View Full Version : Why didn't I learn???

01-18-2006, 09:31 AM
Sigh, I'm sitting here bored out of my mind... starting taxes for 2005. Hubby is adamant that we get everything to the accountant this week for finaincial aid for the kids' colleges.... and I have not done ONE THING regarding record keeping for my business last year. Not one receipt entered into a spread sheet. So I have a whole year's worth of receipts in three different folders, and I lost quite a few along the way. The big one is the $300 scanner, which I also bought the extended warranty since I have bad luck with scanners... so a big purchase was made with no proof of it. :o

I have calls into the car repair shop, the doctor, the pharmacy, etc for them to print up a record of all the purchases I made throughout the year so I can use those as deductions. At least then I don't have to hunt down those recipts ;)

I went through this SAME EXACT THING last year and SWORE I was going to be organized and together so that I wouldn't have to die of boredom in January.

So far otday I've done laundry, played online, cleaned out litterboxes, vaccuumed, and photgraphed the cats... all in an attempt to feel too busy to do what I needs to get done :rolleyes:

01-18-2006, 09:42 AM
Reminds me of when I was in college and had a paper due...the house was never cleaner :D

I play a little game with myself, I set a timer and say for say 20 minutes I have to just work on the taxes, when the timer goes off you can play again.

01-18-2006, 10:48 AM
I'm in the same boat I did atleast have orders and deliveries but the postage and trip bills have to be done. Grrrrr

Laura's Babies
01-18-2006, 11:56 AM
Your orginazation skills sound exactly like mine! I bought a filing cabinet to get orginazied and did get what I had all neately done and kept up with it on a monthly basis until Eddies accident.. now everything is in bags. :confused:

Hopefully, 2006 will be a better year?

01-18-2006, 12:56 PM
Did you-maybe- pay for that scanner with a credit card?

How about getting a credit card to use for only business-related purchases? Then you wouldn't have to panic if you "lost" a receipt. ;)

01-18-2006, 12:59 PM
I have NO credit cards and never eever want another one in my life (at least til I break away from living paycheck to paycheck)

I did find the reciept. I had a little party to celebrate. :D I had a bunch of additional items on the receipt, so it was a major one -- the bottom line was $500 in business expenses. Thank God I found it!

I'm also trying to figure out my road trips and what I paid for tolls and parking, gas, etc. I hate that I did this to myself! :o