View Full Version : We Got It!

01-30-2006, 07:12 PM
HJ left this weekend with our friend Emi to go to Branson. He was going to look at apartments, while Emi was going to finish applying at the theatre he works at. She'd already got the job a month earlier but apparently needed to lose weight down to a size 7. O_o So she did apparently and did get the job. :)

While down there HJ contacted a man about an apartment. We'd been having the HARDEST time finding places because of the dogs. :( BUT we found a place that had a lot of potential. Its a 2BR 2BA loft apartment for like $620/month AND he said the two dogs would be NO problem! He just had to run a background check and everything else on HJ and said he'd get back to him on Monday (today).

Well... today he called and wants HJ to meet him tomorrow to sign some papers!! :D We got it!! And this isn't like our other place, either, this is through a company who actually GIVES receipts upon payment and isn't a complete jerk like our previous landlord was! And its unfurnished but that's OK, my mom has been hoarding furniture for us since we left LAST year lmao


Here is a "loose" floorplan. Its horribly out-of-proportion but the general layout is there:


The master bed & bath is up the stairs and overlooks the living/dining room and is right above the first bedroom.

I'm excited! I might go down tomorrow after work to see the place and start helping HJ move his stuff in (but I have to be back Wednesday night since I have work at 7am on Thursday lol).

Now all I need is a car! PT prayers work miracles but they're backwards for me, apparently! hehe

I'm going to have to get a crate for Jamie while we're away. Either that, or a baby gate to keep both upstairs in our room while we're away at work. I DO NOT want to risk them chewing up ANYTHING in this new apartment! Since its unfurnished though anything they DO chew up would be ours' this time heh

01-30-2006, 07:16 PM
That so great! Congrats! :D

01-30-2006, 07:33 PM
Congratulations!!!!!! :D

01-30-2006, 07:37 PM
congrats!!! wow I hope I can get something like that when I move out, I am so jelous!!!! :)

01-30-2006, 08:45 PM
Yay! Congradulations! :D It sounds lovely.