I don't know what could be causing her problem. My mom gave me some samples of some different food and I'm trying that for a few days, or at least untilit runs out and if she doesn't throw it up, I guess I will have to buy that food, unless the DR says otherwise.

02-01-2006, 08:09 AM
I'd try the hairball food - what can you loose if it corrects the problem? Its a little more expensive, but by a few bucks, not $50!

Kim: We did try the Hairball ProPlan . . . but are having the same problems. What kind of Hairball food does Pouncer eat?

02-01-2006, 08:16 AM
Nutro Max. I also gave him Temptations Hairball treats in the beginning. He had hairball products coming at him left and right! :D

02-01-2006, 08:21 AM
With taht Handsome Face Brodie is welcome at The Found Cat Hotel,where The Found Cats bolt thier food,and then I get to watch them power recycle.
The Siamese are very good at this,rivalling Linda Blair in the Exorcist.
I wish you and Brodie well,have you tried the Nutro Complete Care Hairball?

02-01-2006, 08:24 AM
Did Pouncer actually throw up hairballs as well when he would puke? Every time? I just find that so strange. Hard to believe they can work up a hairball that fast! I can only remember Josie coughing up one or two! She has her own set of problems though. :rolleyes:

Maybe I should try a different brand of hairball food.

Did the treats help, Kim?

02-01-2006, 08:25 AM
I wish you and Brodie well,have you tried the Nutro Complete Care Hairball?

Another fan of Nutro! I might have to try this! Where do you all get Nutro? We live in the sticks . . . no pet stores around here . . . I hope I can find it! :eek:

02-01-2006, 08:32 AM
Jut food, hardly ever a hairball. but the food and treats helped a ton!

02-01-2006, 08:37 AM
Jut food, hardly ever a hairball. but the food and treats helped a ton!

That's what I don't understand about him . . . there is ALMOST ALWAYS a huge hairball in his vomit. Isn't that strange? I mean, he does have really really really coarse & thick hair. Not really long, just coarse. We considered having his shaved. I'm going to ask the vet if it would help. :) I try to brush him 1x a day but he still sheds so much more than Josie! She hardly sheds at all and he sheds like crazy!

I think my husband is ready to put him outside, LOL . . . he wouldn't but he threatens him every time he throws up on our NEW carpet! (of course he never goes to the hardwood :rolleyes: ) . . . I feel sorry for him . . . some cats can vomit gracefully . . . not Brodie . . . it's a whole production. And he projects it a mile! Yuck!

I'm still so happy with my Spot Bot! The best money I've ever spent! :)

02-01-2006, 08:51 AM
I was thinking he may be a cronic regurgitator, but if there is a hairball in there most of the time, I reconsider.

I recommend getting a Zoom Groom and brush him daily with it.

Less fur going in, has to mean less fur coming out.

02-01-2006, 08:52 AM
I recommend getting a Zoom Groom and brush him daily with it.

Less fur going in, has to mean less fur coming out.

Where do you find a Zoom Groom? I'll try ANYTHING at this point!

edit: Okay, they have them on Dr. Foster & Smith . . . so do these work the best??? I need something that will get down into his thick fur!!! - I've been meaning to place an order on there anyway - I might order one today.

02-01-2006, 09:09 AM
Definitely ask about the hair trim!

And there are products like Tonic-Lax and other malt-flavoured goops where one puts a bit of it on the cat's paw.

Ask your vet about using a bit of olive or canola oil(not too often)...Does Brodie get any wet food at all? If not, that could definitely help.

A call to your vet wouldn't cost like a visit does. See what you can find out.

hugs to you and Brodie


Don Juan's mom
02-01-2006, 10:31 AM
After I got Zerlina, Don Juan got in the habit of gobbling as much food as he could (so the other cat couldn't get it :rolleyes: ) and then throwing up. So, I started giving half the food in the morning and half at night, which solved that problem.

My sister Carolyn's old cat Oliver is a gobbler, too. She got a couple of the "vacation" feeders with timers and set them to open so he gets four tiny meals during the day. He will sit by the feeder and wait for it open... because otherwise, Selena the Banzai Cat will eat his food! :D


02-01-2006, 10:49 AM
I just ran out and bought some Nutro for Brodie. Only thing is they didn't have any of the Hairball formula. :rolleyes: But it's the *New Complete* Formula that is supposed to have some hairball in it and they're ordering me some that's supposed to be in on Monday.

I held him down and gave him a GOOOOOOOOOD brushing! Not just a little brush . . . I got down deep and he did not like me much after that. :)

I hope the Nutro helps. My husband is all for getting a hair cut. :)

I'm gonna give this a few days and see if it helps any at all.

I really appreciate all of your input. I will take ALL of it into consideration.

02-01-2006, 11:00 AM

I know alot of people that feed their pets Nutro. It's very good. I hope it helps his barfing problem. If not....I'LL TAKE HIM!!!! ;)

02-01-2006, 11:03 AM

I know alot of people that feed their pets Nutro. It's very good. I hope it helps his barfing problem. If not....I'LL TAKE HIM!!!! ;)

You might regret that comment when you get a LARGE box in your PO Box next week instead of just a CD mailer. ;) You know, since I have your address now . . . hmm . . . :eek: :D ;)

02-01-2006, 11:26 AM
Oh, the photos are so cute, even though he does look a little bit sad.

Onyx is a chronic hairball puker, about once a week or so. I always find her black fur in it. (Why I know it's her and not the other girls.) Cats are prone to throwing up, I'm sure you knew that. Good luck with the solutions provided, hope something works for you! I've never taken action on Onyx because it only happens about once a week and she always seems fine afterwards, I think she just needed to get that ingested fur out.

02-01-2006, 11:40 AM
I've never taken action on Onyx because it only happens about once a week and she always seems fine afterwards, I think she just needed to get that ingested fur out.

At this point, once a week sounds like HEAVEN! :) If we could just get him to once every 2 weeks or once a month . . . that would be fantastic! Better than what's going on now anyhow.

02-01-2006, 11:49 AM
Brodie sure is a cutie pie and I hope that you'll be able to find a solution for him soon. :) He may also have a sensitive tummy so you may want to mix the hairball formula with the sensitive tummy formula. You may also want to feed him small amounts of food and then wait a while before feeding him again. This works well for my Sunny who loves to gobble his food and throw it back up again.

Have you tried the shedding blade yet? This works well on some cats and gets much more fur off of them than just regular brushing will. Here's a link to it: Shedding Blade (http://store.yahoo.com/petmarket/shedbladforc.html). Good luck and please keep us updated about him. :)

02-01-2006, 11:51 AM
Brodie sure is a cutie pie and I hope that you'll be able to find a solution for him soon. :) He may also have a sensitive tummy so you may want to mix the hairball formula with the sensitive tummy formula. You may also want to feed him small amounts of food and then wait a while before feeding him again. This works well for my Sunny who loves to gobble his food and throw it back up again.

Have you tried the shedding blade yet? This works well on some cats and gets much more fur off of them than just regular brushing will. Here's a link to it: Shedding Blade (http://store.yahoo.com/petmarket/shedbladforc.html). Good luck and please keep us updated about him. :)

We have tried Sensitive Stomach Formula . . . can't remember which brand. One of the Vet's Diet brands. Anyway, no change from that.

I might check out that shedding blade. Thanks for the link. ;)

02-01-2006, 11:54 AM
You can buy the shedding blades at most pet stores and I also think that most feed and supply stores will sell them too. ;) I get lots of fur off of Sunny this way. :)

02-01-2006, 03:31 PM
aparently putting vaseline on a cats paws helps. they lick it off. i saw it on petsburgh usa.

02-01-2006, 03:57 PM
Another fan of Nutro! I might have to try this! Where do you all get Nutro? We live in the sticks . . . no pet stores around here . . . I hope I can find it! :eek:

You can even order online.

Petfood direct.com another place to get great deals. I've ordered from this site. http://www.petfooddirect.com/store/

02-01-2006, 05:10 PM
*doing the happy dance :D:D:D*

ALRIGHTY THEN!!!!!!! I'll have a new bed, litterbox and food dishes waiting for him, along with a little "nip".

PM me with your address and I'll send you a stash of it!

02-01-2006, 09:32 PM
Just one last thought, though I mentioned it in my post - does Brodie get any wet food? Some WET hairball food could certainly help. Coarse fur plus dry food might not be the best combo. Ask your vet.

02-02-2006, 12:01 AM
I have tried the Nutro and my cats liked it well enough. Right now they are both on the Science Diet Lite Hairball Formula. Upon reccomendation of the vet and Zippy Kat - she said her crew thought it had crack in it! :eek:
Kylie still throws one up every once in awhile. She likes the ProPlan treats for Hairballs. I don't use the Nutro b/c I needed something specific for hairball and a light formula as both cats need to lose some weight.
Might try adding a bit of coconut oil or Olive Oil over their food. Maybe mix a bit in with wet food as a treat?
Kylie had a bout of gastritis a few years ago and it was similiar to that except she didn't have a hairball mixed in with it. She had to be on antibiotics for awhile and hasn't had any problems since. **knocks on wood**

And I know you have already bought the Nutro but just wanted to add that I usually buy the NUTRO at the local TSC or Farm and Fleet store. They also have Science Diet but not as big of a selection and of course don't have the lite hairball formula. Only the Light and only the Hairball. :eyeroll: But they are considerably cheaper then the pet store....

02-02-2006, 07:40 AM
Just one last thought, though I mentioned it in my post - does Brodie get any wet food? Some WET hairball food could certainly help. Coarse fur plus dry food might not be the best combo. Ask your vet.

We don't usually buy any wet food because Josie can't have any. :( I feel too bad leaving her out.

You think it would help him though?

02-02-2006, 09:15 AM
Christa - like I said, call your vet.

We had two cats at the kennel where I work - one longhair, one short. They both ate the hairball formula, and had cat grass to eat.

There was barf 4 days in a row at one point. I figured it was the longhair, but couldn't prove it.

So I gave them each about a 1/4" glob of Tonic Lax on their paws. Some cats love the stuff and will lick it off your fingers!

Whoever it was finally passed a mess with grass in it(I won't get graphic here), and no more barfs!

Hey - maybe something as simple as cat grass(wheat grass?) It has moisture in it and maybe your other cat can eat it too.

A lot of the suggestions here have oil, Vaseline(not sure about that), or(me) some wet food. Like, a tsp - let Brodie inhale it before Sis gets near! The bottom line here seems to be more lubrication/moisture in the digestive system.


02-02-2006, 11:00 AM
I have used vaseline before or butter and it helps too. Good Luck!