View Full Version : Prayers for a friends Wolfdog please.*UPDATE*

01-30-2006, 02:02 PM
My freind noticed her wolfdog Harley limping a few days back, then she wasn't limping anymore, this morning she was limping again so her husband took Harley to the vet today and here is the e-mail I just got from her:

Bad news, it looks like it is cancer on Harley. The vet said it's a bony mass on her ankle and the prognosis is not good.
They said it could be one of two other things. One, she fractured it a long time ago and it healed and then she refractured it. This isn't likely because the vet said we would have known for sure if it was a fracture because she would not have been able to walk on it. It would not have just gone away like it did. Two, it could be an infection which isn't likely because usually infections go thru the joint and this is not. The most likely candidate is cancer. The vet thinks it is cancer and even gave us what they could do, which is only amputate and chemo and even then they give her 6-9 months to live. She doesn't want to come right out and say it's definitely cancer because that would be a death sentence for her. But she thinks it is from her experience and the amount of pain Harley is in. I guess when she was under sedation for the x-ray and they touched her ankle her head came up off the table and she yelped. The vet said that is a lot of pain and therefore one of the reasons it's probably bone cancer because bone cancer is very painful.

The vet said we could do a biopsy tomorrow and then it will be about a week to get the results back or we could bring her home and they would give her pain medication and antibiotics (in case it is infection) and we would know within a week or two because if it is bone cancer it will grow rapidly and will be about twice the size in that short amount of time. The vet suggested bringing her home and waiting to see.

So, if we can find out in about the same amount of time without putting her thru the biopsy (making it more painful) that is what we're doing. Scott is picking her up at 5:30 today. At least we'll have time to spend with her and say our goodbyes properly.

This is the last thing we thought it would be. I can't even believe it. Poor Harley. She's such a sweet girl. Maybe we'll get lucky and it will be an infection or fracture.

Please say a prayer for Harley, that her pain is eased and she can live the rest of her time on earth pain free, or that it is just an infection and she'll heal. :(
My hubby and Harley

01-30-2006, 02:25 PM
:( Prayers and good thoughts for Harley coming! Poor baby!

01-30-2006, 02:28 PM
Prayers for Harley and her family.

01-30-2006, 02:29 PM
How sad! :( My thoughts and prayers will be with Harley and her family.

Ginger's Mom
01-30-2006, 03:37 PM
My heart goes out to your friend and her family. She and Harley will be in my prayers. Harley is a beautiful girl.

01-31-2006, 01:37 AM
Prayers for Harley and her family...

01-31-2006, 07:25 AM
:( Prayers for beautiful Harley and her family.

01-31-2006, 09:01 AM
Oh I am so very sorry. Hopefully it isn't cancer. Prayers coming your way.

My first foster GSD, Gaylord, had osteosarcoma (bone cancer) and by time they knew he had it, he had to be sent to Rainbow Bridge....They were going to do surgery for hip dysplasia (that's what they thought he had), but when they opened him up...his bones were "mush". They humanely sent him to RB. The cancer spread very quickly. From the time he showed symptoms til the time he went to RB was about 2 months. He was a beautiful soul. We all loved him.

Good luck to you, hoping it is not cancer.

01-31-2006, 09:04 AM
I am so sorry, how sad. My thoughts and prayers go out to Harley and her family.

01-31-2006, 09:33 AM
I am so sorry. I'm sending prayers for Harley and family.

02-24-2006, 03:17 PM
Harley is going to the bridge this weekend.
It is cancer for sure and the tumor has not stopped growing. It's getting too painful for her to walk and the other wolfdog in the enclosure, Phoenix, has begun to pull himself away from her.
(One of the things wolves do with sick members of their pack)
He has already started to howl low, mournful howls at night. I'm sure he knew she was sick before anyone else did. As hard as this is going to be on my friend, her husband and her kids, Phoenix is going to take this the hardest. Please say a little prayer for them all. :(

02-24-2006, 03:23 PM
I am so sorry to hear this. Soon you will be painfree, Harley. Go look for Killian and Shiloh, they'll show you around Rainbow Bridge. Hugs to Harley's family and friends.

Ginger's Mom
02-24-2006, 03:43 PM
I'm sorry to hear this, Angie. Prayers and hugs going out to Harley's family (both canine and human).

02-24-2006, 04:22 PM
i'm so sorry. :( Best wishes and prayers for Harlley and his family

02-24-2006, 11:32 PM
Harley will be in my prayers. Say hello to Rosie at the RB, Harley!

02-25-2006, 12:03 AM
This is so heartbreaking. I'm not sure what kind of cancer my darling Cody had (it mastisized to his lungs) but it was very very very quick and thankfully he didn't seem to be in terrible pain. But nature is amazing. He "told" me it was time and willingly went to the bridge very peacefully. Hugs and prayers to Harley and her family. This will be such a sad weekend.No more pain, Harley, no more pain, just play and games and love. Safe trip to the Bridge darling.

02-25-2006, 12:24 PM
Oh :( I'm sorry to hear this....they will be in my thoughts.

02-25-2006, 02:51 PM
how sad, im so sorry