View Full Version : Stuff..???

04-12-2002, 07:52 AM
Just thought i'd say hello to everyone :] I'm in school right now -what fun- and have nothing to do, so naturally I came here..lmao. sad??? I'm going away this Sunday for 7 days to Quebec. I have no idea how I'll survive that long with out my little Jo :[ I miss her when I go to my moms for 2 days, and then I can go visite her and talk her for runs. My fish will probably end up dying, cause my dad and or bro WILL forget about them. That annoys me soo much >:[ Oh well..maybe my dad will remember..
Rufus is getting worst by the week I think. He seems to be getting in more pain too. I give him bufferin, but he still seems to be stiff. I'm sad thinking about his day coming. It could be next week, or maybe not for a year, I don't know. I hope he's not in any pain..I've never lost a pet really. Well, some hamsters, but they're not as loyal and loving as he is. Lol, sorry to keep going on about this, I'm sure its annoying you all by now, I can't stop thinking about it though. I know Jo will be there to help me threw it though :]

Anyway, on to happier thoughts..I was visiting the H.S here, and there are no cats, and only about 5 dogs left, which is less then usually, but thats a good thing. I feel in love with this sweet little puppy, I'm not sure what mix she was. She has the sweetest little face, and just sat there (she was by herself) so I was patting her, and kinda held my hand to the side of her head, and she calmly rested her head against my hand and just sat there sooo quitly as I pet her. I wanted to take her home soo bad, but one, she was on hold (a good thing too I guess lol) and dad will only let me have 2 dogs. I wish I had my cam with me, I know you ppl would think she was the sweetest thing!!

Anyway, thanks for listening..er..reading..my jambling..I'm bored in school..not a fun thing ;D

Dixieland Dancer
04-12-2002, 09:03 AM
Have a nice trip and think of the reunion you will have when you return! I think Dad will remember the fish too. Just write him a note and place it somewhere he will remember. Another thought on the fish is those time released balls you can put in the tank and they automatically release the food for up to a week. Check with your pet store. It's been so long since I had fish that I forget what they call them.

I will say a prayer for Rufus. It is hard watching them get older.

04-12-2002, 06:22 PM
Thanks :] We don't have those fish thingie feeders...my dad usually forgets to feed them when im at my moms so im not sure if he will lol