View Full Version : Bedtime!

Laura's Babies
01-28-2006, 09:45 AM
Well, last night Samantha made a new discovery that she loved... UNDER the covers is warm, cozy and nice! I threw the sheet over her when streightening up the bed, then the comforter and she just kept playing under there. Everytime the creepy monster would scatch the top of the covers, she would meow a warning and attack! (Needless to say, bedtime was delayed for some playtime) When I finally settled in for the night, she was still under there and stayed so long, I was afraid she would smother and had to drag her out. This was her first time under the covers and she sure loved it under there!


Giz heard the playing and had to come observe...

Awe MOM! NOT that flashie box again!!

I got these of Amy the other day. It gets me how stiff she is when awake but how relaxed she is when she is asleep... (reminds me so much of her kitten days)

And I am constantly amazed at how pretty her sweet face has gotten...

01-28-2006, 09:58 AM
Thers nothing more relaxing than a Sleeping Cat,and we Thank You for sharing your Sleeping Beauties!

01-28-2006, 10:04 AM
They sure are cute, but the photos of Amy are especially cute!

Edwina's Secretary
01-28-2006, 12:24 PM
Giz is the first pink kitty Ihave ever seen. Does she look as pink in person as she does in photos?

01-28-2006, 12:26 PM
lol .. she does look a little pinkish, doesn't she? I think it's an interesting shade of ... umm ... cream? beige? or just flat-out pink ??? :)

Maya & Inka's mommy
01-28-2006, 12:46 PM
Fun fun fun !!!
Wow, Giz is very special; what an unusual colour!!

01-28-2006, 12:48 PM
Hi Laura! Wow, what dynamite pictures of all your furbabies!!! They make me want to hug and snuggle each one of them. They are gorgeous beyond belief! By the way, how is sweet little Amy?

Laura's Babies
01-28-2006, 02:37 PM
Wow! :eek: I am blown away at Giz being pink? I have never thought of her as pink.... Is it the orange that looks pink to you? That is definately a new word in refferance to crazy Giz!! I don't see it so maybe I am missing something?

momcat... Amy seems to be better. She is coming to me several times a day for cuddles and loving and that seems to relax her a lot. Her getting around depends on what time of the day it is and what the weather is, and how hot I have the heat set. Early in the day and up until late in the afternoon, she gets around pretty good but as the day goes on, she gets weaker and starts falling back 3 steps for every one forward she takes. She has accepted eating and drinking in the living room now to save her that trip into the kitchen, even accepted eating laying down now and then when before it was just a outright refusal to do that. I am proud to say, she has accepted the puppy pads also to do her business on 50% of the time. (Wal mart has a WONDERFUL price on those and it IS easier than scooping a litter box!) I wonder if now she has accepted her worse condition and in acceptance, it has made it so much easier for her to save her energy for the more important things.. Today, she took off running after Giz while Giz was having one of those rip and run play times.. She does play more, even if it is laying down...
I have not, and I repete, I have NOT given her the prednisone yet!
BUT.... :( I am so sad to report, that it is time for them to go back to Kevlins as Wednesday, I have to go back to work.. That trip is going to stress her and I am dreading it... I just can't see her living 28 days in a cage in order to prevent that trip, at least she knows Kevlins house and will not be in a cage..

01-28-2006, 02:43 PM
Ahhh, how comfy Samantha is looking! It's sweet that she found such a warm and cosy place! :)

and Giz is such a beautiful girl! :) But I don't see any pink on her! ;)


01-28-2006, 11:20 PM
Awww, I wanna crawl in bed and snuggle under the covers with Samantha too!!!! :D Too sweet!!!!!!

Giz is just so beautiful, I love seeing pictures of her so much!

Amy has a precious face, Laura ... what a sweet, sweet girl she is and what a precious sleepy girl picture that is! She looks so angelic!!!!

Please give all of your sweet babies (Chester too) some kissies and rubbies from me!!!!


01-28-2006, 11:27 PM
Sweet Samantha looks like my Blackie! And he, too, loves the bed covers... especially when it's time to make the bed with fresh new sheets and blankets. In true Marco/Polo fashion, I sing out "Where'd the kitty go?!" And he chirps and purrs loudly in response. He will NOT budge from underneath the sheets... except to "attack" me.

smokey the elder
01-29-2006, 07:36 AM
Samantha is a doll! *must...kill...bed...monster!*

Amy sounds like she's going through the same process as my CH Diva. She has learned to eat lying down, yowl for help holding her up while she uses her box, and not to climb stairs. On the other hand, she has tremendous "upper-body" strength and uses her front legs to haul herself onto couches and chairs. This is fairly recent. It sounds like you are doing very well with Amy.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-30-2006, 10:28 AM
Samantha, tell your mewomie not to worry about you suffocating under the covers. I sleep under them all the time and am always able to breathe - and to find my way out when I hear daddy rattling the treats around. Undercover is the absolute best place to be, isn't it?

Laura, Samantha is so adorable under the covers. :D I love the look on Giz's face. I see that look on Peanut all the time when she's watching CJ - a look of total disdain. :D

And sweet little Amy, what can I say? I just with there was something.....anything....you could do to make the trip less stressful on her. Poor little sweety pie. :( However, I have to commend Kevlin and his family on taking on a kitty like Amy. They could easily have said "Mom, she's getting worse and we can't handle her anymore, you'll have to make other arrangements." But they didn't, and you and Amy are lucky to have them since like you say, the cage is unacceptable.

01-30-2006, 11:07 PM
Great pictures Laura..Thanks for sharing :D
I'll bet Samantha loved sleeping with you under the covers. Winston loves doing just that EVERY night :D

01-30-2006, 11:14 PM
That is like Meu-Meu, She loves sleeping under the covers. I never had a cat that liked sleeping under the covers. Babe doesn't like it, but Meu-Meu does.
silly kittes :rolleyes:

01-31-2006, 02:09 AM
thas just gorgeous laura!! little amy and giz and samantha. so sweet. as i have said, good luck wtih amy.