View Full Version : Oh dear... we had to lock the kittens out of our room....

04-12-2002, 11:40 AM
Max was sucking on dh's ear all night :/ and dh couldnt sleep... not so much the feeling but the sound of sucking and purring oh so deep....
Dh couldnt turn over or move, if he tried Max was right there latched on to his ear....
This was around 3am. Dh tried to move him and such but Max would have nothing of it....

Max had been on my ear for 3 hours last night :eek: It doesnt bug me, when Im awake... but gosh try and sleep... :D near impossible!

04-12-2002, 05:53 PM
That's funny (and cute) :D
One of my cats, 8 yr. old male M. Coon/Himilayen mix, LOVES ears also. He does not so much suck on them, but rubs his nose/face all over, with some licks here and there. Sometimes he gets carried away and your ear gets pretty wet. :rolleyes:

04-12-2002, 06:46 PM
Max sucks so much your ear is filled w/drool!!! LOL Dh thinks thats gross to wipe your ear and it's soaking wet LOL

Its nice when your not sleeping but when he does it and you cant sleep then it's not so nice anymore... :D

It's weird he is the only one who does it. He is the only male too...

04-12-2002, 10:14 PM
It's been my experience that males are a little more........................I don't know, affectionate is MAYBE the word. Also maybe a bit babyish. :p (sometimes?) Ha-ha-ha!

:D :D :D

most of the time, I rather like the "ear kisses" that Kedi gives us. Not too often, but sometimes he gets a bit carried away, then it is kinda wet. :rolleyes:

04-12-2002, 10:48 PM
My fear in locking Butter out of my room is that he will get into some kind of trouble somewhere else in the house!! :eek: We surely don't want him disturbing the birds!!!! :) So, I'll tolerate the light coming on at 5 or 6 am.....and sometimes even earlier. If I have bloodshot eyes, people will just have to understand!!! :D

04-13-2002, 12:17 PM
Max makes your ear VERY wet *lol*

Logan:No worries, the kittens have their own room :) where they can't get into much trouble.
It has their food, water, litter boxes, cat tree, cat condos, toys, blankies.... :D

04-15-2002, 04:13 AM
have a picture with cat hanging to your ear ???? would love to see it !!

04-15-2002, 12:56 PM
Noooo no pics :D

We've been closing our door at night... this way they have full roam of the house. Just not our room.

Last night they were clawinnnnnnnnnnng. they wanted in. First thing this morning dh opened our door, Max came in and latched on to my ear :rolleyes: I got right up so he's probably mad at me now LOL