View Full Version : To the valentines of Sylvia, Harley, Morty, Jimmy, & Grizz.

My Peanuts
01-24-2006, 12:22 PM
Dear Prince, Roxy, Ginger, Molli, & Molly,

Our mommy (and Grizz’s friend) has the flu and was sick all weekend. She apologizes for not posting our valentines yet. Good news is that we made our valentines over the weekend and we are waiting for her to take pictures of us with them. Please look for them in the next couple of days. Mom is at work today, but still not feeling great.

Love Always, Sylvia, Harley, Morty, Jimmy, & Grizz

Ginger's Mom
01-24-2006, 12:29 PM
Aww, Morty that is alright, you are definitely worth waiting for. My valentines aren't done yet, either. I am sorry that your Mom isn't feeling well. But I sure am excited about seeing new pictures of you. You are so cute. :o

01-24-2006, 01:28 PM
Jimmy, I am sorry your mommy isn't feeling good. I hope she getz better soon! My mom feels bad that I can't give you a REAL present since she doesn't have a digital camera. She might be getting one soon though!

I hope you know I luv you! Luv with kissies, Molli