View Full Version : Dear Gavin

Edwina's Secretary
01-17-2006, 11:53 AM
Dear Gavin,

Hey cousin! Old buddy,old pal! I need a favor. My mummy is soooooo cheap she won't turn on the furnace. It is 57F (14C) in here. She told me I have three choices....
deal with it
cuddle with Eddie
put on a sweater......

So.... remember that sweater I borrowed from you? Could I borrow it again?




ps. She has me on a diet too. Doesn't she know I need those calories to keep warm???? :( :( :(

01-17-2006, 12:07 PM
Edwina, that coat is simply devine! I would love to have it for these cold Vermont nights. Our mom keeps the thermostat really low at night and we are resigned to using the bottom half of the bed that has an electric sheet on it. The bunnies have it even worse; they are sleeping out on the porch! Poor dears. They seem to like it though, go figure.

Anyway Edwina, my advice to you is to take advantage of having a fellow/partner to snuggle with....and bite the bullet and cuddle like heck with Eddie. I bet he would love it. If you could just get over your....well.....your dislike for Eddie, maybe you would benefit!

The alternative would be to order a heated bed over the internet. You'll need your mom's credit card, but thats all. Good luck.

Your shivering friend,

Lucy Lu - a camper

01-17-2006, 12:14 PM

Miss Edwina you look so stunning in this coat!
My cat boys think you should be a pin-up girl!
They would love for you to snuggle with them!:D

Laura's Babies
01-17-2006, 12:18 PM
:eek: OH MY GOD! I am rolling on the floor laughing here! Thses pictures are waaaaaay to funny!

01-17-2006, 12:23 PM
Dear Edwina,

You look smashing in that coat, but it's not very easy to move around in, is it!! :rolleyes: I don't blame you if you borrow your mom's credit card and order a heated bed, but you could also go and cuddle up with Eddie, as SAS suggested. We would all LOVE to see that!! :) ;) :D

I'm lucky concerning heat, my mom keeps it on at least 22 degrees during the day and about 18 in the night - I go cuddle with her in bed anyway. :)

Edwina, one of these days when your mom gets a cold, she'll surrender and put it on. If she doesn't, go and find her creditcard .... but I warn you, it may take some time, because she has lots of them.

Yours in sympathy,

PS. Edwina, being on a diet as well, is just being too cruel!!

Killearn Kitties
01-17-2006, 01:03 PM
:eek: Edwina, that is outrageous! 14 degrees? That amounts to cruel and unusual punishment. I think this must be a phsycological battle; mummy wants you to snuggle with Eddie, so she wants you to feel cold on your own. You wish to remain aloof from Eddie and would like mummy to turn on the heating, making the whole house more to your liking. Who will crack first?

Anyway, how come it is only 16 degrees in our house when the heating is off and you have 14 degrees in sunny California?

01-17-2006, 01:13 PM
Edwina, you look very cool in your coat and I hope it keeps you warm.

I think your mom's credit card is the right advice: Why don't you borrow it for a flight to Munich: we even have beds that hang at the heater and Mom lets in on all night just for me.

Filou ;)

Edwina's Secretary
01-17-2006, 01:59 PM
Anyway, how come it is only 16 degrees in our house when the heating is off and you have 14 degrees in sunny California?

You probably don't leave a window open for "fresh air"...... :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

01-17-2006, 03:17 PM
My, what style!

Edwina, darling, if it is too cold, I say take that card and buy a heated bed or ask Eddie to turn on the furnace - he's big and strong and he probably knows how to do that ;)

01-17-2006, 03:48 PM
Edwina Darling,
I must say you are weathering the cold with dignity. Meowmie is doing much the same here - she says last month's gas bill means we have to be a bit cooler this month.

Pouncer is hiding under the blankets on the bed, Harry is hogging the shelf above the radiator. Flutter is snuggling up to Allen. Where does that leave me? I certainly am NOT going to snuggle with Pouncer under the blankets (though it was LOTS of fun to jump and smack him this afternoon and not have him slap me back!)

Why do we females have to suffer the way we do? Do they not see how unfair they are being by not offering us the proper amout of heat?

Yours in shivers,

PS: While you are ordering one of those heated beds with meowmie's credit cared, would you be a doll and order one for me?

01-17-2006, 04:15 PM
Oh Darling Edwina, I do hope that Gavin will kindly loan you that sweater again, as you are such the Cat's Meow in it!

If not .... cuddling with Eddie might not be a bad option! Hey, we'll all know it was just a necessity and not an act of affection on your part! ;)

Warmly and affectionately yours!

01-17-2006, 05:04 PM
oh - our dear miss Edwina - such a pity.

Little girl Jan recommends snuggling in clean laundry - it keeps her quite warm.