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View Full Version : Prayers please for a dog we tried to save.

01-23-2006, 10:24 PM
We were stopped at a light at a very busy intersection, a six lane street and my daughters said "look a dog". I was parked in the middle lane and chased him to the side of the road, he was a pekinese, not the kind of dog you usually see out in the steet.

I went to pick him up and he snarled at me, I could see a collar and tag on him but I panicked, cars were honking at my car, the light was now green and my two daughters were in my car in the middle of the road. My daughter was yelling for me to grab him, I feel so bad but I was afraid he was going to bite, he was spooked and snarling at me, I chased him up to the gas station and took off, I was afraid my daughters would see him get hit.

None of us talked on the way home, we were eating mcdonalds in the car and I couldn't finish. In hindsight I wish I had a great big blanket I could have thrown over him, I feel terrible. We saw a falling star on our way home, I told the girls to make a wish for him.

01-23-2006, 10:44 PM
I am sorry you were not able to grab him :(, you did try. Good vibes on the way for the little one, i hope he made it home safely.

01-23-2006, 10:47 PM
I am so upset about it I can't stand it, I feel like a coward. If my daughters weren't in the car I would have pulled over and tried something, my daughter didn't say a word to me the whole way home. My other daughter said "could he have really hurt you that bad" I know she didn't mean it bad either she was just asking.

01-23-2006, 11:06 PM
You did the best you could . Your daughters are the most important thing for you to protect. If you had been bitten and the dog sick how would that have been for them. You got him away from the road thats the best you could do. Hug to you for trying .

01-24-2006, 06:37 AM
You tried to save him. That is more than many people would try to do. Sometimes there are things that are not in our power. You COULD NOT leave your children in harm's way in the car. You had no choice in this matter.
You tried your best, but it was not to be. Thank you for trying.

01-24-2006, 11:14 AM
Thanks for the replies, I keep thinking about it, I wish I would have had my big leather jacket on I could have thrown that over his head or maybe I could have grabbed him by the nape of the neck.

It kind of makes me mad that nobody else got out of their cars to help me, they honked at my car when the light changed.

01-24-2006, 12:24 PM
Kudos for you for trying. You did your best, and that's all you could do. It just goes to show you have a kinder heart then anyone else who didn't get out of their car and help you. You protected your daughters and I am sure that's what everyone else would have done. At least you got the dog away from the road. Hope the little guy is safe.

My Peanuts
01-24-2006, 12:36 PM
It's not your fault. You tried to get him, but you never know if a dog has rabies or something else. You couldn't endanger yourself and your kids.

01-24-2006, 12:39 PM
Kudos to your for trying, thats a lot more than most people would do. Like mentioned you have to make sure you & your kids safety comes FIRST. Try explaining that to your kids if they are bothering you about this.

I know you feel bad but one thing I have learned is not to dwell on the what ifs.

We all pray that he is in safe arms now where ever he may be.

01-24-2006, 12:42 PM
I've been in similar situations and know the feeling of helplessness. :(
Try not to beat yourself up over this. (easier said then done) I vowed
to always carry a blanket, rope & dog treats in the trunk of my car. It
makes me feel like I would have more options next time. I do pray that
the dog did get home safe & sound.

01-24-2006, 01:12 PM
You did what you could without getting hurt, like others have said, it was more than most people would have done!
Along those lines I have a story to share that will make you giggle, about a year ago my hubby and I were driving on the freeway, and I saw a dog running in the berm along with traffic. I slowed down and started to pull off the freeway to see if I could catch him. My husband is telling me I'm insane, I'm getting closer to the dog.... then take a closer look... and pull back on the freeway. My hubby asked me why I wasn't picking him up. I told him because it's not a dog, it's a Coyote!!!!! :eek: :o

01-24-2006, 01:15 PM
Pitc9, Now that sounds like something I would do :D