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View Full Version : Whats the best thing about your kitties?

Heather Wallace
04-12-2002, 04:46 PM

I love it when my two boys come running over to the car when we get home.

When I go in the garden Tatty Bogles follows me, makes me feel loved.:)


Sorry about me having to be in the pic, for those who haven't seen it it's Tatty having a strech, just so happens it was me in the pic.:eek:

Former User
04-12-2002, 04:54 PM
I guess simply everything! But maybe mostly when they come and cuddle with us :)

04-12-2002, 05:29 PM
I guess I love cats so much because their cuddly soft and just loved being loved on. Some are very independent and determined to make you have a challange to change their minds. Instead you change yours. I just love Kitty Cats!!

04-12-2002, 05:46 PM
The best thing is they love me no matter what.

04-12-2002, 06:58 PM
They love me no matter what!

They greet me when I come home or wake up :D

They entertain me...

They love snugglies...

04-13-2002, 12:17 AM
I love the fact that they give me unconditional love. When I've had a bad day, they entertain me and make me laugh. They also relieve my stress. They give me something to come home to. They brighten up my day. I don't know what I'd do without them. :D :) :) :D

04-13-2002, 12:20 AM
Here's also a picture of Sunny.

04-13-2002, 12:56 AM

I think I'm in love -- with your cats! What great looking fur-babies you have. wow!!!

4 feline house
04-13-2002, 09:53 AM
Heather, you don't have to apologize for being in the pic! We love putting faces to these nicknames!

Krazy - is Sunny an Aby? Or is a just a "faint" tabby? He looks nearly stripeless!

04-13-2002, 07:42 PM
I was told that Sunny is half abyssinian and half tabby. He has stripes on his legs and tail and the tabby markings on his face. He's also between 12-13 lbs. so he's bigger than the 10 lb. and under abyssinian. He also loves to talk a lot and he's full of energy. I love him soooo much.:D He's brought a lot of life to my household.

04-13-2002, 07:50 PM
Originally posted by krazyaboutkatz
I love the fact that they give me unconditional love. When I've had a bad day, they entertain me and make me laugh. They also relieve my stress. They give me something to come home to. They brighten up my day. I don't know what I'd do without them. :D :) :) :D

And they are beautiful to look at too!!! :) My goodness! What gorgeous babies you have. All of them!!

I think that Butter's purpose in life is to keep my mind sharp (have to try and stay a step ahead of that boy) and to make sure I never oversleep! :eek: And I think he's pretty wonderful too. :)

Mimi's purpose in life must be to soothe me. She's been doing it for almost 13 years now, without fail. She and I have been through some pretty tough times together, but she has never faltered, not once. :) I sure do love that girl.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
04-16-2002, 04:20 PM
The two things I like best about my kitties is the unconditional love, and the endless source of entertainment. I never tire of watching them...well, maybe when they're asleep I don't need to watch them, but otherwise they are always up to something, or helping me or something that is adorable and fun to watch.

They bring happiness to our house. :)

04-16-2002, 05:58 PM
Originally posted by Tubby & Peanut's Mom
The two things I like best about my kitties is the unconditional love, and the endless source of entertainment. I never tire of watching them...well, maybe when they're asleep I don't need to watch them, but otherwise they are always up to something, or helping me or something that is adorable and fun to watch.

They bring happiness to our house. :)

I second this!! I don't know what I would do without my Marius. He's my baby, and he always seems to know when I need a little extra cuddling. He drives me nuts with his cuteness and his silly antics! Cats are just so much fun!:D

You all might notice that I tend to talk about Marius a little more than I do Scooter. It's not that I love Scooter less, it's just that Marius is MY cat:D Scooter is most definitely Aaron's cat. He had Scooter before we got married. I had Marius before we were married too. It's kinda funny...his and hers cats. Scooter doesn't like anybody but Aaron, but he tolerates me ok. LOL LOL

04-16-2002, 11:35 PM
The best thing about The Beans? They make me laugh. They love ME unconditionally. They are my kids.:D

04-17-2002, 01:12 AM
One of my favorite things about Shiloh is how she crawls on my chest purring really loud in the middle of the night and early morning. I also like it when she gets really playful and runs through the house at top speed meowing :)

Sara luvs her Tinky
04-17-2002, 01:17 AM
One of my most favorite things about my purrbabies is every night when we come home they come running to the door and when we turn on the lights they have that squinty face cause they just woke up and we turned the lights on....... I just love that face.
One of my favorite things about Tinky is that she is soooooo nice. She is PURRMASTER. She loves to sit in your lap and be petted and she will just sit there and purr (my cuddle bug).
One of my favorite things about Jupiter is his meow, I love Tinky's meow too but he has a purr meow combo thing goin on. I really love it when I fix them tuna and they meow their faces off ( I JUST LUV TO HEAR A KITTY MEOW) :D
There are really so many things that I love about my kitties, I would be here all day telling you guys alllllll about it.
LOL Heather, funny pic Tatty is a loooooong little girl :p

04-17-2002, 05:13 AM
:) what I like the most about Sydney , is his purring welcome every time I come home from somewhere !!! He waits for me at the door and follows me into the kitchen , just to make sure that there is not any food inside those bags ....:D :D It is so funny seeing him sniffle at every bag ...!!!!:rolleyes: :D

04-17-2002, 08:23 AM
I love it when a sleepy and content Thelma stretches up, puts a gentle paw on my face, and looks adoringly into my eyes ... like I am the best two-legger in the world! :D

I love it when Weezie falls asleep "nursing" on my finger, purring, and making biscuits. I love that she thinks of me as Mommy kitty. :D

04-17-2002, 09:25 AM
It's very difficult to say... I love everything about Sirocco and Neelix!! First of all, let me tell you that the thing I really admire most in a cat is purring - till I had my first cat (and pet!) Sirocco, last Summer, I never heard a cat purring! The first time little Sirocco purred (he was a kitten), I thought he was ill :o I couldn't imagine that such a tiny thing could make such a big noise :D I think that a cat's purr is a PRESENT, at least, I feel very honoured when Sirocco or Neelix start purring on my lap. THAT MAKES ME HAPPY!
Sirocco is quite aloof, so he chooses when he wants to come by me, so when he does, you know he really appreciates your company - and he really appreciates me most! :cool:

I love them kitties


04-17-2002, 01:05 PM
I love reading about everyone's loves....it's so nice.... :)

What do I love most about Noah? I think his sweet personality when it comes to David and I. When he looks at me, he melts my heart. He is the only thing that I can talk to, hug, kiss and cry at/with and he loves me still, no matter what. (My hubby does that too, but Noah doesn't talk...which is welcoming when you're sad etc.) He follows me everywhere I go, even just to get up to go to the restroom at 2:00 in the morning. I love that he sleeps over my head at night and stays there until I get up, even then, he cuddles with me, pleading with me to stay and cuddle. He is my baby and his love for me is so, so wonderful to me. :) My life would be never be the same without him.

Noel is my hubby's cat, but I love her too (of course). What I love about her is her fondness for cuddling (when she wants to of course). She makes me laugh a lot becuase she plays constantly....she has the most fun personality! :)

06-14-2002, 11:44 PM
I like when my cats greet when I come home and follow me around. My oldest boy, Joey. He follows me all over and waits in front of the washroom door until I finished my shower.

07-04-2002, 03:46 PM
For Stormy I guess it would be that when we went to my mom's friend's house to pick a kitty she came up to me (I was sitting on the floor), curled up in my lap, and fell asleep. She picked me instead of me picking her.
For Smokey I guess it would be that hes lovey dovey to me but not to my mom or my brother. He sleeps in my room on my bed when ever he can. I think its b/c it makes him feel safe. I have cat stuff all around my room and I have dog things all around my room. It seems peaceful in my room compared to my brother's room.

07-04-2002, 06:02 PM
The laughs, the cuddles, the surprises...what's not to love?? Ritz is our live-in stress reducer :)