View Full Version : Saturday Mornings At My House

Russian Blue
01-21-2006, 03:31 PM
Here is Nakita and Rob's Saturday morning ritual:


Nakita rides around on Rob's shoulder while we clean up the kitchen after breakfast. She loves hitching a ride on the weekends. :D

01-21-2006, 03:45 PM
Aww, isn't that sweet? Isn't Bob nice to tote her around? Mine struggle too much to be held that much........... :(

She is beautiful!

01-21-2006, 04:07 PM
OMG, what a great picture! That one's Cat of the Day quality.

01-21-2006, 04:08 PM
Filou loves to help withe the kitchen business in the same way. *waves hi to Nakita*

Laura's Babies
01-21-2006, 04:46 PM
THAT is priceless! That whole picture, subjects, the photograper and quality takes the picture of the day award! It shows Nakita's real beauty too!

01-21-2006, 06:39 PM
The Breeder told me that Miquelito is a shoulder rider too,so I have that to look forward to when we are Friends.
Rob and Nakita certainly do look comfortable together,and thats a good way,of not having to do clean up,I must say and a lot of fun too.

01-22-2006, 01:29 AM
AWWW!!! What a cute picture. She sure is gorgeous. :)

01-22-2006, 01:52 AM
Nakita has some really pretty big emerald green eyes!
Very nice.
How nice of Rob to carry her around on his shoulder as she watches. :D

01-22-2006, 02:02 AM
Wow! I know you hear this all the time but Nakita is simply stunning! Those eyes are amazing, she has such a sweet expression on her face in that pic too. :)

01-22-2006, 06:17 AM
Nakita has such a kissable face! kiss-kiss-kiss :D

It's very nice from Rob to carry her around, it seems that Nakita has perfectly succeeded in educating her houmans :)

Great pic, as usual ;)

01-22-2006, 06:20 AM
That is so sweet! Rob is carrying her around like a baby! :) And Nakita has such a sweet face with the most beautiful emerald eyes!

Great photo! :)


smokey the elder
01-22-2006, 07:33 AM

01-22-2006, 11:30 AM
How sweet! :)

01-22-2006, 01:22 PM
As always, Nakita is simply gorgeous!!! Everything about her is irresistable, she's so happy, content, and comfortable. By the way, is she a "Pawpie's Girl"? Scritchies and love bug sent just for you, Nakita.....

01-23-2006, 09:20 PM
Helloooooooooooooooo Nakita! :D
I just love seeing her adorable face with the big beautiful green eyes!
Give her lots of hugs and kisses from me. :)

01-23-2006, 09:28 PM
thats gorgeous!! seafa likes to sit on my shoulders and on my back and lick and eat my hair.

Mad Mags Moo
01-24-2006, 06:15 AM
Hey my cat Squeak loves to have a shoulder ride with my hubby.....also called Rob!!!


and the back view (think you guys have seen this before but hey! :p )


01-24-2006, 08:37 AM
Nakita, so good to see you again. I love how you spend your weekend. ;) Nothing like hitching a ride.....and don't forget to get some lovings at the same time.

01-24-2006, 11:57 AM
That is so adorable! I just love Nakita! She's gorgeous and has a simply lovable purrsonality.

This pic made me chuckle! I love it!