View Full Version : What is/are your favorite personality attributes of your dog/s

01-27-2006, 06:12 PM
I was just thinking about this and thought I'd love to read what other personality attributes others most cherish in their dogs. Try not to go too wild listing lots and lots, try to narrow it down to something in particular if you can ;). I will start off.

Tasha - Her ability to read my moods, and the way she reacts to them. Pure puppyish joy if I'm happy, concern and anxiety if I'm upset/down, sticking by me and watching over me when I'm not well, etc. Just the way she thumps her tail when I simply look at her... She is so tuned into me.

Tommy - His gentleness and affectionate and cuddly nature. If ever I needed a shoulder to cry on, his is the absolute best. He will press in as close as he possibly can to me, and tuck his head pressing it against my chest as I hug him. He thrives on hugs and cuddles, I have only to sit/lay anywhere around him and he's there, curling up as close as he can, the perfect snuggling buddy.

01-27-2006, 06:15 PM
They love me almost as as much as I love them. The look in their eyes. The way they listen to my every word when I speak out loud and they are the only ones around. Sometimes they laugh at me when I'm just being silly! What more do I need??

01-27-2006, 06:45 PM
Her kindness. When your upset Sassy will come right up to you and lick your tears! If I hate someone she often knows and seems to hate them back.

01-27-2006, 07:56 PM
How sweet Snowy is. If she knows something is upsetting me, she just comes up and lays her head on my lap. Since I have been home sick from school this whole week, Snowy has not left my side once. Even right now, she is laying across my legs. :)

01-27-2006, 08:17 PM
Roxy-Shes the sweetest thing. Whenever I'm sad she does something goofy to make me feel better. She's just plain lovable.
Lily-her attitude. It always makes me laugh, and just makes her personality more enjoyable. Shes also very sweet.

01-27-2006, 09:06 PM
Kodie-His friendliness towards people and other dogs.Mostly just people.He has never growled or anything towards a person.People love him because he's so friendly.
Lucy-Her sweet nature.She is very comical and a feisty little girl.She just has a wonderful personality.

01-27-2006, 09:49 PM
Sheba is my angel. She is very sweet, smart and gentle.
Rocky makes me laugh because he does such silly things.

01-28-2006, 01:48 AM
Tango: Her willingness to please me and her affection level toward me. She's a very independent dog usually, but when I'm around she constantly wants to be with me, see what I'm doing and try to assist me in whatever that may be, in every way possible...lol. I also love how she's constantly on the move, wanting to play or do something. She's the only dog I've ever had that doesn't like to sleep the day away and I love it. She's always doing something silly and wants to make people happy. She's very much a 'one person dog' and I'm glad she chose me to be that person. There's so many things I love about her personality, but I think I've said enough as I don't want to go on and on.

Winston: I love how trusting and friendly he is toward people and other animals, especially after being abused like he was. He's just such a sweet boy.

Keeva: My favourite thing about her would probably be how cuddly and affectionate she can be once she's finished running around all day.

Tia: She's a typical Dachshund. I love her determined attitude and also how funny, and affectionate she can be.

Comet: I'm not sure, he's very untrusting of everything (I'm pretty sure he wasn't reated very nicely in his previous home...) and hasn't really showed his 'real' personality. I'll have to think about it.

01-28-2006, 10:30 AM
Marta- She is "my" dog, that is, she's most bonded to me, but she loves everyone. I love how affectionate she is, and how funny she can be when she discovers something new and can't wait to show it off. That and how she takes her favorite toys to bed with her. :)

Adele- She is more my husband's dog, but she also loves everyone. I love how excited she gets by little things, like going on car rides. Also, even if you are extremely upset and don't feel like seeing anyone, she will be right there by your side waiting to give you a kiss.

01-28-2006, 10:41 AM
Star- I love her independance and intelligence-you can see her thinking! She has quite the personality,and can really turn on the charm. She has alot of grace and dignity. She's no cuddle-bug, but loves attention and really tunes in to you. She loves to look deep into your eyes.
Sherman- his innocence. He is just the sweetest boy ever. I love how laid back he is, too. I just smile when I see his darling face!
My RB Rosie - I have to add her, too, because she was MY girl! And she was so funny - everything about her was funny, she made me laugh every day, I miss cuddling with her.

01-28-2006, 10:57 AM
I love how Mickey acts like that 7 month old puppy each time it snows. He jumps around, tries to catch the snowflakes in his mouth and loves to lie in it and lick it up. I also have to add that I love how he's so simple and independant. He loves sitting outside on his own and just looking out, sniffing the air and feeling the breeze. :)

01-28-2006, 02:17 PM
I really enjoy reading these. Makes me feel like I'm getting to "know" other PT pups even more, and all the little ways that make them unique and special. Thank you for sharing :)

Buddy Blaze Lover
01-28-2006, 02:53 PM
Oh gosh, I love everything about Blaze!!:D I especially love his willingness to please, his unconditional love, and his unending energy and enthusiasim!:D

01-28-2006, 03:03 PM
Buster --
just his sillyness, his character, doing something
silly everyday. He knows how to make you feel better
and those eyes of his are just soulful. :)

Jenny --
her patience with Buster amazes me, being
so sweet and she is very understanding when
you're down and she will do anything to make you
feel better. She is very cuddly, too. :)

Rocky --
he loves everyone, children, other dogs, you name it.
he is very patient and being at 9 years old,
he plays like he's a puppy. :)

Ginger --
she isn't *my* dog, but her making my
mom happy means everything to me.
her special bond with my mom is absolutely
priceless. :)

01-28-2006, 03:42 PM
Well, my favorite traits of Jesse is that she always gives out unconditional love. It warms my heart when she gives me her loving eyes asking if I am okay. Another thing is, even though she has three legs, she NEVER backs down from a challenge. It never seems to discourage her from anything.

Steph and Jes

01-29-2006, 03:17 PM
Jack - His devotion to me and strong love for people in general.

Shadow - Her gentleness and easy going attitude and her love for everybody and everything.

Mini - Her devotion to my father, she loves him to death and its amazing to see them together.

Kyra - Her intelligence, she is incredibly smart and is always thinking.

Micki - His silly, goofy nature. He is always making me smile.

01-29-2006, 03:27 PM
Sadie-She's my girl. She was first in the family and holds a very special place. She is so loving and gentle. She gives the sweetest kisses. Always wants to be with me or hubby if he is around. She makes a great cuddle buddy. Her easy going nature and all around lovingness is what makes her so special.

Maggie-She's the scrappy little one, little dog with big attitude. I like that she doesn't take crap from anyone. She also loves to sit with me and curl next to me. She's harder to cuddle with because she's so small, but I love when she lays next to me. Her scrappy attitude and go get em attitude is what makes her special. Always up for a squirrel chasing.

Grant-My boy, my first boy. He's very loving as well, although he wants to love my whole face with his tongue. :o His never ending energy, wish I had that much energy, and intelligence are awesome. He's your typical ACD, always on the go and wanting to be with his people. I like that when I take a shower, I often find him laying on the floor next to the tub or right outside my bathroom door waiting for me. Awww. He loves his Mom.

01-30-2006, 01:31 PM
I love so much about her it is going to be hard to pin point some attributes but here goes.

I love her unpredictableness. She normally isn't much of a morning dog. She is quiet and calm usually but then some mornings she comes in from her first morning potty time at 5:30 am and sees me coming out of the bedroom to help get her breakfast and breakfast for the cats and she goes wild! She woos with her morning voice (much softer) and starts doing wild zoomy dog racing about the living room while spinning in tight circles and stopping in front of me in freeze frame mode before she takes off again.

I love her silly funny face when she has open laughing mouth and her head cocked. I love how she is learning to cuddle with me on the sofa and she tucks her nose in my underarm or somewhere underneath me then gives a HUGE sigh of happiness.

I love her singing in the evenings with us and how cute her mouth is when she is talking and wooing.

I love how she loves us and gets sooo happy to see us when we get home.

I love how she cocks her head and watches the TV so carefully when Animal Planet is on. Or how she gets a cat toy and tries to walk past us like she doesnt' have anything at all yet she is holding her mouth strangely closed with this totally innocent look in her pretty blue eyes...

I could just go on and on.

I am so happy we have her in our lives.

01-31-2006, 09:22 AM
Ginger: My Ginger is not the brightest bulb in the box but she is pure love and so funny. I love the way she gets so excited just to go bye bye. She jumps around like a puppy and that gives me the greatest joy, especially since she is quite crippled with arthritis. She is also a comforting soul, if she knows I'm upset she will put her paw up on my shoulder, when she can reach, and just licks me to death to make me feel better. And food, LOL that is Ginger's best friend. She is so funny, she can hear the treat jar lid for anywhere in the house or outside and she comes running.

Cracker: He's the smartest dog I ever met. I love the way he can see cause and effect and reason things out, he's absolutely brilliant. He's my snuggle baby, he loves to sleep with me and cuddle up into a tiny ball behind my knees. I have woken up with him sprawled across my chest though, HEAVY! He has to go everywhere with me, he's like my shadow and I love his pure joy just to see me when I get home from somewhere. His most endearing quality is that when he's scared or something happens to him that he doesn't like he runs to me with his tail tucked so I can "fix" it. He is my absolute baby. And he sings! I love the singing, it's hilarous. He sings to the recorder or harmonica and it's soo adorable.

01-31-2006, 01:58 PM
Gonzo... he's perfect. He is a total velcro dog and listens to every word I say, and I wouldn't want him to be any other way. Everyone is amazed at how attentive, smart and loyal he is, he'd lay down his life for family. He's outgoing and ready to do whatever I'm doing. It KILLS him if he senses that I'm not happy, and he'll jump on my lap and stare at me until I laugh at him. He knows what I'm thinking without saying a word. He is not anyone's best friend right off-the-bat (in most cases), but if he meets you once and you show him that you love him, he'll ALWAYS be your friend and ALWAYS recognize you. My cousin visited from SoCal when Gonzo was 8 months old, and 1 year later when she returned he knew who she was right away and he always will. He is an amazing judge of character. He's always ready to go out & run like a real BC, but he's even happier to just hang out and play in the house. We have 649271901 wierd games that only he and myself understand, he can always always make me laugh. ^_^

01-31-2006, 09:27 PM
This is a great thread. I've enjoyed reading about the dogs.

Tori..When I first read this question I immediately thought of my baby girl and her sweetness. To me she is just the sweetest thing. She always wants to be loved and is usually curled up with me and wanting to be petted. She was not that way when she first arrived. She was very frightened and it took her a long time to come out of her shell. She bonded really fast with Katie but it took her awhile to have that same bond with us. She has come a long way and I give my husband most of the credit for that. I also have to mention her silly side. She is so goofy and always makes us laugh.

Katie..awww, now this is a tough one...lol. Katie is unlike any dog I have ever had or been around. Her personality is just so different! I'm actually sitting here stumped trying to figure out what my favorite is with her...lol. She has so many different sides to her personality and that is what I love about her the most. She is just SO COOL! Katie is special. There is something about Katie that calms me. Makes me feel at peace. I'm certain that the feeling comes from the cancer days when we laid on the couch together after surgery and when we napped together after radiation treatments. She was such a comfort and that feeling still remains for me.

finn's mom
01-31-2006, 09:49 PM
What a wonderful thread, Jessica! Hmmm...for Finn, I'd have to say that he is joy personified. Besides his exuberance, though, his affectionate, loving, cuddly, kissy nature is awesome, too. He is just pure gold.

02-01-2006, 01:15 AM
When I sneak a peek at her, and find Logan staring at me when she lays down and I'm working or cooking. She follows me everywhere. Immediate tail wags of happiness. When she's on her pillow at night and I walk into the bedroom and even though she's curled into a little ball, her tail starts whipping away. The amazement of how advanced and wonderful she's become since being adopted. Her eagerness to always please. Her playfullness and total understanding of words and moods. I always think about how we instantly bonded at the pound, despite all the other barking dogs. How she stopped barking and sat on command and tipped her head. We looked each other in the eye and that was it. I'm thankful every day.

02-02-2006, 11:47 AM
Well you know I keep seeing this thread and trying to figure out what my favorite attributes are but it's so hard as they have so many wonderful ones!
But I'll give it a go....

Roxey-I guess I'd have to say that my favorite thing about her personality is how much she respects me. I've never had a dog treat me with such respect. She'll do practically anything I ask her to.
I love that although she's a husky she's never tried to run away (well of course there was that one time when we first got Huney:o), dig under the fence or even tried to jump over it. I think she's happy where she is!

Huney-Now with her I'd have to say the greatest thing about her is how she seems to really appreciate us and her home. I don't know what her life was like before but I sure think it must be better now because she seems happy all the time. A lot of times she's just happy to have you look at her, she'll start wagging that fluffy tail like "Thanks for looking at me and smiling!".
She's quite a special dog.

Bon-Gosh...what's not to like about this big lug (well except all that slobber :eek: :p )?!
He's a riot! He keeps both Mark and I laughing by just being himself. He'll bark and be afraid of the silliest thing until he knows what it is, he'll get all excited and run through the house like a speed demon, then he'll just get so excited that your home and jump around like a bucking bronco and after all that curl into a little ball his bed and go to sleep:D


02-02-2006, 12:37 PM
Murph - I love his sunny deposition. Mr. happy go lucky with the perpetual tail wag. There can never be a bad day with Murph around. His attitude about life is contagious.

Guller - The Charlie Chaplin of Collies. He fills the house with laughter. As I've said many times, he even moves funny. Everything about him brings a chuckle from me. And of course his nose. He and Oz express everything with that nose of theirs, from affection, to curiosity, to playfulness. Definitely a Collie thing.

Oz - Putting Oz's personality into words is awfully tough. No one thing seems to do him justice. Just think Lassie and that pretty well sums up Oz. I don't know how I lucked into a dog like him, but he's incredibly special. Love his nosey ways too. :)

Wouldn't trade any of my three for nothin'. I feel like Lou Gerhig, "I'm the luckiest woman in the world", most everyday. :)


02-02-2006, 04:34 PM
Molli- Such a sweetie! She always seems like she's got telepathic abilities. She seems to know what I am feeling. She LOVES giving kisses. Never stops. She's very affectionate! Independent, but loves attention. She loves being groomed, we like to bond that way. She is a bit shy with some people, but LOVES them after a couple minutes. She's the biggest sweet heart. Well behaved and so smart. I just love her!!

Sammy- He's such a mamma's boy!! Loves to cuddle. His tail wags constantly... the little stub never stops! Such a cocker thing. Always very happy, and follows you everywhere. He always needs to know whats going on around him. He's so cute when he sleeps. He acts like a big tough dog, when he is such a baby. What a cutie. He always wants me to be happy. His favorite thing is to just stare at me, and then when I look he gives me kisses. I love my baby boy.

I coulden't have better dogs. :D :D

02-02-2006, 07:26 PM
I can't tell you how much I am enjoying reading these, the love in everyone's words towards their very special and unique pups. I feel like I am there, seeing their personalities shine through. Thank you all so very much for sharing.

02-03-2006, 09:32 AM
I love how lively Snowy is during the day and how calm she is the evening :)
a perfect puppy for me