View Full Version : Vacation!

01-18-2006, 09:18 PM
This is not a definite plan, but I may be going on a big vacation. My Godfather has a condo in Sarasota Florida and we may go stay there for a week and then to the Bahamas for four days. Then, back to the Condo for another week. It's so pretty there. Right on the beach. Owls,ducks,sandpipers,sea turtles,seagulls,and nature EVERYWHERE! Well, now to the point. THE BAHAMAS! Well, has anyone ever been there? Or to the Atlantis? I just want to know what it's like.

Laura's Babies
01-18-2006, 10:41 PM
I have been in that area (Florida)and it is beautiful down there!

Anita Cholaine
01-19-2006, 08:46 AM
Haven't been in the Bahamas, but I know that it is a BEAUTIFUL place... :D I'm sure that you will love it! ;)

01-19-2006, 01:49 PM
Yes, it is beautiful there! :) :D

01-19-2006, 01:52 PM
Ah, you lucky duck. I always think it's funny when people say they think of Palm trees and beaches when they think of Florida. There are a lot of beaches, considering we're a Peninsula, but I never see Palms! I live in North Florida though (actually I'm only 10 minutes away from Georgia), so that's probably got something to do with it. I remember when I went to Tampa I noticed quite a few Palms, and they were so pretty. I want to go back to South Florida! I've never been further down than Tampa :(

Oh, and I just wanted to add that you all are so confusing with the same siggys and avatars! ;)

01-19-2006, 01:56 PM
I've never been there but have a cd from atlantis we got when we were trying to win a trip from our business looks cool

01-19-2006, 03:31 PM
We went to Sarasota last year (And we are going this year) and it was AMAZING! It was the first time I ever saw a beach! It's so beautiful! Have fun if you do you!!

01-19-2006, 05:10 PM

2 summers ago I spent a week in the Bahamas scuba diving. It was AWESOME! And soo incredibly beautiful, we would lay for hours at night on the deck of the boat and just stare at the stars...it was perfect. The only island I went to was Bimini, and even then we couldn't stay long, most of my time was spent underwater ;) I have a hard time scuba diving in my Michigan lakes now, the water was so warm and so clear down there! We went to a few beaches and collected sea shells, it was one of the most amazing trips I've been on.

lol, I have to agree with Sarah's comment about the confusingness ;)

01-19-2006, 05:20 PM
Ah, you lucky duck. I always think it's funny when people say they think of Palm trees and beaches when they think of Florida. There are a lot of beaches, considering we're a Peninsula, but I never see Palms! I live in North Florida though (actually I'm only 10 minutes away from Georgia), so that's probably got something to do with it. I remember when I went to Tampa I noticed quite a few Palms, and they were so pretty. I want to go back to South Florida! I've never been further down than Tampa :(
Haha, we have palm trees all over the place. I have several different kinds of palms in my yard.

01-19-2006, 08:57 PM
I think I've seen more Palms then you! LOL! I've seen to many. I know the sigs are confusing lol. That's awesome k9krazee! I would love to go and do that! But my sister is afriad of sharks! It's so annoying, we can't do anything because of her. I'm leaving her on the deck lol! :rolleyes: