View Full Version : BRUTUS came for a visit

01-30-2006, 10:54 AM
As some of you (bless your heart you know who you are) may remember my friends dog Brutus. Well we decided to be brave & see how he does with other dogs after being an only dog with no dog socialization for 4 years and brought him over to my house. He had a BLAST! He LOVES other dogs!

I wanted to take a million pictures but I already had to delete some just to take these few pics. My memory card is FULL.

Just in the last few days my dogs & Brutus have gotten together a few times. They really do love each other. Well except for Nanook, he just likes to sit on the sidelines & watch. :)

Kaige & Raustyk both trying to get Brutus's full attention, they didn't want to share him. lol They did great though!

The happy boy running up to me:

Kaige showing Brutus his other buddies:

Did I ever say I want to steal Brutus? LOL He really is an awesome dog!

01-30-2006, 11:04 AM
I was going to start a thread and ask you how Brtus was doing! It looks like he is doing wonderful. His fur looks really good. That is awesome that he got along with your crew! :D

new mom to a veiled
01-30-2006, 11:17 AM
Ohhhhh he looks like he is doing much better.....I'm so glad :) How nice for them to have a play date!!!

Ginger's Mom
01-30-2006, 11:46 AM
It's great to see that all of the dogs got along so well. Way to go Brutus (and of course Raustyk and Kaige, too, for sharing your home with Brutus).
(I finally did get those coupons, about a week ago. I still have your address and will send them off tonight or tomorrow.)

01-30-2006, 11:47 AM
Great pics, I like the pic of Kaige and Brutus looking at Kaige's other buddies. :)

01-30-2006, 11:59 AM
I remember that I think. Is he the dog that had the really bad skin problems?
Great pictures

01-30-2006, 12:40 PM
I remember that I think. Is he the dog that had the really bad skin problems?
Great pictures

Yes he was. He is doing pretty good now. I and other PT'ers have been buying his food & his mom has been buying his meds. She did go about a month or so without some of his meds about a month ago, she had a lot of problems with her house & vehicle but is getting back on track again.
Her family really are great people. They so deserve what we have done for their beloved Brutus.
Thank you all once again.

I am sure you will be seeing many more pics of him now that we know that he gets along with my dogs. We'll be having many more playdates. :)

01-30-2006, 12:46 PM
Looks like fun! Brutus looks like a sweetie.

01-30-2006, 01:13 PM
Brutus looks so happy! That's great that he did so well with the other dogs :)

01-30-2006, 03:38 PM
I was going to start a thread and ask you how Brtus was doing! It looks like he is doing wonderful. His fur looks really good. That is awesome that he got along with your crew! :D

So was I! :D
I'm so glad he is doing better. He LOOKS GREAT!

01-30-2006, 04:03 PM
Aww he's SO Cute! :D

01-31-2006, 08:25 AM
So was I! :D
I'm so glad he is doing better. He LOOKS GREAT!

I think he feels a lot better too. I've noticed he's more obedient & just more upbeat the last few months. :)

He still has 2 spots that are taking a while to clear up. One on his hip & the other in one of his back legs. They are both better than what they have been & they are about the only problemd he has left the rest have all cleared up.

His mouth still gets a little pink when he chews a lot or plays with toys often, but thats not really a skin problem, thats just because he is so white & his skin is sensative and already has a pink pigment to it.

I really do love this boy. He's a great dog!

01-31-2006, 08:40 AM
what a cutie! :)

01-31-2006, 08:56 AM
Yes he was. He is doing pretty good now. I and other PT'ers have been buying his food & his mom has been buying his meds. She did go about a month or so without some of his meds about a month ago, she had a lot of problems with her house & vehicle but is getting back on track again.
Her family really are great people. They so deserve what we have done for their beloved Brutus.
Thank you all once again.

I am sure you will be seeing many more pics of him now that we know that he gets along with my dogs. We'll be having many more playdates. :)
I cant even see a skin problem now :D It's amazing what some people that some of havnt even met can do.

01-31-2006, 09:21 AM
look at that happy face :)

I'm partial to a white dog with a patch, by the way :D

01-31-2006, 03:13 PM
He looks so much better!