View Full Version : This is Benny!

04-12-2002, 12:26 AM
Hey Everyone! This is Benny, my 2 month old Pekingese! Hope ya like it!

04-12-2002, 05:21 AM
What a cutie! :) We are waiting to hear more stories about him!

Snowy's Mom
04-12-2002, 07:13 AM
Oh my gosh, Benny is adorable!! Does he have a favorite toy yet???


04-12-2002, 07:48 AM
So Cute!!!!! :D I'd love to give Benny a big hug and a kiss!!! :D

04-12-2002, 10:10 AM
Thanks to Everyone! > And Benny says thanks too!

***To Snowys Mom: Yep, Benny already has a favorite toy- Mr. Elephant. Here's picture!

04-12-2002, 02:29 PM
What a sweetie, although he wouldn't ever make it at our house...he's get squished. Please keep them coming!!

04-12-2002, 03:11 PM
Aw, Amy he is adorable!!!! What a cute name too... it fits him:)

Mugsy, I second that... he would BE a toy at our house! No offense Amy:D! He really is cute, I would love to have a small dog like that. How big will he get and how big is now?

04-12-2002, 04:14 PM
Well, right now Benny is about 2 1/2 lbs. But, full grown Pekingese grow to be around 8-10 lbs. I agree, he could be squished very eaisily, especially around bigger dogs. Plus, he thinks he's just as big as them and he's not afraid at all!
Me and my boyfriend already have a hard enough time watching out for our feet everytime we take a step! He just LOVES staying right around our feet. :)

Snowy's Mom
04-13-2002, 10:50 AM

Same thing with us! Although Snowy is 10 lbs, he is still very small and my fiance and I have to watch our feet everytime we walk around!


Snowy's Mom
04-13-2002, 11:05 AM

Does Benny sleep with you, or do you put him on a little bed?

04-13-2002, 12:28 PM

Does Benny sleep with you, or do you put him on a little bed?

Well, the first night we brought him home, we were very strict on making him stay his crate, but that night I don't think I got more than 20 minutes of sleep. Benny was up every hour, on the hour, just crying. I absolutley hated to hear him cry, but I knew it was best for him.
The next day he had gone to the doctor and we found out tha the was hypoglossimic (low bold sugar from not eating enough). So that night we wanted him to get a lot of rest, (and so did we!) so we let him sleep in his bed (right by ours). He loves it there. We put a little bell on his collar at night so we can know when he gets up, and we ussually take him outside.
Each night, he gets better and better about sleeping through the night. I did try sleeping with him our bed, but he's so small (3 lbs), I dont feel 100% safe with that idea. I could eaisily roll over on him or he could fall off the bed.
What about you?

***hey, I just finished my page for Benny, Check it out~!
http://www.dreamwater.net/senoritaamy/bennypage.htm :D

Snowy's Mom
04-13-2002, 03:32 PM
At first I bought him a tiny bed, but he never slept on it once--only with me!

He goes on his bed now when he naps during the day, but at night he pops up on the side of the bed so I can pick him up and place him next to me. So basically, he sleeps with me every night.

Are you planning on giving Benny only puppy food, or do you sneak in some table food every now and then?

04-13-2002, 03:44 PM
Are you planning on giving Benny only puppy food, or do you sneak in some table food every now and then?

Well, when I was still living with my parents, I would give (my parents yorkie & westie) Opie & Richie, table scraps quite often, and it never hurt them. But my boyfriend is totally against it. Bassically because he doesn't want Benny to start begging every time we eat. I can undertand where he is coming from, and I know it's best for the puppy. So I plan to stick strickly to the puppy food and puppy treats. (Although, I don't think its horrible to give dogs small, little table scraps once in a while.)
What about you? What kind of dog do you have? Any pictures?

Snowy's Mom
04-13-2002, 04:34 PM
That's really funny, because my fiance is completely against the table food idea also, but I can't help it...I like to spoil him, like he is my child--know what I mean? I just gave him a few tiny pieces of BBQ potato chips as a treat.....he loved them.

When I lived with my parents, before he and I moved in together, Snowy and Poo Poo (My mom's dog, the Peke mix)always ate table food, but we always put the IAMS down everyday for them anyway.

Snowy is a Terrier mix (a bit of Australian, Jack Russel and Norwich)--I don't have a scanner, or else I would post his picture.

Did you get Benny from a breeder? Did you get your other puppy yet?

04-13-2002, 05:12 PM
Did you get Benny from a breeder? Did you get your other puppy yet?

That sure is funny that your fiance doesn't like the idea of table scraps either! :) I know exactly what you mean about wanting to "accidently" drop a piece of table food on the ground. Sometimes it hard to resist those cute little eyes!
Yes, we got Benny from a breeder in our area. I found her ad in the newspaper. We (me & keith) drove out to her house, and I made sure Benny was in a healthy environment. I also wanted to see his parents so I would have an idea of how big he would get. She was an excellent breeder!
No, I won't get my new Maltese puppy, until April 21. I CAN"T WAIT!!! I'm getting him from a breeder also. I found her ad in the paper just like the other one, only this breeder live almost 3 hours away! I haven't seen my Maltese puppy, only spoke over the phone with the breeder and mailed a deposit. He will be exactly 6 weeks old when I get him. Benny was the same age too. (There's a months difference between the puppies) I've heard that you should get a puppy no earlier than 8 weeks old, but Benny was fine.
Where did you get yours from and how old? I think Austrailian Terriers are sooo cute. About how big will yours get?

Snowy's Mom
04-13-2002, 06:41 PM
Wow, you must be psyched about your Maltese! Have you picked out a name yet? Thank God that you got your Benny from a reputable, good breeder. Was Keith the one who wanted a second puppy, or was that your idea?

I got Snowy from an animal shelter in NYC. He was 9 months old, very, very sick and underweight. It was heartbreaking. I had already set up an appointment with my Mom's vet, so the night I got him from the shelter, I zoomed over there and got him on medication immediately. The stupid shelter gave me expired medicine for him--I was going to take him to the vet no matterwhat, even if the medicine they gave me was valid, just to make sure he was okay.

It took him 2 months to get better, and my whole family kept a vigil every night, all of us watching him and trying to give him special food from the vet since he couldn't and didn't want to eat much. I think in the first 2 months he went to the vet about 14 times, no lie--each time I kept praying that he would be okay.

The first time he barked was when I knew he was feeling a bit better, but it took a long time for him to even do that. He is wonderful now and healthy (knock wood), but I'll tell you--it has made me so overly protective of him. I am so afraid that he will get sick again...

Sorry this post is so long!

04-14-2002, 12:46 PM
Oh my Gosh!!! What a blessing you were to that little puppy!!!! It must feel so rewarding to see him healthy and happy! I bet you paid a fourtune in the begining with all the vet bills! When I was looking for a puppy, I looked at two of the animal shelters in my area, but they didn't have any small dogs. Since my boyfriend lives in a small house without a fenced in backyard, I thought it wouldn't be smart to get a big one.
Yes, I am SO EXCITED about my Maltese coming, I feel like I've been waiting forever (it's only been 1 week!). No, it really wasn't Keith's idea to get another puppy. It was mine, although he wasn't totally against it. I have always wanted a Maltese, but I live in a very small town, and it's sooooo rare to find one. I also wanted Benny to have a friend that he could grow up with. We have picked out a few names: Hershy, Jerry (Ben & Jerry), Toby, Duncan, Sebastien, and Cody. We are both leaning toward Cody at this point, but we really have to see our puppy to be sure.

04-14-2002, 12:49 PM
How does Snowy get along with other dogs? Do plan to ever get another one?

04-15-2002, 05:47 PM
How did I miss Snowy???:confused: What a precious pupster!!!:) P.S....One of my dog's name is Cody...hint, hint:D

Snowy's Mom
04-16-2002, 10:31 AM
Hi Amy,

Funny that you should ask about Snowy and other dogs, because I had a very frightening incident yesterday....but here is the background....

Snowy is basically going to be staying with my Mom for a year until we get a house....I live in an apartment and don't think it's fair to trap him here, since he was used to living in a house with a big backyard. He is now here for 2 weeks visiting us.

We have never exposed him to other dogs, except for Poo Poo, whom he has lived with since he we adopted him.

So last night around dusk, I was walking Snowy near the apartment, and many, many people were out with their dogs. I encourage him to be strong around other dogs, just to keep walking and keep his head up--lots of positive reinforcement. So this monster Poodle, who seemed to be slobbering and dying to get off of his leash, comes heading for us, and Snowy GOT OUT OF HIS COLLAR SOMEHOW AND RAN DOWN THE STREET!!!!!

I chased him and Thank God he ran into someone's backyard, not into the street! I almost had a heart attack, I'll tell you--he was so afraid of the Poodle, so then I carried him home and told him it was okay.

So, in any case, we don't really socialize him with other pets, and my fiance always gets on my case about it and says I treat him with kid gloves.

I think I am going to scan his picture in today so you can see him--:p ;) :)

Snowy's Mom
04-16-2002, 10:32 AM
Hi Tats,

I have seen the pictures of your furbabies over the past year and they are so CUTE!!!!


04-16-2002, 07:01 PM
Are you Serious????? Snowy was afraid of a poodle?? How funny! It's certainly good you caught him. That must have been scary there for a second though. Well Im gald that everything turned out ok.
But, you said Snowy will be living with your mom? She has the pekingnese mix right? Is that poo poo? (<~~ What a cute name!)
Im looking foreward to seeing pictures of Snowy! :D

04-16-2002, 07:04 PM
Thanks Snowy's Mom!!:) Was wondering where in NJ you are from? I was raised in Tenafly/Demarest in Bergen County. Maybe we were neighbors????;)

Snowy's Mom
04-16-2002, 07:36 PM
Hi Amy,

I was so relieved after I caught him---it was one of those giant Poodles too, and he was panting and drooling like a maniac!

Yes, the Poo Poo Girl lives with my Mom and she is the Peke mix--she is sooo cute! She will turn 4 in June, and she has never spent the night away from my parents. She is so incredibly attached to them.....I told my Mom she needs Doogy Sleepaway Camp so she can let her hair down (or poof it up!), so to speak.

Soon Poo Poo will have Snowy back in the house--my Mom said she's been really depressed! Not eating, not sleeping, etc...poor girl!

Do you and Keith leave Benny by himself during the day, and does he come with you when you do errands on the weekends?

Snowy's Mom
04-16-2002, 07:38 PM

I did grow up near you! I grew up in Fort Lee--have you been there?????

Snowy's Mom
04-16-2002, 07:41 PM
Okay, here is the love of my life! :D :D :D :D :D

Snowy's Mom
04-16-2002, 07:44 PM
Too bad!!!

04-17-2002, 02:25 PM
I've seen a standard poodle once and they are WAY bigger than the small ones. That's so funny. Ummmm......lets see.
Every other weekend, me and Keith go to see our parents who both live about 1 hour away. We always take Benny. And yes! We do take him errands. Benny's been many places in his short life so far: Barns&Noble, Walmart, Kroger, ect. I have a bag, that looks like a purse, and he just loves it. He sleeps at the bottom, or sticks his head & paws out and looks at all the people. At first we were scared we would be kicked out of the stores, but so far, we havent had any problems. Even the manager of walmart saw him and he said he was adorable.
Durring the day, Keith works all day, but I have class for about 3 or 4 hours a day. We put him in a crate so he won't get in to anything that could hurt him. At first he cried and cried when we put him in there, but now he doesn't mind. What about you?
*** I was so excited when I thought I was going to see Snowy!

04-17-2002, 05:40 PM
Snowy's Mom...That's just 5 minutes from my house!!!! My husband's office is located at One Bridge Plaza!!! Finally, a "neighbor"!! Boy, do I miss good bagels, pizza and the smell of bus fumes! LOL! Next time I'm in NJ, I'd love to meet you!

Snowy's Mom
04-18-2002, 12:43 PM
Oh that's so cute that you take him everywhere!

I know what you mean about those purses that carry the dogs--I just got one last week at Petsmart. Don't you feel like you are carrying around a real baby???? I swear, I feel like I am going to have to give him a bottle or something!

I am not sure if you have this trend in your part of the country, but here, people carry their dogs around in designer purses, like they are a damn fashion accessory or something.....it's so retarded.....they just want the attention from people because they have a small dog..sickening.

I take Snowy everywhere as well---we have been to Barnes & Noble, Petsmart, etc.....I think he is getting used to it now....he sits in the purse with his feet out and takes in the scenery. I am not working right now, so I have lots of time to spend with him.

My parents live and hour away from me too! I took a trip up there the other day and Snowy slept most of the time in the car.

Are you having a heatwave???

Snowy's Mom
04-18-2002, 12:45 PM
That is too funny! My first job out of college was at One Bridge Plaza!

What made you move??? The Fort Lee bagel shop is calling you!
Yes, let's definately go for a Starbucks when you come here!!

04-19-2002, 09:38 AM
I've seen those people who carry their dog around in the designer purses<~ I think thats stupid too. As for the heat wave, Yes! It's sooo hot here and I worry evertime Benny goes outside. He loves playing out side, but he has so much thick hair, I worry that he will have a heat stroke or something. Thats why I don't let him really go outside much. Yesterday he wanted to go outside so I took him and he did not want to go in. When he doesnt want to do something, he lays on the ground and will not look at you. Its pitiful. Well I was watering my tomato plants and Benny ran right through the water. Then he came closer to get a drink. He seemed to love playing in the water outside, so I guess I will try that more often this summer. How's the weather there?

Snowy's Mom
04-19-2002, 11:19 AM

The weather here is absolutely hideous--way too hot, so I am hibernating inside, waiting for this to pass.....

I can't take Snowy outside either, because I walked him down the block last night and he was panting from the heat...

That's good that Benny likes to be outside and run around. You are lucky that Keith has a backyard at your house so Benny can enjoy himself and relax.


Countdown to your baby Maltese!

04-19-2002, 09:35 PM
aww he's sooo adorable--can i have him?? ;) lol give hime a hug for me! (and post more pics!)

04-19-2002, 10:32 PM
My goodness! That Benny far too cute for words :)

Snowy's Mom
04-20-2002, 03:01 PM
Hi Amy,

I am going to try to upload Snowy's picture again!

04-20-2002, 04:39 PM
Hey! Snowy, your puppy is absoulutley adorable. He's even cuter than I imagined. I want one!! I've got one day untill Cody (Maltese) Comes! I can't wait!!!! I'll b sure to let ya know and post some pics. soon! C-ya! :0)

04-23-2002, 12:37 PM
Cody is here!!!!!!!!! And boy is he a handful!!!! i will try to get some pictues scaned and make a new thread for Cody! Talk to ya later!

Snowy's Mom
04-23-2002, 02:45 PM
Can't wait to see him! Send over those pics!!

How is Benny adjusting?????

04-23-2002, 03:33 PM
Well I tried to post cody's picture but it didnt work, I will try again when my boyfriend gets home.

Benny likes him, I think! They are both completely different. Benny was calm, timid, and he didn;t cause and trouble. Cody, on the other hand, is the average puppy I guess so he's chewing on everything, getting in to everything, and playing with Benny whenever he's awake. It's taking so adjusting, but I think today is a little better than yesterday. Cody is just as cute as can be though. And I think he was the perfect choice for Benny. :o)

How's Snowy? Did he have to go back to your moms?

Snowy's Mom
04-25-2002, 12:49 PM

Snowy is doing great, and my Mom comes to get him tomorrow--we are going to miss him so much! But we figure we'll have custody of him 2x a month.

Aw, Benny and Cody are just probably tring to get used to each other, I wouldn't worry about it too much. I am sure it will take a while for them to get situated and all. It's just that they must need constant supervision, right?

04-26-2002, 09:28 AM
Oh Yeah! We have to watch them all the time. They are warming up to each other each day though. We are in the process of moving to a bigger place with a better yard, so I hope they can both adjust. Although I am worried about the humongous Collie that lives across the street. If he wanted to, he could eat both of my puppies in one gulp. But, we plan to eventually get a fence up.
I'm sure you miss Snowy soooooooo much! But, I'm sure the time will pass quickly! :0) And like you said, you have custody 2x a month!!!! Which isn't so bad. Good Luck!!!