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View Full Version : Lates update on Eddie

Laura's Babies
01-18-2006, 11:40 AM
I have been super worried about Eddie for months. He keeps infections and as you know, infections are a burn victems worst fear. He has had a really nasty one MRSA that has been in his blood stream and I was really scared of that one. Tests have been done on everyone that has come in contact with him to see who possiably carried it into him and he has had it treated and now, all he has is a few more days of treatement left to do and will be done with that.

I have worried about how all these infections and treatments for them have made him feel as he has not been wanting to do his physical therapy like he needs. The nursing care on the floor has been of a lot lower standard than he got in Burn Trama to the point that they left him sitting in a chair for 60 hours at a time ONCE... I say ONCE, because that will NOT happen again or else!

NOw, he is apparently infection FREE and he is feeling so much better that he is..

His wife wrote on our web sight...

Eddie has been a busy beaver lately. He's taken to cleaning his room. By cleaning that means dragging everything out then rearranging it and putting it somewhere that no one can find it. Drives the nurses nuts, I just sit and knit and let him at it. Looks a lot tidier though. He's been throwing things away right and left. He's been doing tons of walking and I think that it really gives him energy. Still no word on any future surgery. I'm beginning to wonder if they're just letting him heal on his own.

What a differance this is in him! This is our old Eddie coming back to us. Regina told me on the phone yesterday that ODSU is leaving him unwrapped now and she was blown away at what they had been keeping wrapped.. There are very few and pretty small places that are well onto healing left on him. These are the places she wonders if they are letting heal on their own.. LETS HOPE SO!

All this news has me doing the Happy Dance and I have renewed hope, possiably this could be the beginning of the end!? It is going on 9-10 months since that panel box exploded on him, setting him on fire on May 4th, 2005. He has come a LONG way since that day, still has a long way to go but having all the wounds healed up is a major event! I am so thrilled!!!

NOTE: todays update further down and it is exciting news too!

01-18-2006, 12:10 PM
so glad to hear once they get past the pity stage it's all easier . sounds like hes getting to I will live and I'm taking charge stage. Thats the best . Just letting him tdo the cleaning is the best . CONGRATS

01-18-2006, 12:31 PM
NOw, he is apparently infection FREE and he is feeling so much better that he is..

This is the best news...that infection is so nasty and burn victims cannot recover until that infection is cured.

And I think "driving the nurses nuts" is a really really healthy sign. ;)

01-18-2006, 02:53 PM
Im so happy to hear Eddie is doing good and infection free. :) .how thrilling for him and his family..your all in my prayers..What kind of panel blew up???

01-18-2006, 05:31 PM
He has been through so much, I am glad things are looking up.

Laura's Babies
01-18-2006, 06:46 PM
poofy, it was an electricl panal box that he was working on that blew up.. I thought he was the safest of my kids being an electrician, I had no idea those boxes could explode!

01-18-2006, 06:55 PM
Oh my esp just opening the box..Ihave brothers and a brother in law that are electricians..Its aways dangerous , no matter what they do, a friend cutting a palm tree, lost his grip and his belt got tangled up and the palm fell on his head and smothered him to death..it was such a shock as he wasnt even very high..Im so happy eddie is doing better..Prayer changes things and I belive the lord was on his side..thank the Lord hes doing so much better..im so glad..

Laura's Babies
01-18-2006, 07:02 PM
Todays update, even MORE exciting!!

I just got back to the hospital from work and Eddie was quite proud to show me that he is feeding-tube free! This is great news. He scooped the old tube out of the garbage to show it to me "Here it is. . ." He says that they've determined that his appetite is just fine and that his levels are all fine. He'll have to drink a protein drink everyday ~ but big deal ~ I'll pour it in him myself. That removes the last thing they were able to come into his room during the night and bug him about - turning it off. He also had another shower today, that always makes him feel better, he doesn't even need anything for pain before he gets pounded by the water.

( I suspect he will miss that tube as he has had that as his constant copmpanion since the accident!)

Ginger's Mom
01-18-2006, 09:27 PM
That latest update really is good news. I am so glad to hear that he is constantly improving. He really has been through so much, you all have.

01-19-2006, 03:14 AM
Wonderful news about Eddie :)

I suppose that feeding tube could also be the reason for infections? I am so glad to hear that he's now feeding tube free, infection free AND had a shower.

I think frequently of him and hope he continues to improve :)

Laura's Babies
01-19-2006, 09:47 AM
Barbara, anything that invades his body could be a source of infection, that is one reason why that is such great news that it has been removed! It was such a problem eating with that thing in the way that he has had a real problem with it. NOW he is completely MOBILE! He was very embarrassed the way people would stare at him when we would take him around the hospital but I know it was shocking to many to see this thing hanging out of his nose.. This means maybe he can look more "normal" and not be stared at. They are also letting him wear scrubs and more "normal" type clothing to go out of his room.

01-19-2006, 01:21 PM
Laura, what uplifting reports!!!! Eddie has remained on our prayer list and in our prayers. Sounds like he is really doing well now!!!! :D
