View Full Version : Does your dog watch tv? if so what does he/she watch?

07-07-2001, 01:42 PM
my dog Tiger always watches tv. he likes to watch the animal plant show. he even barks at the tv sometimes. i think it is so funny! :p

07-07-2001, 09:30 PM
Sadie watches Breed All About It, and K-9 to 5, on Animal Planet.

07-07-2001, 10:16 PM
Hannah watches the cartoon Blues Clues.

07-08-2001, 09:00 AM
You had to ask. My Hannah loves to watch any show with dogs or other animals in it. She has watched the entire Westminster Dog Show on several occasions. http://albums.photopoint.com/j/View?u=167892&a=6792276&p=51500368

07-08-2001, 10:02 AM
Killian likes Cops, so he call howl along with it! :D

Rachel, cute pic!

[ July 08, 2001: Message edited by: Sudilar ]

07-08-2001, 11:35 AM
Rachel, that photo of Hannah just cracks me up, it is so cute. You should submit that picture to a photo contest or maybe to Dog Fancy. Daisy and Perry only look at TV when there is a dog on it, then they stop whatever they are doing and stare, sometimes Perry will run up to get a closer look. :D

Daisy's Mom
07-08-2001, 03:08 PM
LOL I love that picture of Hannah! I laugh every time I see it :)

Daisy is quite uninterested in the television, but there was one time that she was, which I have shared before. Charlotte Church, the young opera singer, was on TV, singing in her loud, high voice. Daisy woke up from her nap and watched the TV intently. After the show, my mother and I asked her to howl, which she does on command. Instead of her howl being her usual low Basset voice, it was a strange high-pitched yowl! We were hysterical; she truly was trying to copy Charlotte Church!

Other than that, Daisy does not give much thought to the TV, no matter how much we try. When there is a dog on TV we point at it and yell, "Look Daisy look!" but she thinks we are telling her to look outside and runs barking to the windows :)

07-11-2001, 03:55 PM
One of mine like to watch the tv. She especially likes the commercials and everything that has animals in it. Whenever she sees an animal on the screen she will rush up to the tv and jump up and down, barking and trying to get a nip at it. It's very funny to watch her do that. :D :D

07-11-2001, 06:03 PM
My dogs listen to TV. If they hear other dog noises, that would be cause to bark. They also love the WalMart whistling "smiley" face commercials. The whistle starts, and so do the dog kisses.

07-11-2001, 10:21 PM
My boys don't watch TV but they will respond to doorbells, and dog barks on TV. I did have a cat, Suzy, that loved car racing. She would sit on top of the TV, lean over and try to catch the cars.

07-12-2001, 06:06 AM
Rachel...Has Hannah figured out how to work the remote control yet? Those #s may be a little small for her paw! Maybe you could have one custom made! :D

[ July 12, 2001: Message edited by: Pam ]

07-12-2001, 07:16 AM
No, Pam, she doesn't use the remote control for the TV but she managed to use the one for our bed. We have one of those beds where you can raise the head or the feet and also it has a vibrating feature. One day she must have rolled over on the remote and she started the bed to vibrate. :eek: It was so funny.

karen israel
07-12-2001, 08:19 AM
Actually, Cody watches ME watch TV. Stare, stare, stare! (but he loves opera CDs)
You better have one of those fancy beds in your guest room, Rachel!!!!!!!!!!!!! I want to be reincarnated as Hannah!! What a life! :D

07-12-2001, 11:47 AM
Hey Karen, if you and Cody ever come to visit, you can have the vibrating bed!
Hannah will even provide a "Sleeping With Your Person" tutorial session, since poor Cody has not yet attained the ranks of "those who share".

[ July 12, 2001: Message edited by: RachelJ ]

07-12-2001, 12:54 PM
RachelJ, I just have to say that is one of the cutest pictures I have ever seen! So Hannah is quite the TV head, huh? Too cute! :D

07-12-2001, 03:48 PM
Reece could care less about the tv except for this one pizza commercial. There's a doorbell in the commercial and everytime it comes on, Reece lifts his head and barks. He'll only bark once then go back to sleep or go back to what he was doing. He's not a big barker so its hilarious. I got the commercial on tape once and kept rewinding it because I get the biggest kick out of the little poodle trying to act tough to the imaginary person behind the door. :D

07-12-2001, 10:37 PM
Originally posted by aly:
<STRONG>I got the commercial on tape once and kept rewinding it because I get the biggest kick out of the little poodle trying to act tough to the imaginary person behind the door. :D</STRONG>

LOL Aly :D :D I should do that with Bandit!!!
He does the same thing. Jeffrey doesn't quite get it but he runs to the door with him.

07-26-2001, 12:23 PM
My Husky would look at the tv only if there were dogs.. sometimes she'd watch FRIENDS with me.. seriously! Her eyes would be fixated on the tv when she hears a dog barking or howling.. or wolves howling/growling.. it's quite funny!!
http://y42.photos.yahoo.com/bc/timberwolfrm/vwp?.dir=/My+dogs+-+Rosie+and+Anna&.src=ph&.dnm=1.jpg&.view=t&.done=http%3a//y42.photos.yahoo.com/bc/timberwolfrm/lst%3f%26.dir=/My %2bdogs%2b-%2bRosie%2band%2bAnna%26.src=ph%26.view=t

07-26-2001, 12:58 PM
Our doggie does not have much interest in tv. However I had a cat that LOVED the muppet babies. And Sophie (my Bunny) will stop EVERYTHING to watch the Disney version of Hercules.

08-18-2001, 03:17 AM
Sugar used to love watching Blues' Clues on Nickelodeon. She would only watch it on Nickelodeon and not even if we taped it while it was on Nickelodeon. When the show started, she would sit by the remote and whine. It was so cute!