View Full Version : Long Time No see

01-18-2006, 11:54 AM
Hello everyone. How are you? Good I sure hope. How are all your pet babies? Alot has happened here. Star and Lizzy are no longer with me but live with my uncle and sister at his place. He lives out in the country with lots of land to run, and its safe. I had to give them away because I moved in with my boyfriend and he has pit bulls. I love the dogs, sweet as they can be, but it was just too stressful trying to get Star, Lizzy, and the dogs to get along. Of course I cried but I really think it was the best thing to do for all of us.

Let me know about whats new with you, I'd love to get all caught up.


01-18-2006, 02:11 PM
I am sorry you had to give up your babies! But I am glad everything is going ok. :D

I am good, and so are the pups!

Oreo says hi! And my other pets are good also. We all missed you!