View Full Version : Need Good Luck Wishes!

01-20-2006, 08:47 AM
I was considering not posting this... since it seems every time I get my hopes up or mention something it falls through somehow. :o

But this is too exciting and I need as many prayers and good luck vibes as possible!

The paper the other day had an article about a local school district that's been having contract disputes with the teachers. They wrote an article about the new contract, and well, lets just say the teachers made out VERY well in it. If hubby were to find a job in that district, he'd make a $21,000 a year jump in salary. That's right: twenty one THOUSAND a year! :eek: It would be like a third person working in the household! PLUIS the insurance is a million times better than the joke we currently have for health benefits.

We know they hired a new teacher LAST year for his subject and grade level... is it too much to hope for that the same position comes up again this year?

We really, really need something like this to happen. We are drowing in debt and quite frankly are to the point where we dont know how to buy groceries. Of course the monsters get cared for before we hoomans do ;)

Please pray for this opportunity and pray that they don't discount hubby because of his weight. He went on a good job interview last spring and they told him he was too fat (in a round about way :mad: ) Yes, he's way too heavy..... but that doesn't mean he's not an awesome teacher!

Pawsitive Thinking
01-20-2006, 08:54 AM
Sending everything good your way - it will happen!!!

01-20-2006, 10:11 AM
Lot's of good thoughts heading your way. I hope your hubby is able to get a job in the good district. Shouldn't a person be judged on their abilities? :confused: :confused:

Laura's Babies
01-20-2006, 10:35 AM
WOW! That would be like free money!! Good vibes coming your way! If he don't get it this time, there is always next year so have him just keep on trying and sooner or later, he will get it.

Anita Cholaine
01-20-2006, 10:49 AM
Sending tons of good vibes!!! ;) Hope everything goes well for you...

01-20-2006, 10:57 AM
That's a horrible reason not to give a person a job!

I hope this works out for you! How exciting!!

01-20-2006, 11:02 AM
Good thoughts and prayers coming from Connecticut! ;)

Daisy and Delilah
01-20-2006, 01:36 PM
Kim, Isn't that discrimination for not hiring him because of his weight? That seems way too harsh. Just because he's overweight doesn't make him any less qualified for the job does it?
I wish him the best of luck. What a wonderful jump in income :)

01-20-2006, 01:43 PM
BEST, BEST, BEST of luck. That would be totally awesome.

01-20-2006, 02:21 PM
My first thought is that school district must of been paying their teachers really crappy to start with to be able to jump $21k in each teachers salary. Kentucky's average teacher salary of less than $42,000 is more than $7,000 below Ohio's, according to the National Education Association.

The logistic of paying teachers in a district that kind of jump doesnt make sense. I'd do some investigating before getting my hopes up to high that this can be done. Never heard of a school system giving that much of a jump in salary and being able to aford it. This doesnt sound right. Sorry to be the skeptic but since my hubby is a teacher this is not unfamiliar territory.

01-20-2006, 09:16 PM
Kim sending a ton of positive vibes for you and hubby, wow that would be absolutely awesome and a much needed break that you both deserve,good luck, keep us posted. :)

01-20-2006, 10:15 PM
My first thought is that school district must of been paying their teachers really crappy to start with to be able to jump $21k in each teachers salary. Kentucky's average teacher salary of less than $42,000 is more than $7,000 below Ohio's, according to the National Education Association.

The logistic of paying teachers in a district that kind of jump doesnt make sense. I'd do some investigating before getting my hopes up to high that this can be done. Never heard of a school system giving that much of a jump in salary and being able to aford it. This doesnt sound right. Sorry to be the skeptic but since my hubby is a teacher this is not unfamiliar territory.
Ah, but this is an odd area. Hubby is teaching in an inner city where nearly half its students are illegals, on welfare, or from Puerto Rico, so their parents don't pay taxes. The city is in DIRE need of money because there's no money coming from its residents. We keep hoping the state would take it over like they did in Allentown.... there's been a huge turn around there. The teachers get paid more commensurate with the sorrounding districts and the buildings got much needed equipment and updating.

The district thats hiring is nice upper class. His father taught in that district many years ago, and its really grown. The new salary is accurate. Teacher's salaries in Pennsylvania are a matter of public record. I don't know how ot look it up, but hubby does.

And yes, people look at hubby who's extremely heavy and judge him. They don't want a fat slobby looking teacher in their classroom. They don't want to taint the school's image - they want vibrant, energetic looking teachers, and they think just because he's heavy that he's going to just sit behind the desk and not actively and enthusiatically teach. He's put on a lot more weight in the past year. I hate to admit it, but I can't find clothes in the stores for him anymore. I don't know what to do, because he has himself so convinced his eating is good (its sooo not) and he wants that surgery..... all another thread for another day. He knows that his weight is going to be a major hurtle in finding a new job. Think about it: If you had two equal candidates, with equal experience. Which would you choose? The 350+ man or the 190 pound man? All things equal except weight.... answer honestly. You'd choose the guy who your wealthier (snobby) parents would most approve of.

01-20-2006, 10:40 PM
Good luck! I hope things work out! :D

01-20-2006, 10:48 PM
I hate to admit it, but I can't find clothes in the stores for him anymore.
Casual Male

Think about it: If you had two equal candidates, with equal experience. Which would you choose? The 350+ man or the 190 pound man? All things equal except weight.... answer honestly. You'd choose the guy who your wealthier (snobby) parents would most approve of.

My answer honestly, I wouldnt want my husband working there. That is not a school system I would want to be associated.
My hubby big/tall man fortunately we havent had trouble being hired in any school system. If a potental school system tried to say/imply/or we found out some skinny dude got it, you'd bet that school system would be sorry.

01-21-2006, 01:36 AM
Too bad we can't judge a person immediately from who they are "inside". Although my John has 40+ years experience in the IT world, and will take any salary at this present time, we both know his age and weathered looks are a negative. They want young and hip and slim. Shame for what society's missing out on. Thank God that in every job I've had, staff was hired by merit and experience and not by looks.
I know so many people who've had gastric bypass surgery. All were paid by insurance for health related purposes. One girl needed extra plastic surgery (not covered) to remove excess skin etc. You still have to be careful afterwards since your "pea" sized stomach stretches after a while as you increase your food and you can gain weight back. And there are food they can never eat again, it just upsets their digestive tracts. it takes patience and self control. Personally, if I needed it for any reason, I'd do it. Umpty-ump years ago I had liposuction as I was built like a pear, couldn't find comfortable clothes, dieted, excercised etc. I had it done 3x (2nd and 3rd time almost free-as I was nominated to be a spokesperson for the surgeon on the benefits). Best thing I ever did. Upped my self esteem like nobody's business. Oops, I guess my secret is out.
I feel for your situation. I hope things get better. Fingers crossed that things work out. Teachers in my county are paid a fortune, which includes medical benefits for their families. Our school tax bill is enormous.

01-21-2006, 05:52 AM
Teachers in my county are paid a fortune, which includes medical benefits for their families. Our school tax bill is enormous.
I know! If he moved to your district, its be almost $30,000 jump! Believe me, we've thought about it! :p As you might remember, I'm orginally from your area (went ot college down the street) and moved up here to marry him. I have tried time and time again to move us down there, but in the past two years housing costs have skyrocketed to beyond our means. oh well.

As for your experience.... sorry they are missing out on your husband. They missed out on my dad too. He's incredibly intelligent but because he's over 50 and has a physical handicap, they pass him up every time. After nearly 10 years of being unemployed from his "real job" he's been working asa security gaurd and now as a greeter at Walmart. All that talent and insight wasted because he doesn't fit their concept of a marketing & finance manager. :rolleyes:

Maya & Inka's mommy
01-21-2006, 06:32 AM
Good Luck !!!!!!!!!!!!!

01-21-2006, 10:06 AM
Oh Kim, I pray that Grant will be considered SERIOUSLY for a position in this new district if one opens! Society today STINKS! :(

01-21-2006, 12:09 PM
Prayers on the way from me.

When will the world 'GET IT' it's the way a person treats another that counts; not what they look like!!!!!!!!!! :(