View Full Version : Does anyone else have dogs that do this?

01-31-2006, 07:19 PM
Sydney is a little weirdo dog. ;) She likes to "bury" her dog food. In this video (attached) she's covering her dog food with a blanket. She covers and uncovers it repeatedly, mostly using her nose. Often she'll just sit there and nose her food around in the bowl just like that. Sometimes she'll take just a small piece of dog food and cover it in a blanket too. She doesn't do this with treats, just dog food. Is she trying to save it for later or just being strange? ;) Anybody else's dogs do this? I've never seen another dog do this.

*Please excuse the mess and darkness, it's taken in their (Reggie and Sydney's) playpen in the basement that they stay in when we're not home, I had just put them in it when she started doing it. I tried to lighten it but it didn't help much. The video is about a minute long, but she kept doing it for at least 5 minutes straight!

01-31-2006, 07:23 PM
OMG! Finally, someone who has a weird dog. SASSY DOES THAT ALL THE TIME! :D

01-31-2006, 07:46 PM
I've never seen that before!!

01-31-2006, 08:25 PM
I use to see it every now and then at work. There was one dog that kept rubbing her nose raw so we had to take the towel away until she ate her food.

01-31-2006, 08:26 PM
LOL...love it! If Sydney is wierd than so is my Katie;). Katie doesn't try to hide her dog food though, its always her treats. She has done this since she was a puppy and usually its the bone type treats, like Milk Bones. She doesn't even bother to have anything real to cover it up with. She just puts the treat in a corner and takes her nose and starts rubbing the floor with it and throwing up pretend dirt or something :rolleyes:. Alden and I have had lots of laughs over this and I always think she is going to get rug burn on her nose..lol. Every once in awhile if there is something laying on the floor like a newspaper she will use that to cover it. She doesn't do it so much now that she has a little sister and when she does she always goes right back to it because she is afraid that little sis will get it :p .

My sister's little westie is always hiding food. She hides it everywhere! Sometimes she forgets where she hid it and goes nuts trying to find it and will even start whining as she searches the whole house for it and that drives my sister crazy...LOL.

Ginger's Mom
01-31-2006, 08:26 PM
Yes, Peaches was the first dog I ever saw do that. But she didn't even have a blankie or anything near her bowl, so she would be just pushing the bowl or just the air over the bowl, the paw at it, and push the air again. Very strange. Ginger doesn't do it so much with her food, but does it with her treats and chew-chews. And, may I say that I think Sydney is such a cute little girl. She looks so sweet and dainty. :)

01-31-2006, 11:48 PM
Rosie does this.. A LOT.. :)

02-01-2006, 12:45 AM
Logan will gingerly and very slowly and carefully take about 2 pieces of kibble from her bowl and drop it on the dining room rug. She'll then eat her dinner and go back and eat the food she dropped. She does this outside in the summer too. I call it "feeding her babies" because it's as though she's doing that first before she decides it's Ok to eat.

02-01-2006, 08:29 AM
Star and Sherman BOTH do this outside! They both bury treats, and Star buries food. A muddy nose is a dead give-away ;) I've also watched as I put them back out after going to the park and one of them will race over and dig up a special yummy(?) dirt-covered treat. Sherman just buried his stuff in the snow when we had some.

02-01-2006, 08:36 AM
LOL, thats too cute. I've never seen a dog do that before. :p

Kaige does something funny with his food dish though, he will push his food bowl around the kitchen floor, pushing so hard to make the kibble spill out, eating only the kibble that spills on the floor. He will do this until his bowl is empty.

02-01-2006, 11:06 AM
Buster does it with treats sometimes, but not his food. I've seen several dogs do that at my work though. I usually end up hand feeding them.

Bitsy takes 1 or 2 pieces of her food to her blanket, she eats those then goes back for a couple more pieces.

02-01-2006, 11:10 AM
I can't see the video. :(

Kia doesn't try to bury her food, but Zam does. :)

02-01-2006, 11:47 AM
Rocky does this...I think it's cute. :)

02-01-2006, 12:20 PM
Nope, my dogs are pretty normal. :D LOL

02-01-2006, 02:06 PM
Mini does it ALL the time, especially if she missed breakfast of something and we put it in her crate. Kyra used to do it a lot but I haven't seen her do it very much lately...

02-01-2006, 02:14 PM
Snowy does that with her pig's ear (which I no longer buy) and boneo (big dog biscuits) :p