View Full Version : Flowers and a poem for my boy (Fenway)...

Anita Cholaine
01-18-2006, 01:57 PM
My dear Fenway, this is a little example of my love...

Hope you like flowers.........



And a little poem for you....



Your Anita...

01-18-2006, 01:59 PM
Dat was so romantic Anita! :D
<3-Lily & Roxy

01-18-2006, 02:21 PM
HUBBA HUBBA....(swoon...swoon...swoon)....(drool...drool ...drool)

My dearest Anita, Mi Amor....I don't deserve you. I am nothing but a silly Perro. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen. When I look into your big brown eyes, I see the world in a slew of colors.

A poem for you, my lovely Anita:

Of Pearls and Stars
by Heinrich Heine

The pearly treasures of the sea,
The lights that spatter heaven above,
More precious than these wonders are
My heart-of-hearts filled with your love.

The ocean's power, the heavenly sights
Cannot outweigh a love filled heart.
And sparkling stars or glowing pearls
Pale as love flashes, beams and darts.

So, little, youthful maiden come
Into my ample, feverish heart
For heaven and earth and sea and sky
Do melt as love has melt my heart.


Anita Cholaine
01-18-2006, 02:35 PM
OMG, I'm meeeelting....... I love you, Fenway!! Of course you deserve me, 'cause we belong together...........


Forever yours,
Anita ;)

Miss Z
01-18-2006, 02:49 PM
!:) :D Aaaaw, cute pups, cute poem:D :)!