View Full Version : Funny new pics

04-12-2002, 09:55 PM
Here are a couple of Kersey. Unfortunately Graham wanted nothing to do with the destruction of the stuffie so he went off into the office to snooze while Kersey made her royal mess. I just bought this toy yesterday after her class at Petco: Total life span of giant, green, squeeky, rattley and gruntie spider stuffie...about 30 hours.

And another of the silly girl who is quite happy with her work:

Sorry for not being around much lately. I miss all my friends here. I have just been real busy with Graham, Kersey, and we are also getting serious about house-hunting, and we are in the process of getting fully approved for a mortgage so it's a busy, stressful time. I promise to post more once I get more time.

04-12-2002, 10:05 PM
We had a similar situation at our house. Poor Lamby #2.http://www.imagestation.com/picture/sraid18/pd86ffa8d11ac453be92dede52ff42083/fdcf7db4.jpg

04-12-2002, 11:19 PM
http://plauder-smilies.com/lach.gif Just look at those innocent faces! Kersey and Tucker look as if they are saying "I can't imagine who made this mess!" :D

Leslie it's good to hear from you and to catch up on the exciting things going on in your life right now. Good luck on your house hunting. I hope you find just what you want and that everything will just fall right into place for you.

Rachel, what a darling picture of little Tucker Love. He just got a little carried away is all! ;) Bella's stuffies have very short lives too I'm afraid. I have had to stop buying them because their insides are on the outside in no time! I never thought to take pictures of the casualties though! HA! Anyone else have any good pictures of unstuffed stuffies?

04-13-2002, 12:00 AM
Ohhhh My!!!!! Presley has a bag full of toys in the closet that she has ripped apart and pulled out the stuffing... She actually ripped the face off her Santa yesterday and started to pull his stuffing out but i saved it!!! :rolleyes: I have lots of stitching to do now ;)

Former User
04-13-2002, 06:58 AM
Precious pictures! And what a mess, ugh! And yes, they look so innocent, as if the toy itself just went mad :rolleyes:

04-13-2002, 07:12 AM
You know, I can't understand why the manufacturers even bother to make stuffed animals for dogs. Leslie, that little spider dude would have lasted about 20 minutes at our house. You can't know how many of my beloved stuffed animals from my growing up years are now at the bottom of the landfill somewhere because the poochies had their way with them. Good luck with the house hunting...it can be a lot of fun, but REALLY frustrating...I remember when we moved about a year and a half ago. Good luck and keep us posted. Btw....great pictures!!

04-13-2002, 08:19 AM
Mugsy, we actually have some stuffies that have never been unstuffed. Others get to this stage where there is one hole in them, and I will scoop up the stuffing put it back in and then they get to destuff all over again. I think we did Lamby several times. The little black lamb is so cute. This is Lamby #2 and I can invision that one day soon we will have Lamby #3 in our house. If I choose carefully, stuffies do actually last quite a while. I think we have had Lamby #2 for about six months.

04-13-2002, 09:55 AM
These photos are adorable. Leslie, Kersey looks like she had the time of her life without big brother interruping her lol.

Rachel, Tucker looks like he is saying "who me?, not me, it was Hannah."

Those pictures look very familiar, we have the destruction derby here at times too. lol

04-13-2002, 10:19 AM
We also have a few stuffed animals that have never been destuffed, the just seem to keep getting holes in them, so I sew them up! I guess I don't have any pics because as soon as they pull the stuffing out, I pick it up, it's like a game! We did have one stuffie I bought, it was as cow, for about 5 minutes, then it was a headless cow, then a legless cow, I just kept sewing it up, now it's just the body of a cow:eek:

04-13-2002, 10:32 AM
Quite impressive Kersey. That's Sadie's favorite thing to do. I see lots of dog toys in the picture - looks like you have quite the life there Kersey!

04-13-2002, 10:48 AM
We have NO stuffed anything around here......the stuffing is usually out in about 5 minutes, thank you, Lilly!! LOL!!

The pictures are terrific, Leslie! She looks like she's having the time of her life!! :D And as always, I love seeing Tucker!!! He's just adorable and so innocent!! Surely you don't think he was the Nawtee Dawg, Rachel! :rolleyes:

04-14-2002, 10:10 AM
Thanks for the comments everyone. It was a funny site but it was a pain to clean up :) Stuffies don't last long with Kersey. She has destroyed every one of Grahams stuffies, plus the new ones that I have bought. She has fun, though and that's what's important :)

Tucker, you cutie pie. Look at how innocent you are with those angel eyes :) I know that you didn't de-stuff that lamby. I know that it was Hannah because you are way too innocent :)

04-14-2002, 12:31 PM
What wonderful photos, Leslie!! Kersey is such a cutie!!

That innocent little face in the midst of all that toy stuffing used to be a common event around here--Kobie and Eli both LOVED to tear plush toys apart! And silly me, I thought I'd do surgery on them, sew 'em up and send 'em back out to be played with. Forget it, it wasn't worth the trouble! They really enjoyed flinging the deflated "skins" around, though... :rolleyes:

04-14-2002, 04:48 PM
Most of our stuffed toys get torn up eventually(Cincy!) We do have a rabbit and a raccoon that despite a small hole in each have last since November! The girls got a bunch of stuffed toys for Christmas from my mom, and most of those have been destuffed. ...so far the balls and the animals have survived...the jacks, frisbee and pyramid tore up...coincedence?

04-15-2002, 09:32 AM
Originally posted by RachelJ
Honest Mom, it was spontaneous combustion!

04-15-2002, 09:34 AM
Originally posted by AdoreMyDogs
Ahhh...nothin' like a roll in good ol' frog guts!

Cute pics!

04-15-2002, 09:58 AM
Awwwwwwww, the pics are sooo cute!! Reece and Lolly are really good and have never torn up a stuffie yet. Now Harley on the other hand would tear up anything that he could get his mouth on.

Because Reece and Lolly never tear them up and I still like to buy them, we have an abundance of stuffies around here. At the Pet Talk meeting, Angie and Karen got to see how ferocious yet gentle Lolly is on the stuffies, hehe. Reece usually runs around hoarding them from his sister then he'll stop and gnaw on them until she comes running to steal it.

04-15-2002, 03:31 PM
Ahhhh, these pics are priceless! Yes, that "look" of innocence! Hah! So, one more time, especially for the "newbies," a classic, an oldie but a goodie, the truth behind the demise, of Lamby, I give you....


Presley, you have to check this out!!

04-15-2002, 05:45 PM
LOL LOL ROTFL You guys are a riot!:D All those pics are just too priceless. I love it! Remember the ones of Daisy the Basset in the garbage?? I laughed so hard at those!
Great pics! They do look so innocent, don't they?? :rolleyes: :D

04-15-2002, 11:51 PM
Leslie, try giving Kersey paper bags from the grocery store.. Simba loves tearing thoose up! Then when hes done playing with it i crumble it up into a ball and tape it if needed and we play catch with it! I dont have many stuff toys for Simba, mostly balls.. He does like to rip up tennis balls though.. we find lil green fuzz all over the house... He also like to chew up thoose squeaky balls... when we got him i bought a 8 pack of them.. we still have 2.. i guess thats pretty good..although they spent most of the time lost under my parents bed.. Simba still all time favorite toy is the toy i made him made out of a bunch of socks tide together used as like a tug of war toy... and the socks last longer then the rope toys!

Cute pics Leslie, and Rachel also.;) :cool:

04-16-2002, 12:28 AM
Here's a pic of Reece and Lolly guarding their toy Aunt Auggie gave them this weekend!