View Full Version : cut in his ear

01-18-2006, 09:00 AM
Sammy has a little gash looking thing on the inside of his ear. it's little and you can see blood and stuff. the little peice of skin is still hanging there. Any thing I can do at home without taking him to the vet?

01-18-2006, 09:14 AM
Is it bleeding or anything?

As long as its not bleeding a lot and is small like you said, I'd probably just put some peroxide on it a couple times a day and maybe a tiny bit of neosporin on it for a day or two.

Is the flap of skin big or small? Kind of like a hang-nail?

01-18-2006, 09:34 AM
it's small. a little like a hang nail i guess. it isn't bleeding, you can just see the red flesh. he seems to be itching that ear alot to. i will ask my mom to put neosporin on it because we have some of that.

01-18-2006, 09:37 AM
Just try to keep him from itching it & put a little ointment on there a couple times a day. It should heal up fine on its own.
If you can get him to stop itching his ear a lot it will heal even faster.

01-18-2006, 09:40 AM
ok when he does i will give him a toy and distract him. i am home sick form school today so i can watch him.