View Full Version : cat food, cat litter, cat supplies, cat toys....

01-22-2006, 06:46 PM
and I dont have a cat. lol my mom and I were joking today after going to petsmart and picking up cat food and cat litter, about how we have this cat food, cat litter, a cat litter box, a kitty litter scoop, cat toys and a cat food dish....... we dont have cat. :o lol we went through the cat food section and went through the ingredients of every food and picked out the best one in the store:Royal Canin skin care. what on earth for? well for Happy of coarse :p we need a kibble for the treat and train I ordered that should arrive this week, but since my dogs dont eat kibble I needed to get some just fo this thing. why cat food? because its more consinatrated and contains less grain fillers then dog food, heck of a lot more expensive but Happy cannot tollerate too much grain fillers and cannot tollerate corn, so we joked "only the best for my 'Kitty'" lol

PS if your wondering the litter(its all natural and the same stuff comes in smaller bags for rabbits) the box the scoop and the toys all belong to my rabbit, the cat food dish belongs to my gerbils.

01-22-2006, 06:52 PM
Now all you need is a cat! ;)

Hmmm, that's a good idea about the cat food.