View Full Version : Vaccinations

01-17-2006, 10:33 PM
I had an awful scare today after Cosmo got his yearly vaccination, hours later he acted sick, really tired, not wanting to walk, just acting really lethargic. I called my vet back and he said that Cosmo was having side affects from the shots, to give him some benadryl. This evening he is feeling a little better, but not much. I was told by my vet he should be feeling better within 24 hours. :(

Now this makes me wonder how safe these shots are!!

01-17-2006, 11:44 PM
I don't believe in annual vaccinations --- I think the first initial puppy shots are all that is needed. Vaccines are overrated and they are causing so much havoc in the health of dogs. Vaccines can even give the dog the disease it is being vaccinated against.

My dog, Visa, almost died as a puppy because a dog from another litter developed parvo after recieving a parvo vaccine and then Visa recieved the shot -- the shot weakened her immune system and she also developed parvo. Her breeder spent $2000 trying to keep the puppies alive. Only Visa and two of her siblings survived.

01-18-2006, 07:37 AM
But isn't it a law to have your dog updated with shots? What happens if your dog bites someone? This is the only reason I got Cosmo his shots was because of a chance of him biting someone. I have two indoor cats that I don't get their year shots, but I feel a dog is different since he I do walk him and kids come over to play.

01-18-2006, 08:26 AM
Honestly I dont think there is a law, but yeah wouldnt it be dangerous to not have them vaccinated?

01-18-2006, 09:41 AM
The only thing a dog can be vaccinated against that can be contracted to humans is rabies --- I would only vaccinate against it if rabies was something common in the area, or if your dog is likely to bite someone. It depends on your area whether updated shots are mandatory or not. Over here the vaccine laws aren't taken seriously, so it doesn't matter if my dog is caught without updated rabies vaccinations or not. Studies have shown that one rabies vaccine can last atleast ten years. Dogs should not be vaccinated against it yearly -- it causes cancer and other diseases -- the only reason there are yearly vaccinations is people's paranoia and the fact that vets get alot of money out of yearly vaccinations.

01-18-2006, 09:43 AM
Gee...Roxy's only had her Rabies Vaccination this year, my grandpa insisted it was all she needed, Really the only thing common here is Parvo and Kennel Cough. Lily's almost done with all her puppy shots, and shes already gotten her Rabies, and shes getting an Intranasal Kennel Cough shot.

01-18-2006, 10:00 AM
It depends on where you take your dogs in my opinion. My cat stayed indoors so I tried not to over vaccinate. My dogs go camping with me, to dog parks, to hotels, etc. They get the works come vaccination time, they even get vaccinated for giardia.

Its a personal choice, luckily my dogs have not had bad reactions to the vacinnes, most rabies are 3 year shots after the first year.

01-18-2006, 10:04 AM
My vet won't let my dogs stay there if their vaccines aren't up to date. Short visits (appts.) are okay but any longer and they'll vaccinate them.