View Full Version : My Girls as Nurses

01-27-2006, 10:57 PM
I have been sick all week with a very bad case of bronchitis. It started as a little cold last week, a sore throat one day, an ear ache the next, but by last Saturday, it was a full-blown all out cold (now bronchitis). I went to work on Monday, but was miserable and came home about an hour early. I went straight to bed, and was soon joined by Tabitha and Sasha, who LOVE it when meowmie is home and in bed. And that is where we have been most of the week, except when I had to venture out for medicine and chest x-rays (to rule out pneumonia). And they were right there with me, Tabitha curled on the pillow next to me and Sasha laying in the curve of my knees! I didn't complain! When I would need a change of scenery and go downstairs to lay on the couch, here they would come. Sasha would take up her usual position in "her" chair (that she sometime allows me to sit in) :rolleyes: and Tabitha would lay on the back of the couch or on my tummy, purring away. Such great nurses! I am so lucky! They have made me feel better with all of their purring and comfort! Okay, so maybe the antibiotics and cough medicine have had something to do with it... but I would recommend cuddly cat nurses to any one else who is sick! They work miracles! :D

Laura's Babies
01-27-2006, 11:25 PM
Purr therapy is the best therapy in the world! No matter what ails you, a gentle nudge, a little purring and you just HAVE to feel better! Brings a smile everytime!

Maya & Inka's mommy
01-28-2006, 03:15 AM
I agree 100% !! Cat-nurses are the best nurses in the world!!!

01-28-2006, 05:09 AM
Anytime I am sick or blue, all I want are my furbabies with me. They're not exactly the "nurse" type (they're boys, after all), but if they come and sit on the bed with me, I always feel better.

Those little warm bodies and that purrrrr vibration is so soothing....... :)

Hope you are feeling much better!

01-28-2006, 04:24 PM
I know waht you mean as The Found Cats love to rally around me when I am not feeling up to par.
Especially Michael who curls beside me and Purrs me to sleep.

01-28-2006, 11:15 PM
There's no question about it, kitties ARE the best nurses anywhere! Between my Mom's current situation and the sudden passing of a friend/coworker, this has been a week of tension and stress that is off the chart. Through it all, Groucho has been the ultimate velcro kitty... and what a difference he has made!

01-28-2006, 11:20 PM
When I was stuck in bed for a week due to a bad ankle injury this past Fall, my boys were the best nurses. I was going stir crazy being home "alone" during the day... but they didn't leave the bed all day. They took turns cuddling up by my side while the other one "patrolled" at the foot of the bed. The only problem was that there were fascinated with my crutches. So whenever I had to get up for a potty break, they nearly tripped me! :eek: