View Full Version : Now what? Poor Pouncer :(

01-19-2006, 02:58 PM
Sigh, Kirstin and I seem to be following the same path right now with continued health problems of our cats. :(

Pouncer's been responding well to the meds for his peeing problem, but since last night, he's been vomiting a LOT. He's makes this STRANGE sound right before he vomits, almost like a moan. There's no hair in the vomit (of course I checked the contents of it! :o )

In the past, he HAS been my pukey boy (he didn't earn the nickname Sir Pukalot for no reason) but this seems different. Could it be a reaction to the extended time on steriouds? He's been on Prednizone for a solid two weeks now. I started weening him to once daily last night (it was twice daily til then) and he's on Clavimox. He finished the last day of another med two days ago (don't ask me what it was or what it did, I have no clue :o )

If he still continues to vomit tonight and tomorrow we'll be running to the vets. I just wasn't sure if this could be a reaction or not.

I think I've aged ten years in the past few months with him :(

01-19-2006, 03:05 PM
Is this a tabby thing ? Pouncer stop it right now no more scaring mommy. Sorry you are going thru this . Just as I told Kirsten Hugs and prayers to you and pouncer.

01-19-2006, 03:16 PM
Oh Kim (((HUGS))) I don't know what to tell you except to take Mr. Pouncer, sit him down, and tell him to stop doing this because he is worring not only you but all of us here on PT. :(

01-19-2006, 04:18 PM
Its so hard..... He was curled up on the bed and I of course had to scoop him up and cuddle him. I could tell he feels icky.

Just now everyone is chowing down on food and he's curled into a tight on the windowsill, soaking up the heat from the lamp. He looks so sad and its painfully apparent that he feels bad.

I am so torn between calling the vet and just seeing what happens. He could just have eaten a bug that isn't coming back up (which would not be the first time he's done that :rolleyes: )

It doesn't help when I myself am being lauged with stress migraines. :( I can barely deal with my own pounding head to see him feeling bad.

Laura's Babies
01-19-2006, 04:55 PM
Jee whiz! Poor Pouncer! What are you DOING BOY??? :eek: You are suppose to be getting better so your Mommie won't worry! Think we can work harder on that? Can you at least TRY?

01-19-2006, 05:08 PM
I would call the vet.

01-19-2006, 05:27 PM
Pouncer Angel is coming over with Some Momma Cat Angels and a Mandarin Chinese Buffet Kitty Bag,so they can tend to Pouncers Little Protege.
Prayers are on the way,that Pouncer will shake this,and be a well Happy Cat very soon.

01-19-2006, 05:28 PM
(((((((Hugs))))))))) Kim :( I would call the vet first thing in the morning if he shows no improvement over night. Hopefully it's just the meds.

01-19-2006, 11:23 PM
Poor Pouncer. :( I'd also call the vet in the morning if he isn't showing any improvement. You may also just want to call them and ask them if vomiting is one of the side affects from these medications. I remember that when my furkids were on antibiotics and if I gave it to them on an empty stomach, then this would cause them to vomit. I hope he feels better soon.(((HUGS)))

01-20-2006, 07:41 AM
I wonder why the vet did not put Pouncer on a stomach acid controller, like famotidine(pepcid). Ralph gets 2.5mg(a 10mg cut into quarters) 15 minutes BEFORE he eats and that seems to help with the vomiting. See what your vet thinks. Be careful with the predisone, it has to be tapered slowly...Prayers for Pouncer(and you)!!

01-20-2006, 07:42 AM
Kim, I'm so sorry!!!! I know exactly what you're going through, I'm going through the same hell here right now. :(

Like you, I'm worrying myself sick over this, I'm "trembling inside", just as if I had too many cups of coffee. And I'm close to tears all the time.

I would call the vet, too. It breaks my heart to read that Pouncer is feeling so miserable, and I can see the same discomfort in Luna's face.



K & L
01-20-2006, 08:19 AM
This could be from medication. Bo had this reaction to an antibiotic and they had to switch it. She did much better then. Good luck.

01-20-2006, 08:35 AM
Well, he vomited again this morning, but not nearly as much this time.

Hubby commented last night how Pouncer is looking skinny. I said, "I know :(" and he replied, "Oh! I meant thats a good thing!" (we have overweight kitties and are constantly trying to get them slimmmed down, but Pouncer is the only one who doesn't need to be slimmed) :(

He weight 13 pounds when he went to that awful vet last week. I don't have an accurate scale at home, so I'm going to take him in to Petsmart today to weigh him and show him to one of the directors of the rescue (she'll be there... One By One is the rescue that has the cages) to see if she thinks he looks sick. If she does, then that means he REALLY looks sick. We all know what our cats look like, so sometimes we notice tiny little differences that tells us they are sick. If she takes one look at him and notices that he's not feeling well.... you KNOW he's a sick boy.

As for the Pred, I am being very serious about slowly weening him off it. I have not missed a dose yet. I try to give it to him at the same time every day, though it hasn't always been possible. He had the full dose of it for two SOLID weeks. I started weenining him to once daily the night before he started vomiting.

Pawsitive Thinking
01-20-2006, 09:03 AM
Lots of hugs and kisses heading to the dear little pusscat

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-20-2006, 09:54 AM
I actually think the puking could be from the Clavamox, not the Pred. Pred reduces inflamation and calms things down. CJ was a puker from the day I brought him home, but since he's been on Pred 1/2 a day, the puking has virtually stopped. I can't remember the last time he puked. It could be that the Pred was making his body capable of handling the Clavamox, and now that you're reducing the Pred, his body is rejecting the Clavamox. When I gave Peanut Clavamox, she started throwing up and I didn't realize why until one morning she threw up immediately after I gave it to her. When I went back to the vet, she mentioned that some cats can't tolerate Clavamox. She then gave her Amoxycilin (sp?) and she hasn't thrown up since....well...except for yesterday after Terry gave her some milk. ;)

I was doing some research on Pred. since it looks like CJ might be a life long user of it, and it isn't as terrible as everyone makes it out to be if its given correctly. It actually replaces/supplements a hormone (I think it was) that their bodies make naturally. Their bodies normally produce the most naturally in the mornings, and the pred supposedly stays in their systems for 1 1/2 days. That's why vets normally suggest cutting down to every other day dosages. But what I didn't know, was that it should be given in the evenings so it doesn't mess with their natural production of it, which could be bad if you ever want to take them off it.

Anyway, I think you're doing the right thing by taking him to the director to get her opinion, the maybe off to the vet.....and possibly a different antibiotic?


01-20-2006, 10:32 AM
Thanks for the info on Pred! I was actually doing it right - I've been giving him the dose at night! Woohoo!

I took him to get weighed and he's the same and the director said he doesn't look sick... in fact he DIDN'T! He was perky and as sweet as can be :p

Sara luvs her Tinky
01-20-2006, 10:48 AM
YAY! Pouncer!! I'm glad you are feeling better.

*KISSES* for you sweet Pouncer!!! :)

01-20-2006, 11:29 AM
Kim, I'm glad to hear that Pouncer is feeling better. :)