View Full Version : -Camera question (Canon powershot S2 IS)

01-23-2006, 12:37 AM
I really want to get a new, good quality camera within the next month or so as my current one isn't great and doesn't take high quality pictures. I'd like to get a camera no more expensive than $600 (That's what I can afford at the moment). I'd like a camera that can take good action pics, nice close ups and something with quite a bit of zoom as those are the features I generally use most often. By reading a bunch of reviews on the internet, the S2 IS (http://www.dpreview.com/reviews/canons2is/) sounds like everything I'd want in a camera but I'd like to hear some opinions from people who actually use it daily. What do you guys think of it?? I'm assuming my memory card is probably big enough (512) so I won't need to get a new one....

Also, if anyone else knows of other cameras that are similar to the S2 IS in quality and price range, I'd love to hear about them aswell.

01-23-2006, 08:32 AM
I have that camera and I love it! I have a problem taking good action shots with it, though, and it kind of bothers me since me dogs are so fast! Other than that, I love it, and I would reccomend it to anyone.

What kind of memory card do you have? The S2 takes a different type of card than most other cameras. It's much smaller.

I know Kay has the same camera :)

01-23-2006, 09:27 AM
Are Canon's bad at action shots? Because that is what I've heard.. I really want a Canon but with all the action shots I take, I definitely won't get one.

01-23-2006, 10:22 AM
My mom has a Canon that is awesome at action shots, but she's also a professional photographer so I guess that would help lol.

01-23-2006, 10:47 AM
Oh.. what kind of Canon? :D (Probably out of my price range, lol)

01-23-2006, 05:23 PM
What kind of memory card do you have? The S2 takes a different type of card than most other cameras. It's much smaller.

I'm not sure, I'll have to check. If that's the case though, I'll probably have to get a new one but that's fine.

I've seen action pictures that other people have taken with the S2 and they were really clear. Do you think the S2 is worth the amount it costs? or would I be better off getting a different camera? I've only had 2 digitals (both Kodaks) in my life so I don't know a whole lot about different brands, I just chose canon because people are constantly saying how good they are compared to other brands...

01-23-2006, 05:36 PM
I would definetly get it. It might just be me who can't figure out action shots, or something may be wrong with my camera. Other than that, I love it.

Jess, she has a Canon EOS 20D. Awesooome camera! She has a lot of different lenses and stuff for it too, and she's invested thousands in it. I'm not sure how much the actual camera body costs, but I don't think it's cheap.

01-23-2006, 06:04 PM
The point-and-shoot Canons aren't good at action shots, but the digital SLR's are!

Anyway I would definitely say GO! with the Canon! You can't lose honestly.

01-23-2006, 08:09 PM
I have been waiting to see some nice clear action shots from the Canon, i would be interested to see some if anyone has some.

Another camera that you might be interested in checking out and does realy well with sporting/ action shots is the Panansonic Lumix DMC - FZ5, 12 x optical, 4 x digital zoom, image stabiliser, burst mode etc. You would be looking at about $500 canandian $$s. You can get a couple of lenses that will fit it and filters aswell.

01-23-2006, 09:08 PM
I have been waiting to see some nice clear action shots from the Canon, i would be interested to see some if anyone has some.

Look at my newest pic thread with Ki. :)

It's all about knowing how to use the camera, as explained in my thread.

01-23-2006, 11:18 PM
Look at my newest pic thread with Ki. :)

It's all about knowing how to use the camera, as explained in my thread.

Those action shots are blurry. :( I get better ones with my 3.2MP FinePix and I have no control over anything except exposure compsensation and white balance.

01-23-2006, 11:26 PM
Those action shots are blurry. I get better ones with my 3.2MP FinePix and I have no control over anything except exposure compsensation and white balance.

They were actually pretty good. but not only those ones, she has posted many pictures of Ki jumping in the water etc that were perfect.

01-23-2006, 11:57 PM
No offense to anybody else but Kay takes the best pictures on here, that is why this camera is on my wish list for my birthday.

Of course I don't have the talent she does but a good camera couldn't hurt:D

01-24-2006, 12:31 AM
Kay's pictures played a huge part in why I even started to look at the S2 IS. Her pictures are pretty much always perfect in my opinion, especially the action ones she gets of Kiara at the beach and in the pool. Now, I'm sure if I do get this camera my pics won't be as good as hers but atleast I know that the camera is capable of taking good quality pictures.

Anyway, I went to a store tonight jsut to see roughly how much it's going to cost in Canadian $$ and I'll probably end up getting it after everything the person there was saying about it and what people here and on another board said.

01-24-2006, 03:40 AM
Those action shots are blurry. :( I get better ones with my 3.2MP FinePix and I have no control over anything except exposure compsensation and white balance.

Um, thanks dear. You're such a sweetie. :rolleyes:

If you're referring to the background behind the subject, that is what a lot of photographers look for in a photo and aim for in a final product (whether it be with the camera or photoshop.) If you're referring to the picture as a whole, then apparently you have no clue what you're talking about.

01-24-2006, 05:38 AM
A good photograph is knowing where to stand.
Ansel Adams

A great camera won't make anyone a Great Photographer. But it won't hurt either. Canon's are good cameras. Nikon's are good cameras. There are a lot of good cameras.

For action shots you need a fast processor (cmos) and a fast card to record your shots. Panning will help take action shots and keep the background in focus.

This (s2IS) camera is a really good one. It has many features that one will have to 'learn' to use. It is more than just a basic point & shoot.

I think you would be happy with Canon or Nikon. We happen to be a Canon family. But Nikon is great also.

The out of focus background that someone referred to is called Bokeh, it is created by changing your depth of field and by using a larger f stop. And yes it is very desirable in photography.

Just my 2 cents worth.


Ps: And Kay has learned to use her camera very well !! But she does have perfect models ;) :D

01-24-2006, 08:20 AM
Um, thanks dear. You're such a sweetie. :rolleyes:

If you're referring to the background behind the subject, that is what a lot of photographers look for in a photo and aim for in a final product (whether it be with the camera or photoshop.) If you're referring to the picture as a whole, then apparently you have no clue what you're talking about.

Sorry, it wasn't supposed to be offensive.

But lots of people who have pictures in their homes aren't going to be printing and framing pictures where the dog is blurry, or any blurry pictures. (Me lol :p and my relatives)

01-24-2006, 09:58 AM
This is the camera that I have my eye on also. I have also considered the Sony one with a 12x zoom. It sounds nice too. I'm just waiting til I can bring myself to spend that much money on myself...lol. I have a hard time spending any money on me :rolleyes: . I just want to be sure I'm not wasting any money..lol. I'm afraid that even though I will have a better camera I still won't be able to take decent pictures and that is part of what is holding me back. I know...I'm a goof :rolleyes:

If you get it let me know what you think and I can't wait to see some of your pictures with it.

01-24-2006, 12:34 PM
One thing I forgot to say is PMA http://www.pmai.org/ is coming up near the end of February. If you can wait till after the new cameras are introduced you can get the older one for a lot less. This camera may be replaced and then you will save a lot of money.

01-24-2006, 01:06 PM
I've actually already got the photos you referred to as "blurry" in my to be printed folder.

Thanks for those of you who like my photography... I thought the action shots were quite nice and prefer action shots with a blurry background and a sharp subject.

01-24-2006, 03:23 PM
I've actually already got the photos you referred to as "blurry" in my to be printed folder.

Thanks for those of you who like my photography... I thought the action shots were quite nice and prefer action shots with a blurry background and a sharp subject.

Oh, no, I'm sorry! I did not mean I didn't like them! I love ALL of your pictures and they are always very well done.. but I just like clear action shots, everything in focus, no "blurring". :)

01-27-2006, 03:34 PM
Oh, no, I'm sorry! I did not mean I didn't like them! I love ALL of your pictures and they are always very well done.. but I just like clear action shots, everything in focus, no "blurring". :)

You should be able to get everything in focus by using a smaller aperture (larger f-stop number). It really is about knowing how to use your camera. I have a pretty outdated camera and I've got some amazing shots with it.