View Full Version : Tinny 1 week on...Foster failure? *Pics*

01-23-2006, 04:58 AM
Well out little girl has been here with us for a week today, the changes we have seen in the week have been amazing, she is a completly different dog. She has discovered the joys of wrestling, and B.A.L.L.S. Tinny also went for her first offlead run at the park tonight, she did brilliantly :D, came when she was called and did not wander off to bother other dogs playing.

It was realy hot all weekend, kind of an odd sight seeing 2 BCs out cold in the middle of the day ;).

She loves big sis Clover & Clover feels the same way.

She is an agile little girl.

More to come.....

01-23-2006, 05:00 AM



Playing with their new ball, that miss Clover nearly popped earlier this evening lol.

Thats all for now, hope you enjoyed.

Ginger's Mom
01-23-2006, 05:36 AM
Looks like she is having a ball at your house. :) Of course, having a great brother and sister to help her adjust has to help.
Does the title mean you are keeping her? :)

Toby's my baby
01-23-2006, 06:38 AM
Looks as if she is haveing a lot of fun with you! :) Great pictures! Hope we get to see more soon!

Daisy and Delilah
01-23-2006, 07:35 AM
Tinny is adorable and coming along well. I love her little spotted muzzle. She's marked like my son's Aussie, Pistol. She's in such good company and obviously knows a good thing when she sees it. Thanks for sharing :)

01-23-2006, 07:45 AM
Does the title mean you are keeping her? That's what I was wondering :D :p

01-23-2006, 08:42 AM
I'm glad she's becoming a great dog. I could tell she would as soon as I saw her. ;)

I love that giant ball. Looks like they love it too.

So are you keeping her? Thats the only failure that I could think of. lol lol

01-23-2006, 10:26 AM
She is adorable!! I've always wanted a BC. I love her face markings! Are you keeping her? Sounds like she's done wonderfully so far!

01-23-2006, 03:04 PM
She is soo cute and it looks like she fits right in :D :D

01-23-2006, 03:17 PM
Great pictures!! Her and Elvis are soo cute.. are they purebreds? Just those smaller BC's?

01-23-2006, 05:02 PM
Great pics! Glad to hear Tinny's settling in and improving :)

01-23-2006, 09:30 PM
I am so glad she is settling in so well .............................. and "failing" ...:D

Well done Rhi!

01-23-2006, 09:58 PM
Glad to here she's doing so well. She's a beautiful pup!!

01-23-2006, 10:13 PM
I think i "spoke" too soon :(, her and Elvis had a small disagreement last night after i posted about how well she was doing... El wanted to play she didn't so she snapped at him, he then snapped back at her about 5 minutes after when she was not expecting it, they have lost alot of confidence with one another and are avoiding eye contact. They have been ok this afternoon, although El seems a bit depressed and not at all playful. They are starting to sort out pack order and it looks as though Tinny will be boss pfft typical bitch.

Other than that little incident i think she would be a lovely little permenent addition ;). She will be given a few more weeks for training and to fully settle before making up our minds. I think i might give her a go at Flyball tonight lol i have held out for a week before trying her, i did well.

ETA - Yep they are pure bred BCs, working/ trial bred, so looks are not important as is size ;).

01-23-2006, 10:23 PM
She is so beautiful! I really enjoyed the pictures, thank you for sharing!:D

01-23-2006, 11:26 PM
Ah Ha! The reason I don't (but desperately ) want a BC..Waaay too smart for me! Love them to bits!
How thrilling that Tinny's changed so dramatically in such a short time. Not to take her from the limelight, but I saw a huge difference in my Logan in one week too. Blame it on lots of love, play and attention. I really had to laugh when you said typical bitch. I had never had experience with a female, but I can see by Logan's reaction to other dogs, she wants to be "boss" (good girl LOL). Even with the back fence confrontations with 3 female Rotties, she never backs down, pees in front of them, shovels it at them, and then turns her head as if to say "humpf". She's not the boss of me (yet) but is a wee tad spolied.
I hope things work out with her and El. I guess it's like bringing a new sibling into the house. I'm sure they'll find their pack order and accept it. I hope, hope, hope you keep her. She sounds awesome!

01-23-2006, 11:47 PM
So Tinny is going to be a permanent part of PT?! This is wonderful news! She is so pretty and all three of them look great together. Don't let the little spat between Tinny and Elvis get to you. I'm sure its just them working out the pack order. I know you will do a great job of handling all three of those furkids. I look forward to more pics;)

01-24-2006, 12:03 AM
she's beautiful!