View Full Version : Telling your own love story....

01-17-2006, 08:09 PM
I was browsing Lifetime tonight and happened upon a new "contest" they are having --- tell your love story (or freakishly bad date story ;) ) in 500 words or less, and include a photo or video.

I spent the night writing about hubby and me, and I feel all warm and fuzzy inside now :) It helped me realize what a truly awesome guy I have and how lucky I am to have him.

Try it and see if it makes you smile too! :) I hope it does. Anyone brave enough to share what they write to Lifetime?

Lifetime Love Stories (http://lifetimetv.com/cgi/stunts/love/submission.cgi)

Wouldn't it be cool if a PTer entered and actually got to tell their love story on national television?

01-17-2006, 08:43 PM
I was 15 a shopmore in high scool when my friends and i decided to have a birthday party for my mom( every one loved my mom some times I would have to take a number to talk to her) we were short dance partners so sharon my best freind invited Tim to the party (she knew him from his uncles teen night club she was 17) I was supposed to have a partner but at the end of the evening Alan took one of my other freinds home. :confused: I was staying the night at Sharons as her folks were gone and I had the guts to tell the guys to leave (played mom even then I was the youngest). After the party it was early so we sat and watched a movie after witch I made every one go home . as the others were out heating up the pavement saying good bye Tim asked me out. He was 18 and out of school my folks freaked I had never been boy crazy ,so they were shocked . My brother thought we had been busted for some thing the way my folks were acting.
They let me go and we only missed 3 weekends for 3 years of dating (we lived 30miles apart) we got married after 3 more years daughter born then 22 months later son . We have will have been married 27 years on St. Patricks day.
We have conquered cancer and blown disks and still together stronger than ever.
My man is great I think I'll keep him.