View Full Version : Do any of you have prayer requests??

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01-25-2006, 09:11 PM
I was just thinking we could try having a "prayer request" thread. This way pt members can be praying for the loved ones of other pt members. I often times miss prayer requests. If any of you have prayer requests please share; this way we can have more power through prayer.

***Should this be in the Dog House?***

01-25-2006, 09:13 PM
What a great thread idea!

Not that he's sick at all, but my hubby sure needs all the prayers available that he gets a new teaching job for next school year. He's an awesome teacher and should be in a better (and safer) school district making the money he deserves. And a better health plan so that we can get his weight down.

01-25-2006, 09:15 PM
Yes, for my mom. She was diagnosed with breast cancer recently. But it was in the early stages. Now, she has to have Kemo and has already had to. Last Saturday, she had a brain scan. They found something but they highly doubt its a brian tumor. I'm really worried.

01-25-2006, 09:18 PM
I do, as a matter of fact. I was JUST going to make a thread about my situation actually.. and then I came to PT and saw this thread. Maybe this is a sign?

Anyway my situation in lamen's terms -- I need a loan because I need to get a car. HJ is leaving this weekend and obviously needs to take the car with him for his job. He's moving four hours away. I'm staying behind to keep my job for a few extra months to make some income while he's looking for an apartment and getting settled on his feet.

Only problem is, my mother, sister and I all have jobs, but only one vehicle to share between us. We all work at the same hours, too.

I need a car, if only just to get to and from work every day.

I applied for a loan through a bank but they denied me because I don't have any credit. I can get one with a co-signer, but nobody I knows has good enough credit, or is willing to take a chance with me.

A lady from the dealership called me today because I emailed her earlier this week before I knew my loan status of interest in one of their cars and I hadn't replied to any of her emails. She told me the car was still available to look at. I told her sorry, my loan fell through. She then said I could try for financing through the dealership, and so she emailed me an application. I filled it out and figured, "what the hey, what have I got to lose? I've already been shot down once".

So please, please, pray for me and keep me in your thoughts that this loan goes through. If not then.. ugh. I don't know what will happen, but the next few months will be very difficult not just for me but for my mother and sister as well. :(

01-25-2006, 09:21 PM
Prayers for everyone! :D

01-25-2006, 09:26 PM
I will pray for all of your prayer requests. Please remember that Matthew 19: 26 And looking upon [them] Jesus said to them, "With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."
All things are possible with God, and because He is perfect, He cannot make mistakes. Again, I will be praying hard for all your requests.

01-25-2006, 09:29 PM
I will pray for all of your prayer requests. Please remember that Matthew 19: 26 And looking upon [them] Jesus said to them, "With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible."
All things are possible with God, and because He is perfect, He cannot make mistakes. Again, I will be praying hard for all your requests.

Thank you, so much. I really appreciate it. I know my situation isn't as dire as others' may be but God provides no matter what (but usually at the very last minute in our case hehe but I guess with God it is always on time!).

01-25-2006, 09:34 PM
...but I guess with God it is always on time!).


01-25-2006, 09:40 PM
What a great thread!!! :)

01-25-2006, 09:51 PM
Well this is sort of more along the lines of good luck/well wishes but I'll post anyways.

I've been in line to get a promotion to be a supervisor for a while, but the problem is that no one has left so there hasn't been any room for me to move up. On Monday two people are being interviewed to move up in the company to be assistant managers (meaning that if they get promoted they will be transfered). So if one of them gets a position then I get to move up into one of their spots. My manager (who has no say in if they get promoted) says she is sure at least one of them will move up, so she's starting to train me to be ready. However my mom always said don't count your chickens before their hatched. So hopefully everything will work out and I can finally get my promotion because I really could use the extra money.

For everyone who has posted you will all be in my thoughts.

01-25-2006, 10:06 PM
I'll be praying for you Sammy101 and you as well Uabassoon, you can pray about anything;):D Good luck and I'll keep you all in my prayers.

01-25-2006, 10:09 PM
I don't like to seem selfish, so I have a tough time asking for people to pray for me, but....

If you all could continue the prayers for my family and I as we deal with the loss and grief of the brutal murder of my grandmother, I'd truly appreciate it. We're slowly finding comfort in the situation. We're also going through some other problems that deal with this incident that are being opened up, and I'm grateful that they're finally coming to a surface, but just pray that all of answers to our questions are revealed. I know that doesn't make sense, and I'm sorry. But please, if you could just keep us in your prayers, I could never thank you enough.

And everyone who has posted (and those who will later on post) will be in my prayers. Not a single person will go overlooked, and I don't care if you think your request is silly. If it's bothering you, it's a burden that needs to be prayed about... keep on prayin'.

Laura's Babies
01-25-2006, 10:34 PM
My son Eddie still needs all the prayers he can get. With each new day, another problem is discovered with his recovery from his burns. Now his heart is doing something strange and there is a problem in his shoulder.. Please keep Eddie on every prayer list you can get him on...

Also prayers for my CH kitty Amy who is getting worse. I don't expect miracles with prayers for her but a standstill in her condition would be nice..

Strength for me to handle whatever is ahead for both of them, my skin kid and my fur kid.

01-25-2006, 10:37 PM
Everyone that posted will be in my prayers. {{hugs}}

This is a great thread, by the way :)

Pawsitive Thinking
01-26-2006, 06:02 AM
Brilliant idea!

Prayers to all of you

Anita Cholaine
01-26-2006, 09:15 AM
Prayers and ((hugs)) for everybody...

All things are possible with God, and because He is perfect, He cannot make mistakes.

That's so true and important...

01-26-2006, 10:01 AM
I do, as a matter of fact. I was JUST going to make a thread about my situation actually.. and then I came to PT and saw this thread. Maybe this is a sign?

Anyway my situation in lamen's terms -- I need a loan because I need to get a car. HJ is leaving this weekend and obviously needs to take the car with him for his job. He's moving four hours away. I'm staying behind to keep my job for a few extra months to make some income while he's looking for an apartment and getting settled on his feet.

Only problem is, my mother, sister and I all have jobs, but only one vehicle to share between us. We all work at the same hours, too.

I need a car, if only just to get to and from work every day.

I applied for a loan through a bank but they denied me because I don't have any credit. I can get one with a co-signer, but nobody I knows has good enough credit, or is willing to take a chance with me.

A lady from the dealership called me today because I emailed her earlier this week before I knew my loan status of interest in one of their cars and I hadn't replied to any of her emails. She told me the car was still available to look at. I told her sorry, my loan fell through. She then said I could try for financing through the dealership, and so she emailed me an application. I filled it out and figured, "what the hey, what have I got to lose? I've already been shot down once".

So please, please, pray for me and keep me in your thoughts that this loan goes through. If not then.. ugh. I don't know what will happen, but the next few months will be very difficult not just for me but for my mother and sister as well. :(

HE is not a just a god of Big things but also a God of little things..every blade of grasse is known by him and you are to..he hears and know..so dont think its not important to him..it is..If you can belive you will recive..

01-26-2006, 10:33 AM
I want you all to know that I will keep up with this thread and you all will be in my prayers.

01-26-2006, 11:00 AM
This is a great thread! I will pray for each and every one of your requests - and no one should feel in the least bit selfish. Just remember, God does things in His own time, as frustrating as that can be to us sometimes!

I might as well add my request. My sister is married to a horrible 'man' who verbally and emotionally abuses her. I have never really discussed that here before, but I feel comfortable enough with all of you to do so now. Please keep her in your prayers as well.

01-27-2006, 06:58 PM
I will keep you all in my prayers, may God be with you all and the ones you love, and/or need prayers. Please let me know if you need any encouraging bible verses. God Bless!

02-01-2006, 09:48 PM
I am bumping this as I see prayer request threads.

02-02-2006, 10:44 PM
This is a wonderful thread, prayers are on their way to everyone! Well, it's not a big problem I suppose, but at my school, a sort of friend of mine seems to enjoy making people suffer. She has runined relationships for couples, broken friendships, made several rumors that were not your regular rumors you hear at school. I really want her to get better with all of this, and for her to see the error of her ways.

02-03-2006, 12:58 AM
This thread is a great idea. :) I'll add every one here to my prayers list. :)

02-03-2006, 10:19 AM
What a great thread idea...we can also make sure to update our prayer requests as we need to...

I have to go through several Level 2 ultrasounds for my baby (i am 20 weeks pregnant). The doctors saw some areas of concern and so they want to keep an eye on baby. Prayers would be welcome that baby has a healthy heart and that his 2 vessel umbilical cord won't hinder him in any way. We are staying positive and I know it is b/c we are daily leaning on God to keep us from worrying. My next ultrasound is on Feb. 20th, so prayers that we hear positive results would be very welcome :) Thanks!!!! I will also keep everyone in my prayers.

Robyn and baby

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
02-03-2006, 11:24 AM
Robyn, Feb 20th is my birthday, so I just know positive results will be all you hear on that day. ;) :)

02-03-2006, 07:59 PM
I also will pray for all to..yes a great thread to keep an eye on.. :)

02-03-2006, 08:45 PM
I'd like to ask for prayers for my friend's husband. He had a heart attack on Wednesday, and underwent a triple by-pass yesterday. He is doing well so far, but of course he is in a lot of pain. He is in his early 40's and skinny as rail...another warning sign for everyone to quit smoking!!!

02-04-2006, 11:42 AM
I will continue to pray for all of you. God Bless!

02-04-2006, 01:08 PM
Many prayers sent to all of you and your loved ones..............

02-06-2006, 01:16 AM
Just when I think I'm hitting rock bottom, I realize that other people have it so much worse. if it's not too selfish, prayers would help for my John to finally find a decent job. He spent the last 2 years, after his last job ended, helping me take care of my mother at home and then took loving care of me as I recovered from 2 surgeries. He's so giving to other people that he ignored his own needs.

My prayers are for all of you, always, especially my dear friend, Robyn and her family, Also healthy babies for other PTers and their families (who have not made it public knowledge) and of course for all of you and yours, who are ill or recovering- a life changing situation.

02-06-2006, 09:24 AM
Just when I think I'm hitting rock bottom, I realize that other people have it so much worse. if it's not too selfish, prayers would help for my John to finally find a decent job. He spent the last 2 years, after his last job ended, helping me take care of my mother at home and then took loving care of me as I recovered from 2 surgeries. He's so giving to other people that he ignored his own needs.

My prayers are for all of you, always, especially my dear friend, Robyn and her family, Also healthy babies for other PTers and their families (who have not made it public knowledge) and of course for all of you and yours, who are ill or recovering- a life changing situation.

Oh Karen, thats not selfish, I pray the lord will undertake in for your John and help you all , when you hit bottom theres no where to go but up..your in my prayers to..God is there just reach out and hold on..PJ

02-06-2006, 03:41 PM
you all are in my prayers. {{{hugs}}}

02-08-2006, 07:30 PM
god bless you rizzy!

I really like this, I've been wondering how, where everybody is and threads are just everywhere, some missed or never seen.

you're not selfish at all, every one of you have your own! glad to read all of this, all of you my friends are in my thoughts automatically. :) prayers continuing & hugs from us, all the special furriends!

02-08-2006, 11:31 PM
I owe all of you a bundle of thanks for any prayers that you mustered up. This is premature, but John sent out a resume on Friday and got a call today (the lady was out of town) and she seemed really interested in his ability. She said that she couldn't get his resume off her mind because he was so honest that for a year he took time off a regular job to care for my family and me. She was very impressed. She still has some other resumes to sort through, but said he's top on her list. The pay sucks compared to what he charges as a contractor, but we both don't even care, as it sure is better than no income. John's more interested in the job itself. This is the first time in months that I've seen him so self assured and somewhat positive. His whole personality changed today. He seemed a lot happier, especially since he can now help with household expenses.
I know you guys have your own lives etc and are busy, but if you could at least keep your fingers crossed that she wants to interview him and that it goes well, I'd be so appreciative. He's been so down in the dumps, feeling worthless and he certainly deserves better. He's my lifesaver.

02-11-2006, 10:21 AM
JenBKR - I will add prayers for your brother-in-law; he is also suffering horribly to behave like that, and no doubt grew up being treated the same way. How people can do that to a child!

I hope he gets help, and your sister also - or your sis leaves for a while and realizes she deserves better!

For my own prayers - my sister has had MS for twenty years. She is in end-stage. It would take a total miracle to cure her - but it is my fondest hope.
Pray for my mom too, as she has been a wonder with my sister, being her caregiver and visiting 5 days out of 7 after my sister went into long-term care two years ago.

One selfish thing - that I would not be tired all the time, and get some zing and joy back in life. I used to walk everywhere and be in better shape. Now I am just tired.

Thank you all!
(And thank God for my fur kids!)

02-11-2006, 10:33 AM
JenBKR - I will add prayers for your brother-in-law; he is also suffering horribly to behave like that, and no doubt grew up being treated the same way. How people can do that to a child!

I hope he gets help, and your sister also - or your sis leaves for a while and realizes she deserves better!

Thank you for that - yes his parents have always been the same way towards him - one week they adore him and offer to do his laundry and do everything for him, the next they tell him that they want nothing to do with him. If not for the fact that he is doing this to my sister, I would feel very bad for him.

For my own prayers - my sister has had MS for twenty years. She is in end-stage. It would take a total miracle to cure her - but it is my fondest hope.
Pray for my mom too, as she has been a wonder with my sister, being her caregiver and visiting 5 days out of 7 after my sister went into long-term care two years ago.

One selfish thing - that I would not be tired all the time, and get some zing and joy back in life. I used to walk everywhere and be in better shape. Now I am just tired.

Thank you all!
(And thank God for my fur kids!)

I will keep you and your family in my prayers as well - you must have an amazing mother to take such wonderful care of your sister.

I am keeping everyone else in my prayers as well, hopefully they are working!

02-11-2006, 11:23 AM
JenBKR - I will add prayers for your brother-in-law; he is also suffering horribly to behave like that, and no doubt grew up being treated the same way. How people can do that to a child!

I hope he gets help, and your sister also - or your sis leaves for a while and realizes she deserves better!

For my own prayers - my sister has had MS for twenty years. She is in end-stage. It would take a total miracle to cure her - but it is my fondest hope.
Pray for my mom too, as she has been a wonder with my sister, being her caregiver and visiting 5 days out of 7 after my sister went into long-term care two years ago.

One selfish thing - that I would not be tired all the time, and get some zing and joy back in life. I used to walk everywhere and be in better shape. Now I am just tired.

Thank you all!
(And thank God for my fur kids!)

My heart goes out to you and your family, Im praying for all of you and may the lord give you your hearts desire..I cry because so many are in such need and I pray the lord will send help to each and evey one..God Bless you all so very very much

02-11-2006, 11:28 AM
Prayers going out for all these requests, I hope each situation is resolved for everyone's best and highest good.

A prayer request from me- I know it's not life-threatening, but I've been working on this for two years and would appreciate prayers... I'm trying to finish my Master's degree -- my thesis needs to be finished in the next three weeks. I'm getting so stressed out, I can't think anymore. I also have another large paper due mid-March, and I'm working more hours to fill in for a missing supervisor at work. I'm feeling edgy/depressed/cranky right now.
Please pray that I will have stamina and focus. Thank you and God Bless you.

02-11-2006, 12:41 PM
I would like to thank everyone who had me in their thoughts and prayers. No I haven't received a loan for a car, BUT I've come to the realization that at this immediate point in time a car would be a bit too much for us now, and I'm OK with it (not upset as I was earlier, because I WANTED one too, you know?). We borrowed my in-laws car so I have a way to get to work. In a few months or so when we're a little more stable financially (we JUST got the apartment and had to pay $1300 for the deposit and rent), my dream car will be out there, I just know it. :)

Not only that, but He has been teaching me that patience pays off, and having patience has its rewards! A few incidents happened where I REALLY wanted something, but HJ convinced me that "do you REALLY need that now?" or "well, have some patience, when the time is right, it will work out!". Its always happened though! The apartment is a prime example of that. So I feel that if I wait, the car will happen at the right moment for us :)

Things are starting to fall into place so I really would like to thank each and every one of you. THANKS PT!!!!!

02-11-2006, 12:55 PM
I would like to thank everyone who had me in their thoughts and prayers. No I haven't received a loan for a car, BUT I've come to the realization that at this immediate point in time a car would be a bit too much for us now, and I'm OK with it (not upset as I was earlier, because I WANTED one too, you know?). We borrowed my in-laws car so I have a way to get to work. In a few months or so when we're a little more stable financially (we JUST got the apartment and had to pay $1300 for the deposit and rent), my dream car will be out there, I just know it. :)

Not only that, but He has been teaching me that patience pays off, and having patience has its rewards! A few incidents happened where I REALLY wanted something, but HJ convinced me that "do you REALLY need that now?" or "well, have some patience, when the time is right, it will work out!". Its always happened though! The apartment is a prime example of that. So I feel that if I wait, the car will happen at the right moment for us :)

Things are starting to fall into place so I really would like to thank each and every one of you. THANKS PT!!!!!

Im so happy for you Jessica, its hard I know..I have been praying for a car for 3 years now..lol..talk about learning patience..lol..keep beliveing and all will work out for you good.. :)

02-11-2006, 01:37 PM
This is a beautiful, beautiful thread. I will definitely keep all of you in my prayers.

Cyber-sibes, I completed my masters in December and know all too well the stress you are facing. Keep your chin up - a break is right around the corner! :)

As for my own prayer requests:
1) My sister - It's a bit of a long story but please pray for her emotional well being.

2) My job - Or rather, my job search. I'm currently employed with a GREAT company and thus feel some loyalty/guilt for leaving but at the same time, it's not what I went to school for and I currently don't make enough to support myself.

3) An unspoken - Just one I don't really care to discuss on the board. :)

Thanks, guys!

02-11-2006, 01:50 PM
That's a great idea to have a prayer thread for those who are sick in your family or have died , whether they are human or animal family members. I have two uncles who are ill at the moment.

I'll think of some and post them later. Super idea. :)

02-11-2006, 02:04 PM
Prayers said for all the request and are in my heart and on mymind all the time..God answers Prayer..

02-12-2006, 08:58 PM
I am praying for each of you, and asking that God will take upon your requests and do what is best for you. Please remember God does everything for a reason, I know sometimes it's hard to remember that when things aren't looking up. As for myself, please pray for my cousin. He is just having some problems and I am really worried. Thanks PT, for everything.

02-12-2006, 10:41 PM
Please send PT prayers for Keegan


Keegan has hurt her good (left) leg. I am not entirely sure what she did - I suppose its possible she tore that ACL also. She is putting little weight on it and the added weight on her bad (right) hip and healing ACL tear is a lot for that side to bear. I just dissolved into tears on the floor beside her. (3 hours of sleep since yesterday at 630pm will do that to you also) She just licked my tears away. She likes to go out and lay in the snow - I imagine the cold feels good. I am calling the vet tomorrow to see if they can get her in. She won't lay on any type of rug or bed so she is just laying on the floor. I took her to the park on Friday and that is when she originally hurt it. Then after resting yesterday she was doing pretty good - then just this evening she did something else - I don't know what - now she is limping badly. And of course she won't stay in one spot - she keeps following me around the house. :(
I just want my little girl back.

Thank you and my other one is rather silly compared to some of the other ones here but I have toally misplaced the envelope that has my W2 forms in it so I probably will have to have work print me another if possible. I always do stupid stuff like this. Praying that it appears before I ask for another copy.


02-12-2006, 11:54 PM
Oh bless your heart and poor Keegan,I'm so sorry, Praying for you n Keegan..
hope you find the w2 also..

02-13-2006, 12:17 AM
Prayers and positive thoughts are being sent to everyone who needs them. Please take care and lots of cyber hugs are also being sent your way.

Pawsitive Thinking
02-13-2006, 04:42 AM
I need to find the strength to extricate myself from a "friendship" that is causing me nothing but pain - some good thoughts would be a boost

02-13-2006, 11:43 AM
Oh bless your heart and poor Keegan,I'm so sorry, Praying for you n Keegan..
hope you find the w2 also..

oddly enough they were right beside me on a computer shelf!!!

02-17-2006, 01:01 PM
i need prayers for my boyfriend and his family to heal. My boyfriends cousin, Kim passed away this morning, she just found out she had lukema and bleeding on the brain. she went in sunday morning and passed away this morning. she had no other health problems. She has 2 sons 13 and 15 and a husband named Jason too. She was in her 30s. SO prayers needed for Jasons family to heal

02-17-2006, 01:50 PM
i need prayers for my boyfriend and his family to heal. My boyfriends cousin, Kim passed away this morning, she just found out she had lukema and bleeding on the brain. she went in sunday morning and passed away this morning. she had no other health problems. She has 2 sons 13 and 15 and a husband named Jason too. She was in her 30s. SO prayers needed for Jasons family to heal

Oh my gosh, I am so sorry. I will certainly keep the family in my prayers. (((HUGS))))..

Maya & Inka's mommy
02-17-2006, 03:05 PM
I do......

02-18-2006, 12:09 PM
My Grandmother died on Valentine's Day, if you could spare some prayers for my Mother and her family, it would be appreciated.

02-18-2006, 12:37 PM
My dad and grandmother are driving their way to Michigan right now. My Grandmother's sister died and they are going to her funeral. It's been years since my dad drove in snow - please send thoughts that they are having a safe trip, as well as a safe trip home.

I just wanted to add, I read this thread regularly although this is the first I've posted in here - I have been thinking of everyone.

02-19-2006, 08:48 AM
know I've been thinking of you all!! :(

remember, god don't create mountains that you or they can't climb.. some mountains are very difficult but only every of them makes you (and them) stronger.

nothing to worry for me. :) ((((warm to all)))) take care, everyone!

Daisy and Delilah
02-19-2006, 11:14 AM
Everyone that has posted are in my thoughts and prayers. This thread is such a great idea. :)

02-20-2006, 12:17 AM
I always say a collective prayer every night for everyone on PT. I love you all like family. I'm happy when you are and devastated when sadness and dispair enter your life. I may not always comment because I just can't find the words.Anyway, I wanted you all to know that John didn't get the job he wanted and was 1st on their list to get. Apparently, they thought he'd be bored because of his experience and credentials. It wasn;'t even the low pay, he'd take anything right now. I think they may be afraid he'd "take over" their small IT department. But they said they'd call if they need him for contract work. He wants to stay in this area because of me, otherwise we'd move to the west coast or eastern pacific area where he lived and worked his whole life. All my friends and family are here and right now, I'm not in an emotional state of mind to move. Anyway, he's still job hunting..so we'll see what happens. Thanks again for all your prayers. It wasn't meant to be, poor guy.

02-20-2006, 07:28 AM
Please send PT prayers for Keegan


Keegan has hurt her good (left) leg. I am not entirely sure what she did - I suppose its possible she tore that ACL also. She is putting little weight on it and the added weight on her bad (right) hip and healing ACL tear is a lot for that side to bear. I just dissolved into tears on the floor beside her. (3 hours of sleep since yesterday at 630pm will do that to you also) She just licked my tears away. She likes to go out and lay in the snow - I imagine the cold feels good. I am calling the vet tomorrow to see if they can get her in. She won't lay on any type of rug or bed so she is just laying on the floor. I took her to the park on Friday and that is when she originally hurt it. Then after resting yesterday she was doing pretty good - then just this evening she did something else - I don't know what - now she is limping badly. And of course she won't stay in one spot - she keeps following me around the house. :(
I just want my little girl back.


My red gurl still needs prayers and healing vibes sent her way. I think she has reinjured the injury - there's no way I can get her in the vet today - am aiming for tomorrow - just going to try to keep her comfortable. My heart breaks for her.

02-20-2006, 08:10 AM
Poor Keegan, not again! I will keep her in mind and prayer all day today. I hope you can get her into the vet soon. (((((hugs)))))
This is such a touching thread, and I think it's wonderful to know that so many are praying for each other's needs. Thank you all.

02-20-2006, 03:55 PM
I'm keeping everyone in my thoughts and prayers. I also say a collective prayer every night for everyone here on PT that needs one. :)

02-20-2006, 05:43 PM
I made a thread but please pray for my good friend Heather. Something strange is going on with what the doctors think might be the brain. We are not sure, but please pray for her. Right now she is being transported to the hospital in the cities. I am really scared, please please pray for her. Thanks pet talk.

02-20-2006, 06:54 PM
Today was the long awaited ultrasound. They spent a ton of time looking at his heart (which is where they thought they might have seen concern before). Anyway, the tech looked at the baby for a good 45 minutes, and then the doctor came in and gave us the results. The doctor’s opinion concerning his heart was, quote, “ If I was a betting man, I would bet there is nothing wrong with his heart”…he said he really didn’t think there was anything wrong with it…but since there was concern for it at the previous ultrasound (and b/c the doctors need to be thorough)…I will have a fetal echocardiogram in 4 more weeks…where it will be looked at in more detail…then I have 2 more level 2 ultrasounds scheduled up until my due date. His bowel and kidneys appeared echogenic at the last ultrasound, meaning they were brighter in color than they should have been. His bowel has since cleared up, but his kidneys were still echogenic…but he didn’t seem too concerned about it…they seem to be functioning properly, since my amniotic fluid levels are normal (and a lot of that consists of fetal urine output). His femur bone is still measuring a little small, but my OBGYN wasn’t concerned about it, since I am small, and the men in my family are on the short side. Anyway, overall it was a really good appt. We were just praying for something positive to lean on, and hearing that they think his heart is fine, is so reassuring, and an answer to prayer. All of these “soft” markers, including the 2 vessel cord can happen to a downs syndrome baby, when all added up together, but normal babies can have these issues too. My genetic counselor had told me that a normal pregnancy has a 1% chance of downs, and ours is like 5% w/o a heart issue. With a heart issue (depending on how severe can mean anywhere from 10%-50% chance of downs) in combination with the other soft marker/issues he might have. Anyway, he measured the right weight at 1 lb. 1 oz. and was wiggling all over the place.

Thank you all so much for your prayers. I feel the Lord has given us some positive news to hang on to, and I was also praying that the doctors didn’t give us any unnecessary worry if there wasn’t real concern for it…and I think the doctor was very reassuring. Thanks so much, and please keep those prayers coming as I will be having more ultrasounds. Make sure to praise God in your prayer time for a good report, since his bowel looked normal and his heart appears normal at this point, as well as his kidneys, even though they are still echogenic, the fluid levels were normal to show they were functioning. Thanks again…I couldn’t have gotten through the month w/o your prayers and concern for us!! I will keep you posted as I know more!! God is good and hears our prayers!! I hope this note finds you all well!


02-20-2006, 08:45 PM
My red gurl still needs prayers and healing vibes sent her way. I think she has reinjured the injury - there's no way I can get her in the vet today - am aiming for tomorrow - just going to try to keep her comfortable. My heart breaks for her.

Keeg has a vet appt at 1015 in the morning.

02-20-2006, 10:45 PM
I am continuing to pray for each of your requests. May we lift up our prayers to God and let Him do what's best.

02-20-2006, 11:00 PM
I would like to ask for PT prayers for my husband and his family. His grandmother passed away this afternoon.

02-21-2006, 11:01 AM
Keeg has a vet appt at 1015 in the morning.

Keegan's appt went smoothly. She did well with the accupuncture and the chiropractic and the pain shots. We discussed prognosis and it should be positive as long as she stops reinjuring it. She's grounded as to being on leash again. Keeping my fingers crossed.

02-21-2006, 10:28 PM
please keep my husband JoJoe in your prayers. He called me from work saying he didn't feel well, then the secretary called 1/2 hr. later and said they had called 911 and he was on his way to the Emergency Room. They thought he'd had a heart attack, but after tests, say no. He goes to the Doctor tomorrow to see if they can figure out what happened. I got pretty scared, I don't know what I'd do without him! :( (He's at the age my Dad was when he died of a heart attack, so i guess that's in the back of my mind, too)
Thanks for your prayers.

02-23-2006, 02:06 PM
Please everyone think of Glacier & Delta... and for Delta's safe return! :( :(

02-23-2006, 05:01 PM
Especially for my mom right now. Things aren't good with dad and we don't know how much longer he'll be here.

02-23-2006, 09:10 PM
I'll be keeping everyone in my prayers...I do have to ask you all to keep my cousin Cindy in your prayers. She had breast cancer, and the doctors thought that they had disposed of it, but they might have now found a couple of spots that *might* be tumors. We are hoping that they are just fluid sacks that have not been drained, but we are not sure...So please, please, keep her in your prayers.

Another person you could please keep in your prayers is my old neighbor, Ben, who has an adorable Yorkie named Tootsie. He has prostate cancer, and it is fatal. Please pray that he will not be in too much pain, and that he can remain here as happy and heathy as possible until God brings him to Heaven...

Rachel, this thread is an awesome idea, and you never told me about Heather..Please tell me more when I call you later on...

Daisy and Delilah
02-23-2006, 10:00 PM
I've sent prayers for everybody :(

02-23-2006, 10:36 PM
Prayers for two friends, please, David and Irene. Just pray for God's love and healing on each of them.

Thank you!


03-01-2006, 10:39 PM
{Continued prayers for everyone.}

03-01-2006, 11:14 PM
Just pray for my whole family, we are going thro sum very though times and could really, really use some prayer. :(
btw Very cool thread

03-01-2006, 11:16 PM
We will.

03-02-2006, 03:30 PM
My mom isnt doing so well...She has a sore place, well more like a sore muscle I think on her side. Please just keep her in your thoughts.

03-02-2006, 04:06 PM
Still keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers.

03-03-2006, 03:44 AM
Sooo.. I just found out that my dad's kicking me out of the house (for a really stupid reason.. I didn't do anything wrong). I'm 18. I don't have a credit card, I can't drive, I've only legally been an adult for 3 months. Sigh.. just pray that I find a way through this.

03-03-2006, 08:35 AM
Oh Ashley, I'm very sorry to hear this. I hope your able to work something out. I'll be thinking about you. Take care. {{{HUGS}}}

03-03-2006, 09:22 AM

03-03-2006, 09:09 PM
oh no, Ashley. I will pray that you figure something out. Can you go live with a friend until you get back on your feet?

Daisy and Delilah
03-03-2006, 09:41 PM
binka nugget: What's going on? Do you have computer access? Can you get some help? Please go to your local library and try to check in if nothing else. I hope everything is alright now :confused:

03-03-2006, 11:10 PM
I just found out today my Grandma (only living grandparent) had an abnormal mammogram.
Working in the medical profession all kinds of things go thru your mind.
We could use the prayers and thoughts.

03-03-2006, 11:26 PM
Sooo.. I just found out that my dad's kicking me out of the house (for a really stupid reason.. I didn't do anything wrong). I'm 18. I don't have a credit card, I can't drive, I've only legally been an adult for 3 months. Sigh.. just pray that I find a way through this.
Oh man, I'm so sorry to hear this. Any friends or family that can help you? If not, most communities have some type of emergency shelter to help people in a crisis, have you checked? I'll be praying for you.

03-04-2006, 02:35 AM
Thanks guys.. it looks like everything's okay for the time being. I don't want to get into it but I didn't do anything wrong. My dad was being his typical, drunken self. At first he was set on kicking me out (I was supposed to move out tomorrow actually). Then my mom stepped in.. and now it looks like she's going to buy his half of the house and kick him out (they're legally divorced. The only thing keeping them together is that they both own the house). If for some reason that doesn't happen, or he continues to hassle me, I'm going to move to my grandma's.

03-04-2006, 06:25 AM

I hope things really do get straightened out. Glad to hear that you are home for now. I wish I could give you a big hug right now.


03-04-2006, 08:13 AM
Thanks guys.. it looks like everything's okay for the time being. I don't want to get into it but I didn't do anything wrong. My dad was being his typical, drunken self. At first he was set on kicking me out (I was supposed to move out tomorrow actually). Then my mom stepped in.. and now it looks like she's going to buy his half of the house and kick him out (they're legally divorced. The only thing keeping them together is that they both own the house). If for some reason that doesn't happen, or he continues to hassle me, I'm going to move to my grandma's.

I'm so sorry to hear, Ashley. It sounds like a very hard situation for you. I'm glad he didn't kick you out though...hopefully things get worked out for your family too...

Ginger's Mom
03-04-2006, 08:41 AM
Ashley, I didn't get a chance to reply last night, but I did say a prayer for you. I am glad to hear that everything is at least being worked on. I hope things work out well for everyone in your family. {hugs}

03-04-2006, 03:25 PM
For Gavin.

Suki Wingy
03-05-2006, 12:01 AM
I'm keeping everyone in my thoughts

03-06-2006, 09:48 AM
my sweet cat, miles (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?p=1429561) going in for amputation today, 2-4PM eastern time and I already miss him so much.. :(

03-06-2006, 09:57 AM
I have one, for Cass, luckies4me, see the htread here:

I want to let you all know, I read this post everytime I go on PT and prayer for each & every one of yous. I may not reply but you are all in my thoughts.

03-06-2006, 08:32 PM
Taffy isn't doing too good. It's a sad way for him to get old. :(


03-07-2006, 12:23 PM
I just got off the phone with the guy I do freelance work for --his niece, only 21, was killed in a traffic wreck recently. Meagan's mother raised her & her 15-year old brother by herself, the family is devastated. :( This is a parent's worse nightmare. My client, Todd, said the family would appreciate prayers. Please keep Rebecca (her mom) and her brother and family in your prayers. Thanks.

03-09-2006, 11:46 PM
I just found out today my Grandma (only living grandparent) had an abnormal mammogram.
Working in the medical profession all kinds of things go thru your mind.
We could use the prayers and thoughts.

Just wanted to let everyone know my grandma saw her doctor who referred her to a specialist and they are confident that there isn't anything there and it was just a skin fold.

03-10-2006, 08:48 AM
Staci what wonderful news!!!!

03-15-2006, 06:13 PM
i have talent night friday...dress rehearsal tomorrow.. and i'm doing defying gravity from wicked and for those of you who dont know the musical D.G. is a huge belt song and ... my voice is not up to snuff tonight.... also for me and my baby that we'll get to spend some time together tonight at petsmart.. i really need some Bailey/Mommy time... and also a huge unspoken.. i might elaborate later.. but for now.. just pray for me as i've been lied to.. talked about and had my feelings torn to pieces by a parent of a ''might - not - be'' friend. thanks

03-15-2006, 09:36 PM
I am praying for each and every one of your requests. Sorry I don't post frequently but I am praying for you all.

03-18-2006, 11:51 AM
my brother came in out of town yesterday and went uptown drinking. he never came home last night. :( never called, nothing. please put him in your prayers, I am so worried about him. :(

03-18-2006, 12:04 PM
continuous prayers for you all!


03-18-2006, 06:10 PM
update on my brother:

he called me at like 12 today..told me he is sorry for not calling..he said he was too drunk and too drunk to call anyone and his cell phone was dead so he crashed at his friends' house. he is here now, I am glad he is okay! :)

03-19-2006, 11:17 AM

I'm so glad that he's ok! I did pray for him! :D

03-20-2006, 09:15 PM
Please keep my brother in your thoughts and prayers. I haven't mentioned it before but he has not been able to keep food down for almost 3 months now. He has lost 70 pounds -- which he needed to -- but starvation is not the way to do it. He has been in the Emergency Room so many times getting bags of fluid to keep him alive. FINALLY (4th doctor) found that he has a hernia in his stomach and a gall bladder about to explode with stones and a fistule (I've looked it up on the internet and it has a couple of definitions.) But what has happened in him is that his stomach and attached itself to another organ. The poor guy is so miserable. Today he started vomiting blood. He has vomited so much that he's got broken blood vessels in his throat. He is going to the hospital again in the morning and if all goes well, he will have surgery tomorrow. He is Dadcat to Miss Cinnabuns and Grey Boy. Please cross your fingers and paws that he will soon be back happy and healthy. Thank you.

03-20-2006, 09:25 PM
oh no! :( that's awful! prayers on the way for your brother. (((hugs)))

03-20-2006, 09:27 PM
prayers for your brother, that sounds painful and depressing, i'll also pray that his spirits stay up, this sounds so stressful.

03-21-2006, 03:19 PM
Thanks guys. My brother just called. He is on his way to emergency surgery right now. He's not worried about himself. He's worried about my Mom and how she'll handle it and his kitties. Typical! :D Please keep him in your prayers. I'm on my way to the hospital and will update later.

03-22-2006, 03:56 PM
Update from today's ultrasound...(I had posted about the last ultrasound a month ago, where there were some concerns)...

The baby's heart is fine!!!! Thanks so much for all of the prayers...praise God from whom all blessings flow!! They couldn’t find anything wrong with his heart…he is measuring right on for his gestational age too (I am 26 ½ weeks). He is measuring 2 lbs. 1 oz. The only thing that remains the same is his kidneys are still appearing bright on ultrasound scan…they are the right size, shape, in the right place and they are functioning normally ( b/c my amniotic fluid is normal), but they are bright. The doc said that there could be nothing wrong with them, or something could show up later on in his life, but to be on the safe side, they are referring us to a pediatric nephrologist (sp?)…he will sit down with us, before I deliver and discuss what tests he will want my pediatrician to run on him after he is born…apparently the kidneys should be functioning on their own normally after 48hrs. of being born, so they will probably monitor them in the hospital after delivery. It may be nothing, other than a little bright on scan, but they don’t want anything overlooked. I will still go back for more ultrasounds to check on his size, since he has a 2 vessel cord, and since I have gestational diabetes (these babies can tend to be big). So I have many more doctor appts. ahead of me, but at least they are checking everything out. I asked the doctor about the down syndrome risk now, since his heart is normal, and I had mentioned I was told that if his heart was normal, they thought maybe a 2-5% chance of downs and the doctor said he didn’t even think it was that high at this point, since there are no other markers, just the kidneys, basically….thank God for that as well!! So your prayers were heard…thanks so much!!

I am getting lots of Braxton Hicks Contractions, so I am hoping/praying they slow down…I had them with Christian too. Anyway, I appreciate all of your prayers !! Thanks again!!

Robyn (and Jeremey Lee)

PS. I could just request some prayer that my Braxton Hick's contractions slow down now...thanks!

03-22-2006, 04:25 PM
Robyn that's great news! I hope it all continues to go good for you (well except those pains!).
More prayers coming your way!

03-25-2006, 09:07 PM
Prayers for Gina - she seems overwhelmed, too much to tell the details. Prayers for that dear lady, please!

03-30-2006, 09:41 PM
Thoughts for my coworker, Lori & Family..

She lost her father Tuesday. Weird thing, it happened the same time my grandfather's incident happened.

04-03-2006, 11:19 AM
Just wanted to let everyone know I am keeping all of your requests in my prayers!

04-04-2006, 08:36 AM
Thoughts for my grandfather, please. His wife (my grandma) has just passed of cancer. He is suffering deep depression and is not eating or sleeping well. They were together for 56 years. Thank you all. I will keep your requests in my prayers.

04-04-2006, 01:34 PM
Thoughts for my grandfather, please. His wife (my grandma) has just passed of cancer. He is suffering deep depression and is not eating or sleeping well. They were together for 56 years. Thank you all. I will keep your requests in my prayers.

prayers on the way! please keep us updated.. ((hugs))

04-04-2006, 05:12 PM
prayers on the way! please keep us updated.. ((hugs))

Thank you, Krista! I will be sure to keep everyone updated. :)

04-06-2006, 05:46 AM
Iti s strange that she was the last one to post on this thread, now I'm here, asking for prayers for her.

Karen's wrist was broken badly yesterday and required surgery. She is in the hospital and will perhaps be home by Friday if all goes well. John says that she was in the backyard playing with Logan and a puppy they have been watching and the neighbor's dogs came full speed at the puppy. In trying to protect the puppy, from the large dogs, her wrist was broken. " She fell on top of the puppy to protect it and in the process got her wrist broken to the point she was afraid to pull her hand out of the dogs mouth for fear of losing it entirely." This information came from her friend, John. She is apparently looking at a 4 month recovery period and physical therapy.

Rachel, Pam or I can keep you posted as we hear more.

Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. She's had a rough time of it in the last year or so.


04-06-2006, 11:29 AM
Oh gosh I just can't believe this Logan:( She's had so many rough patches and now this to add to the list.
Please let her know we're all thinking of her and saying a prayer for her that she heals well.

04-06-2006, 12:22 PM
thoughts and prayers sent for Karen.

{{hugs to her}}

04-07-2006, 01:26 PM
Yes, I too came here to request prayers for Karen.

04-09-2006, 09:38 PM
Prayers for Gina - she seems overwhelmed, too much to tell the details. Prayers for that dear lady, please!

Gina asked me to let everyone know that she is doing fine. Her car was stolen but she's ok.

04-10-2006, 10:39 PM
Prayers for everyone.
Star needs prayers.(thread in Pet General.)

04-11-2006, 11:32 AM
I just wanted to let everyone know that I continue to keep you all in my prayers.

I just found out on Sunday that my brother lost his job.:(His company was bought out by another one and both he and his boss were let go.:( He has three small children and his wife has MS so please send some positive vibes his way. I hope that he'll be able to find a new job soon. Thanks.

04-12-2006, 09:47 AM
I'm still keeping everyone in my prayers!

I'm kind of going through something right now, but I'd rather not discuss it at this time. Could you guys just keep me in your prayers? Thank you!

04-12-2006, 09:55 AM
I'm still keeping everyone in my prayers!

I'm kind of going through something right now, but I'd rather not discuss it at this time. Could you guys just keep me in your prayers? Thank you!


04-12-2006, 10:18 AM

Thank you so much, that means a lot!

04-12-2006, 10:19 AM
I'm still keeping everyone in my prayers!

I'm kind of going through something right now, but I'd rather not discuss it at this time. Could you guys just keep me in your prayers? Thank you!

Of course! Good vibes on the way! :D

04-12-2006, 10:33 AM
Of course! Good vibes on the way! :D

Thank you so much!

04-12-2006, 08:00 PM
I'll keep you in my prayers, JenBKR! ((hugs)) if you need someone to talk to, feel free to PM me.

04-13-2006, 05:40 PM
I have two prayer requests:
For Kay's grandpa, who is in the hospital
And for Georgia, a 14 year old girl (goes to my school), who gat stabbed in her stomach, and is in the hospital.... :( :( :( :(

04-13-2006, 05:58 PM
oh no Lablover! :( Georgia and Kay's grandpa will be in my prayers.

04-13-2006, 10:18 PM
Thanks so much.... poor girl had to go through 2 surgeries... and this is all because Georgia didn't give this mental guy her phone number.... some people are just idiots, pure idiots. :mad: :mad:

04-13-2006, 10:19 PM
Continuous prayers on the way for Georgia and Kay's grandfather.

04-14-2006, 01:06 AM
It would be wonderful if we all could offer prayers for Laurie's dear friend, Steve.

Laurie has posted that he has had a major downturn and the overall prognosis is not good.

And of course, prayers will be offered for Kay's Grandpa.

04-14-2006, 07:23 AM
I'll keep you in my prayers, JenBKR! ((hugs)) if you need someone to talk to, feel free to PM me.

Thank you so much (((hugs)))

04-19-2006, 10:22 AM
Well, it looks like my parents are getting a divorce soon. While I am relieved that my mom, brother, and I will not have to put up with my dad's abuse any longer, I am very worried about the financial part. Mom says she'll find a way to make it but we won't have health insurance (well I will since I am a minor) anymore because my dad's job covers that. Our medications each month, just the copayments, are upwards of $800.

Please everyone keep us in your prayers. I am not one to ask for things much but this is really scary for us.

04-19-2006, 10:25 AM
Well, it looks like my parents are getting a divorce soon. While I am relieved that my mom, brother, and I will not have to put up with my dad's abuse any longer, I am very worried about the financial part. Mom says she'll find a way to make it but we won't have health insurance (well I will since I am a minor) anymore because my dad's job covers that. Our medications each month, just the copayments, are upwards of $800.

Please everyone keep us in your prayers. I am not one to ask for things much but this is really scary for us.

Oh Sarah, I am so sorry, you and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.

04-19-2006, 10:30 AM
Thank you very, very much.

04-19-2006, 10:31 AM
thoughts and continued prayers for everyone still
I wanted to add that one of my friends baby - I think he is about 2 months old has had to have open heart surgery and now has to have a cardiac catherization today. It was at 8am - please keep him in good thoughts and prayers.
Thank you.

04-20-2006, 08:56 AM
My cousin Nate and his wife Brianna are newly weds as of July 05. Brianna was 4 months pregnet and Monday lost her baby. Please pray for this wonderful couple at such a hard time.

04-22-2006, 01:27 PM
Well, it looks like my parents are getting a divorce soon. While I am relieved that my mom, brother, and I will not have to put up with my dad's abuse any longer, I am very worried about the financial part. Mom says she'll find a way to make it but we won't have health insurance (well I will since I am a minor) anymore because my dad's job covers that. Our medications each month, just the copayments, are upwards of $800.

Please everyone keep us in your prayers. I am not one to ask for things much but this is really scary for us.

you and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. I am so sorry. (((hugs))) I am glad you all will be able to get away from your dad, though.

04-26-2006, 09:22 AM
My mom please.

My sister died last night. I will be ok - in the scheme of things, one of us would have gone first.

But my mom has lost her baby girl, 48 years old, to MS.

Please lots of prayers for her!

Thank you


04-27-2006, 08:01 PM
hugs and prayers for your mom, & you, Catty. My cousin recently died of MS, she was 51.

04-29-2006, 11:42 PM
Sorry I haven't been to Pet Talk recently. I am not exactly caught up on sleep and have been busy. God be with each of you, I am praying for all the requests. Catty1 may God keep you strong as well as your mom, I can't even imagine. Also Sara, and all others I will keep your requests in my thoughts and prayers.

04-30-2006, 02:01 AM
I am new here but I think this is so wonderful to have and I have not seen it on any of the other forums. I read everyones prayer request and will keep you all in my prayers. Cat- my sympathy and prayers and heart go out to you. Know that your sister is free now and healthy again. Hugs.

I'm asking for prayers for my niece Nicholle- she has had such major issues in her life- very long story but has been almost on her own as a run away since age 15. She is now 18 but is still not all together. The family and my brother have never been the same since all of this has happened. My brother bless his soul has tried the best he can.
Also if you can include my Aunt Dee Dee she has been on a respirator twice in the past two years and with the power of prayer and faith she has recovered both times. Just asking that she stays well.

Now my selfish prayer request. I have tried for 10 years to have a baby and I hit 40 and have been looking into adoption also. It breaks my heart all the time knowing it just has not and never will happen. Funny nothing medically wrong. Diffrent treatments didnt work. Guess God has a plan for me. I still pray for that miracle.

Funny I always took prayer request that I had people write on rocks up to a place called Our Lady of the Island and I would go up the 33 stairs and place them at the foot of a cross they have their and you know every request I put their was always granted. Yet I didnt do it for myself for children. Just always felt it was selfish in a way. Sometimes I feel guilty asking for this type of prayer when I see others heart aches. I saw a minsister the other night say all you have to do is belive. Somewhere inside me says yep it could happen. Hey you never know if you hear one day a 70 year old lady has a baby maybe it will be me.
Prayers sent out to all of you and you will all be prayed for.

04-30-2006, 09:35 AM
I've fell behind a bit, read all of this now - I pray for everyone who came here, typed, asked for thoughts.

things will get better or good, god won't start you and leave you, he'll walk you through!

(((take care))) everyone, and you too, rizzy - hope things are going well for you!

04-30-2006, 05:22 PM
I have 2 prayer requests.

My Uncle Ed woke up with chest pains this morning and he is diabetic and has heart problems. :( He went to go to a hospital in another town and my parents went, too. They are most likely staying the night and I said I would stay home with the furbabies. My parents will keep me updated.

My cousins Courtney and Patricia got taken away from their parents since their parents supposedly do drugs. Courtney is around 11-13 years old and Patricia is around 7-9 years old. The reason I don't know thier age is because, in 2003 my grandmother passed away from cancer and Courtney and Patricia's mom turned her back on us and I haven't seen them for 3 years in November. :( I miss them and hope to see them again someday. Their older sister, Heather is going to try to get custody of them. She is 22, which is good and I hope she can get custody of them. Right now, I hope they are together, they need each other now more than ever. I hope they don't seperate them if they have to go into a foster home/group home. I forgot to add I think they were abused physically and emotionally. :(

so please pray for them and I will keep you all updated once I know something.

05-03-2006, 08:00 AM
Troy, a friend of our family whom was our neighbor for years & years was diagnosed with Lou Gehrig's disease about 4 years ago. He is such a magnificent person, always friendly & cheerful, willing to help anyone in anyway he could, as a matter of fact his entire family is the same way. He's only 36 years old with a beautiful wife & 2 small children, it's such a shame. He has been in the advanced stages for a little over a year now and has decided that this is the end of it. His tracheostomy will be removed this Friday at 4:00 pm, in the comfort of his home, where hopefully he will peacefully be sent to the heavens above.
If yous can please keep him & his family in your thoughts & prayers it would mean the world to me and I'm sure his family as well.

We knew this would be the day for a couple months now but as time gets closer it really is getting harder & harder. Why do these things happen to the best of people with so much ahead of them?

05-26-2006, 10:22 PM
Sending my good thoughts to everyone unable to make it to the Findlay meetings, who planned to come, because of unfortunate events. :(

{{HUGS}} to you all and hope to see you some other time.

06-03-2006, 12:38 AM
I won't be able to give details until a later time if any but please keep one of our own in earnest prayers and healing thoughts. If there is a miracle to be had - it will be found here.


06-03-2006, 12:51 AM
I won't be able to give details until a later time if any but please keep one of our own in earnest prayers and healing thoughts. If there is a miracle to be had - it will be found here.


What's going on? :( :confused:

06-03-2006, 02:33 PM
I will be praying for everyone as best as possible. :)

06-03-2006, 02:47 PM
Prayers and best thoughts to all who need them.

If there are a few prayers left over save one for me. My husband (american) and I (Canadian) have been living apaprt since September because of immigration processes. finally this weekend I am going home to PA to hopefully be with my husband for good. We are just hoping everything goes smoothly at the border. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

06-07-2006, 10:05 AM
Can I please request a few prayers?
My mom's been out of work for about a month and a half, and we're like really broke. She finally got a call yesterday saying she has an interview on Friday.. Could you please pray she gets the job?

06-07-2006, 10:07 AM
Can I please request a few prayers?
My mom's been out of work for about a month and a half, and we're like really broke. She finally got a call yesterday saying she has an interview on Friday.. Could you please pray she gets the job?

of course sweetie, prayers coming your way!

06-07-2006, 11:19 AM
Can I please request a few prayers?
My mom's been out of work for about a month and a half, and we're like really broke. She finally got a call yesterday saying she has an interview on Friday.. Could you please pray she gets the job?

You can count on my prayers as well!

06-07-2006, 02:59 PM
Thanks :).

06-15-2006, 05:00 PM
My aunt recently passed away from lymphoma. She was from my dad's side. I'm not really close with anyone from my dad's side so I didn't expect it to hit me so hard.. but it did. My grandma (her mother) lives with us. She hasn't openly grieved but I can tell she's hurting quite a bit too. :( I'd appreciate any prayers you guys could spare.. especially for my grandma.

06-20-2006, 11:55 AM
I would like to request a prayer request for my sister.
I do have a prayer request while I'm here :)
My sister has been out of a job for over 2 years - she is a teacher and was teaching at an intercity Catholic school and they just did away with each top grade every year and her number was up 2 years ago - she has interviewed several places and is unable to get a job. The school system she lives in - someone told her they have such great subs that they never hire from their sub list b/c they want to keep the good subs! She had 2 other interviews and they have already filled one position. While she has 10+ years experience of teaching she has only taught at Catholic schools and public schools don't look at teaching in that system as experience, so she's a "new teacher" but with 10 years experience. The company my brother in law works for wants to transfer him but if my sister gets a job that will at least keep them here is what they are thinking. My mom is freaking out b/c she doesn't want them that far away! My sister is getting very frustrated to say the least.
In addition, she also has been having a lot of foot pain and went to the dr. and found out she has a bone spur on her heel and arthritis. (join the club ;))
She was waiting yesterday for the dr. to call her to so she could be referred to a podiatrist but they didn't call her and when she called them there wasn't anything on her chart and the dr is out of the office until the 2th. She is getting depressed and discouraged.

06-20-2006, 12:05 PM
My mom's got another job interview Thursday.. Prayers?

06-20-2006, 12:39 PM
My father needs some PT prayers. I have probably mentioned before that he was diagnosed with CLL (chronic lymphocytic leukemia) some years ago. His oncologist only does chemo when his count is within a certain threshold, and then he really hits it hard.

He will be getting chemo today, Wednesday & Thursday this week. I was away at college the last time he had chemo, so I haven't been around him during this difficult time. I hope that my mother & I can support him during this trying period. I would really appreciate it if you could keep him in your prayers. He needs strength of spirit as well as healing. Although CLL is not the type of cancer that is ever "cured", he hopes to manage it and maintain a good quality of life. It has been nearly 2 years since his last chemo treatment, so we hope that this treatment will help him maintain a similar length "remission" period.

I've been checking this thread periodically and all PTers and family/friends mentioned here remain in my daily prayers.

Thank you. :)

06-21-2006, 08:24 AM
I am keeping everyone in my thoughts and prayers.

I could use a few myself - my father-in-law is in the hospital, we are not sure what is wrong with him right now except that his sugar is extremely high. Also, a friend of mine at work had surgery yesterday and the doctor messed up and clipped an air sac. She's in a lot of pain and the doctors aren't sure what to do about it yet. Thanks everyone!

06-21-2006, 09:03 AM
Prayers for everyone! :)

06-23-2006, 01:14 PM
My sister has been out of a job for over 2 years - she is a teacher and was teaching at an intercity Catholic school and they just did away with each top grade every year and her number was up 2 years ago - she has interviewed several places and is unable to get a job. The school system she lives in - someone told her they have such great subs that they never hire from their sub list b/c they want to keep the good subs! She had 2 other interviews and they have already filled one position. While she has 10+ years experience of teaching she has only taught at Catholic schools and public schools don't look at teaching in that system as experience, so she's a "new teacher" but with 10 years experience.
My sister heard from the 2nd school that she interviewed for - and it was a thanks but no thanks. She knew a couple people in that system that put in good words for her to no avail. :( She is really starting to sound depressed and down and that is so unlike her. I am not sure where she is going to go from here b/c she hasn't had any other interviews.

06-28-2006, 03:09 PM
Could I please ask for some Prayers formy Auntie Marianne (my dads sister), she has been in the hospital for a few days now with, Phemoa (sp?) and they cant seem to get her temp. down. She is 67-68 yrs old, so this is taking a tole on her :( so just keep her in your thoughts and prayers..please and thanks! :(

07-01-2006, 11:44 PM
We are needing urgent prayer and thoughts for a devout Foster mama of cats, named Lisa.

She does so much to help cats, she recently helped place 40 cats out of a 100 cat situation.

She has cancer, and is in the hospital. It is very serious, they tell her husband that she is 'shutting down'.

She has a soul kitty named Julius, and several other cats, and a dog.

She is only 49.

She needs a miracle.

Please pray.

Cinder & Smoke
07-02-2006, 06:36 AM
We are needing urgent prayer and thoughts for a devout Foster mama of cats, named Lisa.

PT Prayers offered for Foster Mom Lisa that
God will be with her in her time of need.

07-02-2006, 06:49 AM
I'm very sorry to hear this rosethecopycat, she will be in my prayers.

07-02-2006, 07:07 AM
((((prayers for all))))

Laura's Babies
07-02-2006, 07:25 AM
I am so sorry to hear this as the world needs a lot more people like her. Prayers for her and her family.

07-02-2006, 09:11 AM
IF she is shutting down...a miracle is needed indeed. And they do happen!

Prayers are yours and hers!


07-02-2006, 09:20 AM

I lit a candle for her and said a prayer.

07-02-2006, 09:58 AM
Please, more thoughts for my grandfather :( -
My grandpa lost my grandma in October, he is still very depressed and not sleeping well at night. And he has really really bad emphazeyma (sp?) and has to have oxygen on him sometimes. :( Plus, he is not eating well...especially with all of the medicine he's on. He's losing his taste in foods...he does't really think that much food tastes too good anymore. I am so worried about him. On my grandma's headstone, she wanted one really big one that had her on one side and my grandpa on the other for when he passes away. He kept changing the subject, he really didn't want to talk about it.

One more request-
I don't think I've ever posted about my other grandpa before (which I should have, because he also needs lots of prayers), but I will share with you the story:

My grandpa had awful liver disease this past winter. It was from him drinking. He couldn't eat well....so he lost ALOT of weight. He finally got to the point where he didn't drink anymore, and he gained alot of weight back (not fat, just healthy weight.). I am so glad he stopped drinking, but I am really sad about this part: He has just started drinking again :( The doctors that he goes to don't think it's going to be much longer before he...

Prayers, please! I will pray for everyne else who has requested. I am glad for those of you where your requests have turned out good! :)

07-02-2006, 04:01 PM
We are praying for Lisa, that our Good Lord will show her mercy, and help her Family and Companions,
that a very sad situation.
Shes in his hands now, prayers all he have left.

07-02-2006, 04:05 PM
One of our horse trainers, Alison, was walking a horse down the street today- She tried to get the horse to cross the creek, and he came down on her while attempting to jump it. Her nose and possibly a few other bones in her head are broken, and she's not doing too well. She was rushed over to the trauma center at UCLA.

She could probably use some prayers. :(

07-02-2006, 06:04 PM
I am still praying for everyone.


you know that your grandpa is in my thoughts and prayers. :) ((hugs))


that is awful. :( She will certainly be in my thoughts and prayers. ((hugs))

07-02-2006, 06:04 PM
My cousin Leslie was in a horrible auto accident Thursday and may not make it. She was 8 months pregnant; her daughter was driving her to a pre-natal appointment in Fresno. Both of them were hurt very badly. Leslie lost the baby and has severe spinal cord damage and massive internal injuries; the doctors are keeping her unconscious because her injuries are so bad. They don't expect her to make it and if she does, she will be paralyzed. Her daughter also had spinal injuries, however is doing okay and may be released soon.

07-02-2006, 06:05 PM
We are needing urgent prayer and thoughts for a devout Foster mama of cats, named Lisa.

She does so much to help cats, she recently helped place 40 cats out of a 100 cat situation.

She has cancer, and is in the hospital. It is very serious, they tell her husband that she is 'shutting down'.

She has a soul kitty named Julius, and several other cats, and a dog.

She is only 49.

She needs a miracle.

Please pray.

Thank you for the request for prayers for Lisa.* *Please keep praying.* This morning it looked very grim but Steve just called with a tiny glimmer of hope so the prayers and positive energy could be helping.*

07-02-2006, 06:10 PM
Prayers going out to all (((((HUGS)))))

And thank you, Krista..

07-02-2006, 08:55 PM
Keeping prayers going for Lisa...God, her people need her...but also the helpless wee creatures that you created. They need their guardian.

Please be it Your will to send her back to us to demonstrate Your love and compassion to all your creations.


07-03-2006, 08:35 AM
Thank you, Krista :)

Lots of prayers, hugs and thougts being sent to everyone.


07-03-2006, 09:28 AM
Please send up some prayers for one of my best friends - she just found out her husband is having an affair and doesn't know what to do. Their marriage is already very rocky. They have 2 girls.

07-03-2006, 01:20 PM
Please send up some prayers for one of my best friends - she just found out her husband is having an affair and doesn't know what to do. Their marriage is already very rocky. They have 2 girls.

Lots of prayers and hugs coming your friend's way!


07-03-2006, 01:47 PM
Please send up some prayers for one of my best friends - she just found out her husband is having an affair and doesn't know what to do. Their marriage is already very rocky. They have 2 girls.

your friend will certainly be in my thoughts and prayers. (((shais_mom)))

07-03-2006, 08:32 PM
We are needing urgent prayer and thoughts for a devout Foster mama of cats, named Lisa.

She does so much to help cats, she recently helped place 40 cats out of a 100 cat situation.

She has cancer, and is in the hospital. It is very serious, they tell her husband that she is 'shutting down'.

She has a soul kitty named Julius, and several other cats, and a dog.

She is only 49.

She needs a miracle.

Please pray.

Lisa has gone over to the Rainbow Bridge to tend to the animals on that side.

:( :( :(

She was the 1st Siamese Rescue foster (1999) and the 1st Meezer Express volunteer (Transports). She was also the 'hub' in Jacksonville, for all the Florida cats to move through and overnight with, as they move to states north.

Please say a little prayer for her husband, Steve, and for her 'soul cat',
Unca Julius, that he might not become depressed. :(

Lighting candles and singing Meezerly songs tonight in Florida.

07-03-2006, 08:34 PM
I am so very sorry to hear this. :( (((HUGS))) her husband and kitty will be in my thoughts and prayers.

07-03-2006, 09:46 PM
God bless that great lady...just as Pet Angels seem to 'send' their grieving owners a new furbaby, let's hope that Lisa can send someone wonderful for all the kitties...

Jenlukenbach will be thrilled that Lisa will care for Lucas, and Gina for her precious Miles...and dear Ralphie.

I pray for David and Julius - and hope they find some comfort in each other, and the love that Lisa gave them both.


07-04-2006, 10:14 PM
My condolences to you and everyone that knew them.

Also - please see this thread....

Laura's Babies
07-05-2006, 08:07 AM
Everyone knows what happened to my son Eddie last year ( and how well he is doing. He is scheduled for surgery July 10 to remove that bone growth on his elbo, the first of many surgeries he will need to have and I think the most serious. Please send special prayers that they can fix that elbo so he can regain use of that arm again and no nerve damaged has occured... It is his left arm and he is left handed... Thanks

07-06-2006, 11:12 AM
Everyone knows what happened to my son Eddie last year ( and how well he is doing. He is scheduled for surgery July 10 to remove that bone growth on his elbo, the first of many surgeries he will need to have and I think the most serious. Please send special prayers that they can fix that elbo so he can regain use of that arm again and no nerve damaged has occured... It is his left arm and he is left handed... Thanks

He will be in my thoughts. But is this your son or brother? Sorry but the link you posted is for your brother Eddie. Just got a little confused, wanted to make sure I am praying for the right person.

07-06-2006, 09:46 PM
PT prayers work. I got word today that my cousin Leslie is out of the woods. She did suffer spinal fractures, however there's no evidence of actual spinal cord injury - she is able to move her fingers and toes which is a good sign. She also suffered a serious concussion, but again is very lucky there was no brain damage. Apparently because of her pregnancy, she couldn't get the seat belt around her belly and therefore wasn't wearing one at the time of the accident. Also, the vehicle she was riding in didn't have a passenger-side air bag. Both she and her daughter are lucky to have made it out alive.

Of course, continuing prayers will help them both to heal. Thanks everyone.

07-09-2006, 06:03 PM
I would like to ask for many prayers for a small child seriously injured
this Memorial Day weekend. This child was horribly mangled in a dog
attack. She is still in critical condition but hoipefully will survive. She will
never be the same. :( Please pray for her & her family. Thanks. Liz.


07-09-2006, 10:26 PM
God be with you all as your requests are lifted to God. He is so amazing and with our prayers so much is accomplished. I am praying for everyone on PT; sorry I do not get to posting daily.

God bless!


07-12-2006, 10:35 AM
My friend and foster for the humane society was going to have her 19 year old cat, Charlie, put down this morning. He was vaccinated last week and the vaccines weakened him and he contracted upper respiratory. He has not been eating well and is very arthritic and she has thought of putting him down before, but with the upper respiratory she made the final decision yesterday. When my friend woke up this morning to take him to be PTS, Charlie was eating like a horse and running and he was not at all sniffly. She called the vet and he suggested giving him a few more days to see how things go.

She is going out of town tonight because her husband is donating bone marrow to his sister and they have to drive to Gainesville. She has 16 cats (14 of them are fosters) and I am watching them all. Please, please, please pray that Charlie can hang on until she gets back into town. She told me to use my judgement, to call her with updates and she will tell me if she thinks he can't make it until she comes back, but I really want her to come home to him, even if the very next day he needs to be PTS.

I really need your thoughts and prayers guys, this is a tough situtation. Charlie did not look good yesterday when I went to see him but I am hoping days like today continue.

07-12-2006, 07:43 PM
Gina needs prayers right now. Please see this thread. (http://www.petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?p=1552537)

She is also having some technical difficulties, is not feeling well, and is having to move on the 15th, with no place yet to go.

Please keep her in your prayers for the next few, difficult days.

07-12-2006, 07:47 PM
My friend and foster for the humane society was going to have her 19 year old cat, Charlie, put down this morning. He was vaccinated last week and the vaccines weakened him and he contracted upper respiratory. He has not been eating well and is very arthritic and she has thought of putting him down before, but with the upper respiratory she made the final decision yesterday. When my friend woke up this morning to take him to be PTS, Charlie was eating like a horse and running and he was not at all sniffly. She called the vet and he suggested giving him a few more days to see how things go.

She is going out of town tonight because her husband is donating bone marrow to his sister and they have to drive to Gainesville. She has 16 cats (14 of them are fosters) and I am watching them all. Please, please, please pray that Charlie can hang on until she gets back into town. She told me to use my judgement, to call her with updates and she will tell me if she thinks he can't make it until she comes back, but I really want her to come home to him, even if the very next day he needs to be PTS.

I really need your thoughts and prayers guys, this is a tough situtation. Charlie did not look good yesterday when I went to see him but I am hoping days like today continue.

Oh gosh, what a sad situation. You and Charlie will be in my prayers :(

07-13-2006, 04:42 PM
May everyone's prayers be quickly answered by God and that everything turns out like we wish it to.

Lots and lots of prayers for everyone that needs them during hard times... :(

07-18-2006, 12:22 AM
I got a VM from one of my best friends and her 28 year old brother was in the hospital having brain surgery b/c they thought a blood vessel had burst or a tumor had burst. She called me back later and left a message that it indeed was a tumor that leaked and they got 90% of it and he shouldn't have any paralysis or anything but will need therapy/rehab. Then I got a call from my dad saying that the minister had been down there with the family and they requested that he call my parents with an update. (their dad lives right beside my parents and knows how close we are) and he was sitting up talking - other then being in shock I had handled it alright up until hearing my dad say that and then I got a bit weepy. so send up a prayer and healing thought for Kevin would you please? My friend and her husband just lost her husband's dad about a year ago unexpectadly he was only in his 50's so this probably hits really close for them.

07-18-2006, 09:59 AM
Oh gosh, what a sad situation. You and Charlie will be in my prayers :(
Thank you and anyone else who prayed for Charlie. He is alive and doing well! I talked to Jodi yesterday and she said he looks as if he was never sick :D

I am not religious so do not pray, but I am keeping everyone in my thoughts.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
07-28-2006, 12:42 PM
Long story short, some good friends of ours that live in California were in Decatur, IN today to pick up their motorhome after having extensive work done on it. He wasn't feeling well so they took him to the hospital in Decatur (is there really a hospital in Decatur?). Turns out they are transferring him to the hospital in Fort Wayne, IN right now, as we speak....to have a pace maker put in!!!!! :eek: :eek:

So here's his poor wife, thousands of miles from home, with two dogs on her hands, and a husband in the hospital!

The good news is they have plenty of friends in the immediate vicinity who can help out, and their motorhome will be safely parked in Decatur, and if it turns out they have to fly home, there are plenty of good friends who would volunteer to get their motorhome and car back to California for them.

These two are some of the nicest people you will ever meet. She doesn't have a mean bone in her body, and like her husband likes to say, she has never met a stranger. He is a great guy also and is a retired LA County fireman. He just turned 70 earlier this year, but he looks and acts much much younger than that. He stays fit and we see them out for walks all the time, so I just can't believe this is happening to him.

So, if you could all spare some good thoughts and prayers that the surgery goes well and he's back on his feet soon, I'd appreciate it. Thanks!

07-28-2006, 01:02 PM
Oh my I am praying with every bone in my body. :(

07-29-2006, 12:30 PM
Debbie, I will pray for your friend that all goes well. What a horrible shock for both of them.

I came to this thread this morning because I just knew that in reading other's problems, it would make my own pale in comparison.

I have a dear friend who is going through some very rough times right now and needs our prayers. So, if you can spare any, it would be deeply appreciated.

07-29-2006, 01:35 PM
Prayers for both Dr Goodnows and Alex, that this time justice AND common sense prevail!

Thank you.


07-29-2006, 02:28 PM
I will keep both Dr.Goodnows and Alexander, in my thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. The power of prayer be with you!!!!

07-30-2006, 10:51 PM
yes- my dad died and we are going through some hard times. We are on the bumpy road and need to get back on the smooth road. Please pray for us! Thank you!

07-30-2006, 11:21 PM
I am crying REAL tears .

Having a hard time typing this to you,(I thought it was the cheeseburger thing)

I wish I could hug you horselover!!!!

My heart just sank after reading that post. I can't say that I knew your Father, but, I can say that you need my prayers.

God Bless You and Yours Horselover during this time of silent sorrow!!!

I know your Father was (is) a Wonderful Person. :(

Dear Lord,

Please comfort this family during their heavy loss and Bless them with wonderful Memories that will aid them during their toment. Amen.

07-31-2006, 12:14 AM
I'm sorry to hear of your loss Horse_lover.
you will be in my thoughts

My friends brother is home and doing well. Has been having people stay with him, he should be able to drive in about 4 weeks. He was delayed getting out of the hospital b/c of infection that set it.
My mom had told me they found that the tumor was malignant but I got an email from his mom and she said that they hadn't gotten the pathology report back so Not sure what is going on there.

My sister's mother in law is having surgery later this week b/c she recently found a lump in her breast that has turned out to be cancerous. Please pray that they get all of it and her lymph nodes are not affected.
She has a ton of cats and lives in a crappy neighborhood so fingers crossed that she won't be robbed blind while she is at her daughter's house recuperating.

07-31-2006, 12:19 AM
I am praying for everbody who are in rough situations or have had a terrible loss. To everyone

From horse_lover

08-01-2006, 08:48 PM
I know this isn't as important as everyone elses but...my friend and I (and our dogs) are hiking up a large mountain (http://www.utahtrails.com/Timpanogos.html ) this thursday and spending the night up there alone. A short prayer that we'll make it up there and down safely would be appreciated, thanks.

I have hiked this mountain before and it was fine it's mostly the spending the night in a tent up there I'm worried about, well mostly my mom is super super worried and therefore making me worried.

Cinder & Smoke
08-01-2006, 10:01 PM
A short prayer that we'll make it up there and down safely would be appreciated, thanks.

... it's mostly the spending the night in a tent up there I'm worried about ...


Hey God ~

Was this YOUR Idea??

Have You got a pair of Hikin Boots, God?
Maybe you could just take da Silver Klouwd Express an fly sum
recon sorties ober the Mountain ta keep an eye on em?

An please be sure Nebo sticks real CLOSE to his Mom onna hike!

Pleas keep em Safe, God! Thanks!

/s/ the Pryer Pups

08-01-2006, 11:04 PM
Our prayers Oh Creator of all is that peace will reign and prosperity prevail in all of these people lives. You brought us these Angels here on earth at what has been our darkest hour, darker even than burying our child so long ago. Please hear our prayer that these who have given so selflessly and put aside so much for a tiny wounded one to be cared for by You, have teir prayers answered tenfold. Truly in this area I walk amongst Angels. Thank you for hearing our prayer and I know it will be granted in Your wisdom.

08-02-2006, 03:39 PM
Hello, I am a 14 year old girl. I know this may not seem like much, but IT MEANS SOO MUCH TO ME, PLEASE PRAY…

A few months ago a mother cat came to my house and brought her kittens. I knew we couldn't keep the kittens, and I was fine with that.
But there was this one kitten (I called her Chicka) that noone wanted for weeks. She was white with black spots, and very fluffy. I loved her soo much, and I was sure we would keep her.

I miss Chicka sooo much!! I cry almost every day! I'm probably making too big a deal about it, but I can't help it! So could you please please please pray that God will giver her back to me? I know it will take a miricle, but If more people pray with me, I know theres a chance. So please pray.

THANKS SO MUCH! I promise to pray for you! GOD BLESS

08-02-2006, 06:15 PM
i know im probally just jumping to conclusions but i pray that nothing bad happens between me and my boyfriend before december rolls around... right now i am dating my boyfriend illegally... so i pray that all goes well for the next 4 months... well, to be exact... 4 months and 13 days (december 15th)... i gues thats the legal age to date someone older...

i also pray that all goes well with all the PTers on here... i pray that nothing bad happens for you guys either... i am here if anyone wants to talk... im all ears... i wont judge you... just wanted to let you all know...


08-05-2006, 11:46 PM
Could pters pray that we find a great home for Max.

08-07-2006, 01:12 PM
I am offering my prayers while hoping you will find a perfect home for Max-The Gentle Giant-

08-10-2006, 12:05 PM

08-10-2006, 12:07 PM
My sister's mother in law is having surgery later this week b/c she recently found a lump in her breast that has turned out to be cancerous. Please pray that they get all of it and her lymph nodes are not affected.
She has a ton of cats and lives in a crappy neighborhood so fingers crossed that she won't be robbed blind while she is at her daughter's house recuperating.

Yesterday was my sister's mother in law's surgery - they got the malignant tumor out of her breast but discovered that it had spread to some lymph nodes.
While she was in surgery HER sister's husband (who both -wife and husband- had been recently diagnosed with cancer) was going to the post office had a heart attack and died.
Please keep them all in thoughts and prayers.

08-13-2006, 11:22 AM
If I'm not being too rude, could I please ask prayer's for my friend's famly and friends? Thank you, they would appreciate it so much.

Please keep my friend's family and friends in your prayers. My friend's aunt and uncle lost their 10-year-old girl to being hit by a truck in 2003. I'm not sure when, but yesterday or a few days ago would have been her 13th birthday. The girl's name was Paige. I was walking with my dad and his girlfriend in the cemetary lastnight and was walking by her grave that had birthday cards and balloons and flowers. I read the card from her mom, I almost cried. Please keep Paige's family and friends in your prayers! They need support and friendship during this hard time of loss!

Prayers to every single person/animal who needs them! May God bless us all with help, support, and love!

08-13-2006, 01:40 PM

Your prayer request for Paige, especially for her MOTHER, gave me pause for thankfulness.!!

I had to take a short mental break :(

Dear Lord,

Please look down onto Paige's family now. She was only 10 years old and they needed to see her grow into a beautiful woman. They are suffering so bad right now because she is gone.

I know she is okay, she is with you, but, her Mother is exhausted with sorrow and needs your love so much.Show her your light , provide her with stamina to meet her future .

Oh, and God, Thank-you for the blessings that you have bestowed upon me and mine.

In the name of our Lord,



08-13-2006, 01:51 PM
That was beautiful, Dorothy39, and thank you!

08-13-2006, 01:57 PM
Hey, I am a MOTHER!!!! I sooooo imagine her heavy loss!!!

God!!!! That one made me cry!!!!

08-13-2006, 02:14 PM
:( (((hugs)))

08-13-2006, 02:21 PM
Yes, I am still weepy myself.

Thinking of that MOTHER, who, will never see her daughter as a graduate from High School,(the Senior picture) never have to worry about her when she is driving a car, ( won't have to help her with her insurance :( )

I can't get that MOTHER out of my prayers !!!! Her sorrow is sooooo DEEP!!

Her bleeding is so felt.

08-15-2006, 11:20 AM
a family that I was good friends with went through a terrible loss, the mom lost her husband and 14 year old daughter in a car accident, the accident happened on August 8th and took the life of the 14 year old right away, and the husband went to a hospital and then faded away, my 11 year old friend was in the car but she only got a broken leg, but she has a broken heart too, the mom was not in the car, but the mom and daughter are VERY sad right now and I'm really sad so please pray that the family will be able to lead a happy life sometime soon.

08-16-2006, 11:53 AM
How very sad, so tragic.

I feel so sorry for the 11 year old for being , because she will always have the memory of where they were going,and, how it happened.

The Mother is awash in grief, relying on her only daughter as proof she had a Husband, a family , that was once so whole!!

Their Burden of Sorrow is Deeply Felt!!!!

I will Pray that together, they can build upon all the wonderful memories that are now flashing in their minds.

I will Hope, that their trust in Happiness is Restored.

You Have my Sympathy as Well, Mousie :(

08-17-2006, 09:21 AM
Thanks you Dorothy39, the family is very strong and I know they can make it through this horrible event, they're staying strong and the 11 year old is back at home with her mom, I am still extremely sad, but I bet Trish(the mom) and Catherine(the 11 year old) will be able to live happy lives some day.

08-18-2006, 11:13 AM
Still keeping everyone in my prayers!

Could you guys add my grandfather to the list? He was taken to the hospital last night and has to have his gall bladder removed, most likely today. Please keep him in your prayers, as he is 80 years old and getting frail. Thank you!

08-18-2006, 02:10 PM
Keeping everyones' requests in prayer...shai's mom, how awful -- I will keep you and your extended family in mind. My mom had lymphoma too - successfully got it into remission for a number of years.

08-20-2006, 11:52 AM
a coworker's daughter (20 years old) was killed in a car accident Friday nite.
She was just starting to get along with her mom and get her life together.

08-20-2006, 03:09 PM
keeping everyones in my prayers. I myself have a prayer request.

My sister-in-law's cousins husband. got in a car accident on Monday, he was in the highway got hit by a car and was flipped over. he is not here anymore, but i would love it for everyone in my sister-in-law's family to be ok with the tragedy that has happened and for all of them to be safe, also for the guys two kids that are 5 and 8.

Also Friday night at 12am my cousins was also in a car accident. She was driving back home with a friend from the movies and there was two other cars that were racing and hit their car, they flipped and moved 100 yards closer to their apartments, my cousin and her friend both died, the other two one is in the hospital and the other ran away from the site. The two were only coming back from the movies and they are 18 years old. I'm not in a very happy mood after all this happening and i hope everyone can bring good vibes for my family and my aunt and uncle for having their only child now gone.

08-21-2006, 07:39 AM
Keeping you all in my prayers. :)

08-22-2006, 04:12 PM
Can I ask for a prayer request? I have to go to the hospital this Thursday for a yearly heart check-up because I have a heart condition. They have never found anything wrong with me, but I'm just so worried they will, as I always am. Please pray they don't find anything. :( I feel selfish posting this but I just thought I would.

08-22-2006, 04:35 PM
Of course, you can always ask for prayers. WHat kind of heart condition do you have? Just curious. A friend of mine has to do that every year, too, he has a heart murmur.

08-22-2006, 07:17 PM
Of course, you can always ask for prayers. WHat kind of heart condition do you have? Just curious. A friend of mine has to do that every year, too, he has a heart murmur.

I don't know what it's called, but it isn't a heart murmur. It's something I had to have Open Heart Surgery for. I had a hole in my heart or something.

08-26-2006, 04:03 PM
prayers for a class mate of my sister's
his name is Jamie - he was in a serious car accident Friday nite and 2 of his children were killed.

08-26-2006, 05:04 PM
That is such a very sad story!!!

It is very quiet here, while I sit and read several threads on all of the forums.

The prayer request thread is a very important one, in my opinion!!!

So, I will think , deep positive thoughts for this man, Jamie.

I pray that he will recover , and that he will always be surrounded by all who love him.

I pray that he will be Blessed in knowing that his two children are now in Gods Hands.

And, I feel so bad for your sister as well. :(

08-29-2006, 05:55 PM
I would to have prayers for our new mayor, Bob O'Connor. He just became mayor this year and is a very popular personality in Pittsburgh. He is in a battle against a rare form of cancer. Today he was downgraded from stable to serious condition and is in intensive care. I know PT prayers work!

08-30-2006, 03:07 PM
I am requesting prayers & thoughts for 3 things please if any has any to spare.

My grandmother has advanced alzheimers, the doctors say she has a week left to live.

Nanook is loosing weight rapidly. We saw the vet yesterday & had some tests done. The cancers are starting to suck the life right out of him. (we are grateful that he has lasted this long though, the cancers should of begun to act up like this a 1-2 years ago).

Joe's friend, also his boss just suffered a heart attack or stroke. He is in surgery right now. The doctors do not expect him to make it though.

09-01-2006, 10:52 PM
What sad, tragic events...just out of nowhere, it seems...my prayers go out to everyone involved.

I am asking prayers for continued healing; prayer has already helped:

1. My employer, who has really improved his temper and is more open to admitting his part in things that go wrong.

2. My friend Irene, who is facing serious vascular bypass surgery (abdomen).

3. My mom, whose vertigo has recurred, and I hope can be treated again.

4. Me, for increased emotional stability so I can be a good friend and employee/colleague.

5. My mom's one cat who has chronic URI, and has changed meds again...still scratching himself in front of ears and under chin.

Thank you.

09-02-2006, 09:50 AM
A friend of mine from work, Debra, hasn't been well the past couple months. She's been violently sick and I picked up that she was having problems with her boyfriend. I was told yesterday that he hasn't been treating her well, not abusing her or anything but being a real jerk towards her. She just found out she's pregnant... and I know things are still not good between them. I'm so worried about her, she looked terrible at work today... If anyone could say a little prayer for her it would be greatly apprechaited. She deserves so much better....

09-03-2006, 05:24 PM
A friend of mine from work, Debra, hasn't been well the past couple months. She's been violently sick and I picked up that she was having problems with her boyfriend. I was told yesterday that he hasn't been treating her well, not abusing her or anything but being a real jerk towards her. She just found out she's pregnant... and I know things are still not good between them. I'm so worried about her, she looked terrible at work today... If anyone could say a little prayer for her it would be greatly apprechaited. She deserves so much better....

Lots and lots of prayers, good thoughts and (((HUGS))) to Debra. Please keep us posted!

09-06-2006, 05:45 PM
My sisters friend needs prayers right now.

Her dad, an ex-volunteer fire chief has died this Monday. I just found out this evening. He died of a heart attack. I never met him, but he was a wonderful man from what I hear. He was a volunteer fireman for one and very kind. I don't know the girl either but I can only imagine what she is going through.


09-06-2006, 08:30 PM
Please keep my hubby, JoJoe in your prayers. He goes in tomorrow at 7:30 am for the next round of tests for his heart problems. Let's hope this procedure is easier on him than the last one, and that there are no complications. Thank you so much.

Cinder & Smoke
09-06-2006, 10:15 PM
Please keep my hubby, JoJoe in your prayers.
He goes in tomorrow at 7:30 am for the next round of tests for his heart problems.

Hi God ~

Star an Sherman asked us to put in a Gud Werd for their Dad - JoJoe ...
so we're doin dat.

An we'd like to ask You to make a lil Road Trip down here to da Ole Durt Ball to
kinda keep an >eye< onna White Coats tumorrow - err, tuday ...
so the "test" duzint turn into a major project.

Maybe You kuld give Miz Pat a big {{{God'sHug}}}, too.


/s/ the Prayer Pups

09-07-2006, 11:40 AM
Aw, thank you Phred & de smokemutts! Things went much smoother than last test, no complications, & we're back home. No heart disease, so the next stop will be a defibbrulator. Thanks for all your prayers. :)

Cinder & Smoke
09-07-2006, 11:53 AM
Things went much smoother than last test, no complications,
& we're back home. :)


THANKS, God, fur stoppin bye!!

/s/ the Prayer Pups

09-07-2006, 12:22 PM
My grandmother is expected to pass within the next few minutes to couple hours. Can we please pray that it is as peaceful as possible? :(

09-07-2006, 03:01 PM
My grandmother is expected to pass within the next few minutes to couple hours. Can we please pray that it is as peaceful as possible? :([
((((hugs)))Sue, I am praying that your grandmother's transition is peaceful. She will soon be in a beautiful peaceful place, free from pain. Bless you all.

09-08-2006, 08:35 PM
Prayers for my friend Irene...she has waited and waited for surgery, has dealt with doctors who have finally started to communicate with each other (heart, vascular, GP) - has gone through another painful angiogram...her seventh in the last year at least...

Please pray for strength to be given her, and that she will have her surgery at last, and can begin to recover instead of getting worse and worse.

Thank you.

09-08-2006, 09:32 PM

Dorothy39 here~~~~ And YES , I will keep your friend , Irene, in my thoughts and prayers for proper communication as well as for her Strength to Endure . I pray that she will receive the attention due her and that any surgery done will result in her road to recovery!!!!!!!!!!!

Bless You Catty1!!!!!

Please pray for me and my family as well!!!

A wonderful cousin of mine has been battling Pulmonary Fibrosis for the past three years. He was advised by his Doctor to have additional testing done in July because he was still experiencing shortness of breath. His test results confirmed not only Pulmonary Fibrosis over taking one lung, but, Cancer in the other that has spread to his liver as well as his bones.

He is 12 years older then me and I have ALWAYS looked up to him !!!

I have visited him while he is in the hospital, knowing full well that his days are now numbered. I have been with him and his family for the last few days, ( sort of feeling numb right now) and yes, I am crying as well!!! :(

He is still the same Wonderful "Bob" that I grew up loving, (We even laughed today!!!) :D :( He is on Oxygen now, and morphine~~~~~~~ :(

I am so grief stricken and in Need of Pet Talk{{{ Hugs}}}} now, to help me get through this moment of transition in my life!!!

09-08-2006, 09:52 PM
Dorothy - PRAYERS and HUGS to you...what a sweet blessing to be able to laugh with your dear dear friend!

I wish Bob peace, and mostly - love and laughter.

He is in my prayers, as are you and his family.

09-08-2006, 10:02 PM
Thank-You , Catty1, for reading my plight and responding,

Your sincere warmth and prayers have been received!!!!

You are such a thoughtful person!!!!! God Bless You!!!!! ( sniff, sniff)