View Full Version : **UPDATE**on the rescue fishies and 2 *Pics*

01-31-2006, 09:02 PM
Okay, so most of you know about the rescue fishies. The ones that Petco claimed were going to die and that didn't need proper care( :rolleyes: ). Me and my Dad got them for half price. Okay, so my Dad didn't think the fish were going to last 1 month. It's been 5 months! They are doing MUCH better. Supposedly, clean water was pointless for fish who were going to die. The minute we brought them home my Dad changed the water and they are fine. They are swimming more and are VERY active. They are showing aggression toward each other. WHICH IS GOOD! We bought a tank with a divider and they look at each other through it. Puff their opericulums up trying to make themselves look bigger. The first few days Rio was not swimming at all. He swimms all day. They seem happier in my room. Since, they are old I assume it's alot peacfuler and less noisy. I am so glad I rescued them:)
My boy, Rio.
Diamond. She is at the VERY top.
Sorry, no Flame pics. He is so active he won't let me get a good shot.

02-01-2006, 12:42 PM
oh thats great about rio and diamond.Rio is beautiful.

02-01-2006, 03:00 PM
:D Thank you!

Suki Wingy
02-01-2006, 04:02 PM
Yay, I'm glad you gave them a good home! :)