View Full Version : the fight for the $3 "cat tent"

01-28-2006, 09:07 AM
I bought this cheapy $3 "cat tent" from walmart yesterday....

Bagheera and Ellie have not stopped fighting over it since I opened the package......I didn't think they would use it... Bagheera has proven to be "king" of the kitty tent... and refuses to let any kitty in....

This is how it went down:

mmmm the tent is ALLL mine!!! (as long as Bagheera is still eating)

*hissssssss* here he comes!!

Bagheera pushes his way in - now it's MINE!!!

yummy.. the sweet taste of victory as Bagheera licks his lips...

I'm innocent meowmie - really

Evil Ellie better be FAR away from my castle!

weeee.. look ribbons!!

Laura's Babies
01-28-2006, 09:28 AM
LOL! Don't they just love the things we bring home for them? That is so colorful, I see WHY they are fighting over it... The PURRRFECT hide away for them... Maybe they will learn to share once they have all had their chance to check it out.. GREAT FIND for $3!!!

01-28-2006, 09:31 AM
Three Dollars for a Million Dollars worth of Fun.
That has to be the Bargain of the Century,just in the Fun that that tent will generate among Your Cats,and the Laughter that you will have watching them manuever for position.

01-28-2006, 09:45 AM
Great bargain!! I went to Ocean State Job Lot and they had quilted kitty square tents. They varied in size and price. Sm./$5; Med./$9.99 and Lg./$12.99. I THOUGHT about buying one. But they have had SO many things like, I saved myself money in the end.

You might want to think about buying another one. This way there's no arguments. If they didn't have anymore at the Wal-Mart near you, I'm SURE they can call around and see if another store has.

At least you know it's a hit, right??? :D :D

01-28-2006, 12:53 PM
That looks like fun! My boys would LOVE it; I'll have to look at our WM today.

Somebody always has to call 'dibs' on something FIRST!

Maya & Inka's mommy
01-28-2006, 12:55 PM
What a hoot!! My cats would love this tent too!!!

Edwina's Secretary
01-28-2006, 12:56 PM
Even if you get two more they will fight over just one.....least that's what the E's would do..... :rolleyes: