View Full Version : Suggestions needed.....

01-25-2006, 01:31 PM
hi, i wanted to hear, well, read LOL your suggestions on this......

my wedding anniversary is coming up and i have no clue on what to do, since its on a weekday :( Feb 1st, but anyway i wanted to do something nice with my hubby and also maybe we dont have anyone to babysit our kid so thatīs my dilemma, something we could do to celebrate in company of the kiddo.......

i was thinking maybe to pospone it till the weekend and go to a Spa ;) but iīm really brain dead, also i thought of getting a "clone" of our wedding cake in small version, i think itīll be tasty, it was chocolate ;) mmmhhhh.....

so if you can give me some advice they are REALLY WELCOME!!!

01-25-2006, 01:42 PM
I would "move" the celebration to the weekend.
You could go on a picnic (it's warm where you are right?), that way, you can all go. A mini clone cake sounds cool too.

01-25-2006, 02:07 PM
Thank you!!

and warm warm.......we are not yet.... but we are around the 50-60īs, weīve had also some pretty colds around 20īs, hope the weekend gets better, the picnic is a great idea but we depend on the weather so depending on that i really dont kow if we can do that, but great suggestion anyway

Laura's Babies
01-25-2006, 03:04 PM
I think a nice candle light dinner with fresh flowers on the table..... a sexy outfit, a chilled bottle of wine, soft music......

01-25-2006, 07:53 PM
Sometimes the simplest things mean the most, on our 9th wedding anniversary my hubby made me this cute little card on the computer, it read Happy
9TH Anniversary Carole, then inside it read.

"Nine years ago in the library (that was the name of the building we were married in at the gardens)
we made a vow to live as one.
We went to Ohope (beach on our honeymoon) for candle light dinners,
We got
Nine years of laughter, two children , one cat, we will have many more I am sure of that., there was a pic of a kitty, grey like Ash, a heart with arrows and our names, he even signed it from the kids too., he may not be the best poet in the world, but it mean't so much to me and still does, now if only i could get that romantic side of him out again, we are coming up for 15 years now, so it is time it was let out again i think lol. :) :D

01-25-2006, 07:54 PM
I think a nice candle light dinner with fresh flowers on the table..... a sexy outfit, a chilled bottle of wine, soft music......

LAURA! Where will their child be when all this is going on??? :p :p :p

01-25-2006, 08:54 PM
Depending on the age of children include them Mine always helped me make a special dinner we would eat it in some where special in the house. As the kids got older they planned and did the dinner . They would serve us and they would eat in the kitchen . My daughter just loved it she'd pick some soft music and make decorations , they got to use their imaginations. I have great memories and pictures some of the decrations sill. We will be celebrating our 27th anniversery in March. we have a 22yr old boy and 24 year od daughter (my last year not being a grannie daughter pregnant)

01-25-2006, 09:18 PM
I think "posponing" the celebration to the weekend would maybe work a little better, with the kiddo being babysat and all.

Laura's Babies
01-25-2006, 10:43 PM
LAURA! Where will their child be when all this is going on?

The child can come and enjoy the flowers and candle lit dinner... Did I say anything about doing anything else???? (I am so shocked at what you are thinking!! :eek: ..... but the child does go to sleep at some point, right?)

01-25-2006, 10:58 PM
Congratulations isabel - how many years is this? And by th way, how old is you skin-child? Boy? Girl? I'm just being nosey!
Anyway, what we used to do on anniversaries when the kids were small was just to have a nice dinner at home, let them help. Made sure they had crayons and paper so they could make us a nice card. (which of course i would then put on the fridge) We rarely had babysitters either.
But, if you get a chance, you could make your hubby a "coupon book" - with coupons for things like "your favorite meal", "a backrub", "hugs and kisses", "a massage", "footrubs", & special stuff like that. I did this for Valentine's Day one year and he loved it! When you're broke, you have to get creative! :o

01-26-2006, 11:29 AM
thanks for all suggestions

originally posted by Cataholic Where will their child be when all this is going on???

ha ha THAT made me laugh so bad!!! you made me think bad ;)

oribinally posted by Lauraīs babies the child does go to sleep at some point, right?

yes, at 10 or later :o heīs such a nocturne being, well what can i say i was too!! :o but iīll try to get him sleep earlier at 9 is like way too early for him, but iīll do my best :o

this is our 3rd. my kid is a boy and heīs 2 too small to help cook, but heīs a big helper, he loves to help with anything

originally posted by cyber-sibes you could make your hubby a "coupon book"

about the coupon book i made him one while we were dating, we dated for 5 years till we married, so i had to be creative, and now i still have to, i can buy him something but iīve always been the kind of person that made my own birthday cards, wrappings and stuff for birthdays, anniversaries,special ocassions, etc.

all great suggestions, he also made me poems and stuff but that part has been on the loose for a while now LOL iīm offering a reward LOL