View Full Version : Dachshund won't potty train!

01-01-2001, 10:03 PM
I have a dachshund that was born on August 4, 2000. I purchased him from a pet store the second week of October and have gotten nowhere potty training him since then.
I have tried to keep my eye on him every second, but somehow he manages to pee in what little time it takes me to turn around to grab a paper towel to dry my hands. I have tried to remain positive about the situation, but the little guy won't even potty outside because it's too cold for him (I live in Nebraska)and he can't relax enought to pee. I live over a half mile from any road but can't allow him to sit outside alone for any length of time because I've already had coyotes up near the house because they hear him crying to get in when it's cold.
My husband is definitely at the end of his rope with this dog and I'm very close myself. I can't continue to clean up pee and poop constantly. I'd love to hear any suggestions.

01-02-2001, 03:47 AM
i know what you are going through.Our dog George is nearly one and we are just about getting it right with him.Do u leave your dog for long hours alone during the day because he must get in a routine,ie as soon as you wake up he goes out,but feed him before this,and just before bed time.He is old enough now to control his bladder so it is a routine with him now,and it will take patiance to break.Do not shout at him when he does it and never rub his nose in it,just remain calm because shouting and screaming is a form of attension for him.Reward him if he does anything outside with a favourite treet.You may have tried these things,but you probably did not do it long enough for it to get results.Aso u can try putting news paper down,the dog should do it on this,then slowly keep moving it towards the door,eventually putting it outside,where the dog can see it.Once a puppy gets into a routine it is very difficult to break without a great deal of patiance.Good luck!!!!!!!!!
Nick,Manchester UK

01-02-2001, 04:32 AM
By the sound of it you HAVE trained the pup pretty well. He has learned that it is a bad idea to eliminate while you are watching him and waits for your attention to be diverted.
If it is really too cold outside you could start the whole process again using dog litter, there are several on the U.S. market - look in the canine press for more details. When the weather improves this can then be gradually moved outside and dismantled until you are using a sprinkle of litter on the ground where you want the pup to go.
You and your husband must relax about this issue, though. It is annoying and frustrating but the dog is picking up the tension and this is reinforcing his decision to eliminate quickly while your attention is diverted. Totally ignore mistakes and the dog while you clean up. Give cuddles and treats as soon as he performs correctly.
Good luck with it, keep warm and let us know how you get on.

01-02-2001, 06:19 AM
Please don't give up. Try taking him out on a leash for elimination and keep walking him. Tell him to "go potty" or whatever phrase you want to use. As Nick said, be calm. Eventually he will do what needs to be done. Then praise him like crazy and give him a tiny treat. Act like it is the most wonderful thing in the world. This way you will know that he has "gone". You should take him out right when you get up, after he eats, after periods of lots of activity, and right before bed. You may have to take him out five or six times a day. I know this is awful weather to do this in, believe me, I had to do it myself with my dog, Hannah, who I am sure holds the world's record for taking the longest for housebreaking. I won't tell you how long it took, but that eventually she was completely housebroken. She now takes care of everything on her own. Please don't give up. I have living proof that determination, commitment on your part, and a lot of hard work do pay off.

01-02-2001, 02:09 PM
Mybe you could buy him some boots and a warm jacket so he won't be so cold when he's outside so he might be more contrable and go to the bathroom