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View Full Version : More Minnie, more of the time...(no pics )

01-25-2006, 08:58 PM
Sorry about the no pictures part, but, if I moved right now, she'd be gone...so, here is the story:

Some of you might remember Minnie, the feral that I have had for 3 years now? Has it been that long? Maybe 4...wow, time flies. Anyhow, Minnie is still pretty much a non-visible cat. I would say she spends 50 % of the time in her personal closet, complete with litter box, 25% under my bed, and 25% out and about.

Now, out and about isn't like you might think. She still avoids me (well, I guess she is smart!), BUT, she does come around. Two nights ago, when I carried her food and water in to my bedroom, under my bed, she was sitting in my room, out! I nearly fainted. I do have to look twice...hard to keep all the tuxies in order. Gus, Tenny and Minnie resemble one another, so, I look twice sometimes.

Right now? I am on the couch, and she is under the TV table, sitting on Jonah's puzzles, just relaxing. This is kind of odd that she has come out this far, with me still awake and moving about. It is nice to see. It has been the longest and most incrementally slow paced road. I never knew it would be like this. I am sure having Jonah in the mix doesn't help. Most of my 'tame' cats still run from him! :eek:

So, that is it. More Minnie, more of the time. One of these days, I will update the herd...one of these days.

01-25-2006, 09:09 PM
Yay Minnie! Brave steps forward! Sooner or later, you;ll figure out that its nice being out and about when meowmie is awake. You might even come to like being petted (trust me, its real nice!)

As for double checking... lordy how I know that one! I have three brown tabbies that all look and act alike. Half the time, when they jump in bed at night, I can only tell Pouncer and Abby apart by petting them. The only way to tell Pouncer and Flutter any more is by picking them up. If it squeaks then its Flutter :rolleyes:

Laura's Babies
01-25-2006, 10:24 PM

If it squeaks then its Flutter
That is so funny, hope you don't mind that I got a good laugh out of that!

Cataholic, maybe Minnie is finally realizing she has been missing out on a lot by hiding out like shes done all this time... Have you spoke softly to her and told her how thrilled you are that she is out of hiding and would like for her to become a active member of your family? (I do believe in talking to them like the intelligent creatures they are.)

01-25-2006, 11:46 PM
for sweet Minnie!!
Looking forward to the uppiedate.

01-26-2006, 05:21 AM
Great news.

Most people don't want to wait for these types of cats.......they want "instant" pets. If they only knew how thrilling even the smallest step forward can be.

01-26-2006, 10:12 AM
Have you spoke softly to her and told her how thrilled you are that she is out of hiding and would like for her to become a active member of your family? (I do believe in talking to them like the intelligent creatures they are.)

You know, I have not tried that, and I do know better. I promise, the next time she braves the elements, I will do cat eyes, and tell her how proud I am of her successes! Thanks for the reminder.

Killearn Kitties
01-26-2006, 11:11 AM
How thrilling!! I know because our Jessica now does the same sort of thing. She doesn't come really close but she is happy to hang about with her daughters in the same room as us. She also walks past us now, she doesn't run! :D

01-26-2006, 11:16 AM
I am so glad to hear about the herd- whatever it is. And this is great news about Minnie :)

If I look at Tigris and Filou then Tigris became more and more social and now he hardly doesn't let a visitor go before he had his belly rubs. With Filou it is the other way round. He is out and about whenever someone comes, greets with a nosekissie and then turns invisible for the time being. (And he was more social in his first half year :( ).

So it is very nice that your shy girl discovers the amenities of social life. :)

01-26-2006, 01:04 PM
Way to go, Minnie! :cool:

(Off topic but isn't she the one who talked with the psychic? I can't remember which tuxie it was, now.)

01-26-2006, 01:06 PM
I think thats its better if the Cats not quite certain around you,as you do have a feeling of accomplishment when the Cats show signs of being your Friend.
When Miquelito climbed up on the bed last night and purred I felt wonderful.

01-26-2006, 01:16 PM
Way to go, Minnie! :cool:

(Off topic but isn't she the one who talked with the psychic? I can't remember which tuxie it was, now.)

Good grief! You have a memory, don't you? I am so embarrassed to admit I can't remember myself! I am going to search the threads. I think it was her, I think!!!!

You have totally amazed me, Tonya. :D

She has come a long way, and I want her to come along a bit further, too! I will faint the day she lets me pet her while out in the open. Hopefully, I won't fall right on top of her! What a setback that would be..he he he...especially at my current weight. :eek:

01-26-2006, 01:18 PM
Oh, and thank you, Barbara for the gentle reminder that I don't post enough herd threads!!! It is true, it is true. And, if I stuck to cats, weeeeelllll, things might be a little easier around here. :o