View Full Version : Checked out boarding for Amy

Laura's Babies
01-23-2006, 01:58 PM
I went down to the vets office and checked out the "accomadations" they had to offer Amy should I decide to leave her there.. That is a definate NO GO! A cold, stainless steel CAGE in a small room in the back away from human contact, cold and damp. She would not survive a month there... She would grieve herself to death even if she could physically handle it. The floor of the cages is so slick that there is no way she could stand on them or pull herself up.. I just could not do that to her... :(

Today it is cold and damp here and she has just laid around all day looking so miserable... I think I am going to go ahead with the prednisone.

01-23-2006, 02:05 PM
I'm sure you've already thought of this, but could you advertise in your local paper for a cat sitter, one that comes with references? One that can take Amy into their home? I wonder if that wouldn't be cheaper than the vet too?

01-23-2006, 02:17 PM
Laura, you are right, Amy would be so lonesome....that's no place for her.
I agree with mommyof3cats....how about a pet sitter that could maybe take her and look after her while you are gone.

I know you are looking at things for while you are gone but have you ever looked into a heated kitty bed for her....maybe it would do her bones, joints, and muscles some good on days that are rainy and damp. Something like this. This one is self heating and Tucker (23 years old) loves it. She seems to move a little better when she uses it.

Laura's Babies
01-23-2006, 04:29 PM
I asked at the vets about a sitter and they didn't know of any willing to take one into their home. It would be great if I could find a female senior citizen that loves animals, just can't afford one of their own, someone who would love her and dote on her every whim.. dreaming......

01-23-2006, 04:35 PM
I would put her up in the Found Cat Hotel no charge,where she would have the entire Spare Bedroom to herself,with a Bed,A Cat Tree and a well used Chair.
I hope you can find a better place than a steel cage.

01-23-2006, 05:27 PM
Well, Laura, it looks like you will juat have to move closer to me so I can take care of that special little girl for you. ;)

But seriously, I hope that you can find a perfect situation for her "away" time.

As for the prednisone, do not feel guilty. Yes, you may be trading a current solution for a later problem.............but if it HELPS it will be worth it. Amber is on pred, has been for years. She needs it to keep her gums from becoming painfully inflammed. Yes, it might end up with other problems later, but she NEEDS this or she will be in pain every time she eats.

best of luck with that precious girl. {{{{{HUGS}}}}}

01-23-2006, 06:22 PM
I agree wholeheartedly, Laura! I wouldn't want to think of her locked up like that either!!! :( I hope and pray that another option will open itself up to you. Don't give up hope .... and go ahead and try that Prednisone!


01-23-2006, 07:39 PM
Vets don't know everything.

Check the Housesitting section in your yellow pages, or ask some people you trust at a pet store.

You just might find a happy sitter for your Amy!

01-23-2006, 08:05 PM
I too wouldn't have been able to leave her there. You made the right choice. I am also certain that if you look around you'll find good pet sitters. The local pet supply stores might have a bulletin board where a pet sitter might have a flyer or business card posted. Do you have time ot check them out?

Laura's Babies
01-23-2006, 08:10 PM
catnapper... You gave me a thought! There is a pet store/grooming place right up the street, if I am not mistaken, they board up there and they keep them IN the front of the store where all the activity is.... and while they are caged, they are the big wired ones.... The last I can do is go see if THEY might know of a sitter....

edited... just to say this is why I posted about this... to get ideas and I am going to go on and give her the preds....

01-23-2006, 09:02 PM
great idea. theres several pet stores near me, and all of them have lots of business cards and stuff about pet sitters. you could always ask a friend to look after amy. why are you going away? where are your other cats going

Laura's Babies
01-23-2006, 11:20 PM
icetea, I am going away beacuse of my job.. I work on a boat and when I am at work, I am gone 28 days.... when I am off, I am OFF 28 days. (Great job except for having to leave my babies)

My daughter who lives within 2 miles keeps my Chester. She can not keep Amy because she has another cat of her own that is not a friendly kitty at all towards other cats and she would stress Amy out to bad which would make her CH worse... Kitties with CH are easily stressed and that makes their condition worse. Read about that here http://www.vetinfo.com/cencyclopedia/cecerhypo.html

My son, who lives a 45 minute drive keeps the girls, that includes Amy. I want a place closer to home because the long car trip stresses her out worse and worse and by the time we get there, she can hardly walk. It takes her days to recover when I bring her home... so I would love a place that only involved a short car trip for her to reduce the stress.

01-24-2006, 01:44 AM
ok!! good luck finding a place for amy to stay. there are places around with fabulous pens for kitties. but i ahve a question, do they give the kitties love and attention and play with them at catteries???hmmm.

my dad has a similar job, except hes away for more like 4 or 5 weeks at a time. it gets very annoying. he stil doesnt know about seafa and will get a big shock when he comes home tomorrow!!

01-24-2006, 03:32 AM
I have no more idea and live far away, but I hope you will find someone, may be a senior cat lover for your dear Amy. I am sending my good thoughts! ;)

Mad Mags Moo
01-24-2006, 06:08 AM
If only I lived nearer to you! I am a professional catsitter! I do daily/ twice daily visits and also offer to stay in your house for the time you are away. I would love to come and look after that wee sweetie pie Amy but alas I am far to far away to help. Wish you the best of luck finding someone to fuss that girl of yours! :D

01-24-2006, 09:25 AM
I work at a boarding kennel - and the kitties get tummy rubs and affection, you bet!

Ted, one of the owners, will take a scared new kitty into our plant-filled sunroom(all non-toxic to kitties), and spend a little quality time with them to help them relax.

Rule of thumb - ALWAYS take a tour of any kennel or cattery you are thinking of using!


01-24-2006, 10:02 AM
Laura, I didn't finish reading all the posts, so forgive me if I'm repeating something, here. But, check out www.petsit.com and contact some pet sitters in your area. Even if you don't want them coming into your home, you might find someone who can help in their own home or offer up another idea.

This is how I found my petsitter, who has been coming into my home for over 5 years now. She has a key to the house. My animals know her and love her, and I feel much better when I have to leave overnight. What a blessing she has been for all of us, especially for Murphy, who could not have stood being boarded in the late stages of her life.

Best of luck to you and Amy!
